National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Tallahassee, Florida
Large banner image of SEAC archeologists conducting fieldwork.
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SEAC: About Us

Image of interior of SEAC facilities.For nearly forty years, the Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) has fulfilled federal requirements for the protection of cultural resources by performing archeological research, promoting education and outreach, providing collections and information management services, and offering technical support for national park units located in the Southeast Region. Additionally, SEAC maintains interagency assistance programs to help carry out the responsibilities of the Secretary of the Interior to assist Federal and state agencies outside of the National Park Service in cultural resources compliance, archeological site stabilization, CRM planning, and public education and outreach. The mission of the Center is to facilitate long-term protection, use, and appreciation of archeological and cultural resources in the southeastern United States and beyond.

The Southeast Archeological Center is organized into three sections which provide cultural resouce management services:

Next: History of the Center. . .

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