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About the Great Lakes Region

R5 Federal Acquisition Service
(312) 886-8900
Fax (312) 886-8901
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R5 Public Buildings Service
Fax 312-353-9832
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GSA Chicago Federal Plaza - photo rendering

The Great Lakes Region is committed to providing superior workplaces, expert solutions, acquisition plans, and management services - at best value - to help federal agencies serve the public more effectively. In support of our customers' goals, GSA Great Lakes: 

  • Owns and/or manages 979 properties, totaling 33,911,786 square feet of space; these include 36 historic buildings, 14 land ports of entry, and 25 buildings with Energy Star designations.
  • Maintains a collection of 94 pieces of fine art and 25 installed Art in Architecture works.
  • Operates a fleet of 14,453 vehicles, 7,711 of which use alternative fuels.
  • Outleases 111,907 square feet of vacant space to private businesses and the general public via 74 different lease agreements; these outleases added $3 million to the Federal Buildings Fund for building upkeep in 2008.
  • Awarded 34.4% of its total regional contracting dollars to small businesses.
  • Boasts outstanding tenant satisfaction with nearly 82% reporting "very satisfied" or above on the 2008 GSA/Gallup customer satisfaction survey.
  • Maintains 89,217 phone/data lines throughout the region.
  • Recycled 7,716 tons of waste in 2008, generating $227,815 in revenue, avoiding $568,045 in shipping/disposal costs, and diverting 62% of its waste from landfills.
  • Donated $39.5 million worth of excess and surplus property to state and municipal agencies in 2008.

Source: Fiscal Year 2008 Statistical Card for the GSA Great Lakes Region