OEMM: Altnernative Energy Programs ~ Interim Policy Proposed Projects
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   Renewable Energy Program

Interim Policy Proposed Projects

On November 6, 2007, the Minerals Management Service (MMS) published in the Federal Register a request for information and nominations of areas for leases authorizing renewable energy resource assessment and technology testing activities on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Following the initial announcement, MMS received more than 40 nominations of areas proposed for limited leasing off the West and East coasts. In April, MMS identified a subset of 16 proposed lease areas for priority consideration and provided public notice of those areas for the purpose of determining competitive interest as required by EPAct and for receiving relevant environmental or other information. The comment period on the April notice closed on June 30, 2008. Since that time, four applicants withdrew their nominations. MMS’s decisions concerning the remaining 13 proposed lease areas are below, along with project profiles for each State.

bullet New Jersey, Delaware, and Georgia—MMS will proceed with a noncompetitive leasing process for the 10 lease areas (six off NJ, one off DE, and three off GA) proposed offshore these States for site assessment activities relating to wind resources.
bullet Florida—MMS will proceed with a noncompetitive leasing process for the four leasing areas proposed off the southeast coast of this State for site assessment and/or technology testing activities relating to ocean current resources.

Last Updated: 04/22/2009, 08:16 AM Central Time