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Funding Opportunities

Sponges provide habitat for many coral reef fish.
Photo Credit: Andy Bruckner.

The NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program supports two grant programs for coral reef conservation activities. Information is also provided on other grant programs in NOAA that may support coral reef conservation activities. Click on the titles of the programs for additional information.

NOAA Coral Reef Grant Opportunities
Other NOAA Funding Opportunities

NOAA Coral Reef Funding Opportunities

NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Grant Program Each year, subject to the availability of funds, this program supports grants in the following categories: State and Territory Coral Reef Ecosystem Management; State and Territory Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring; Coral Reef Ecosystem Research; Projects to Improve or Amend Coral Reef Fishery Management Plans; General Coral Reef Conservation; and International Coral Reef Conservation. From 2002 to 2007, NOAA has supported over $34.8 million in matching grants through this program. Approximately $7.3 million was appropriated for the fiscal year 2008 awards and a similar amount is anticipated for fiscal year 2009 grants (pending appropriations).

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Coral Reef Conservation Fund The Coral Reef Conservation Fund (Fund) is a partnership between NOAA and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The Fund works to build public-private partnerships to reduce and prevent degradation of coral reefs and associated reef habitats.

Coral Reef Management Fellowship The Coral Reef Management Fellowship program was established to respond to the need for additional coral reef management capacity in the U.S. Flag Pacific and Caribbean islands. The program provides the state and territorial coral reef management agencies with highly qualified candidates whose education and work experience meet each island’s specific coral reef management needs, while providing the individual fellows with professional training and experience in coastal and coral reef resource management.


octocorals or soft corals
Looking down at a coral polyp under the microscope showing the septa, pieces of tissue that divide the polyp.

Other NOAA Funding Opportunities

The NOAA programs listed below support grant programs that may provide funding for coral reef conservation activities.

NOAA's Marine Debris Program (MDP) The MDP provides funding to catalyze the implementation of locally driven, community-based marine debris prevention and removal projects that will benefit coastal habitat, waterways, and NOAA trust resources. Proposals undergo a competitive review, and projects are selected based on their technical merit, level of community involvement, ecological benefits to marine and anadromous fish habitat, and coast-effectiveness. During open announcements, applications are directed to the NOAA Restoration Center through

National Centers For Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) NCCOS's Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research/ Coastal Ocean Program funds competitively peer-reviewed research focused on providing scientific information to assist decision makers in meeting the challenges of managing coastal resources. The program targets critical issues in U.S. estuaries, coastal waters, and the Great Lakes.

NOAA's Community-based Restoration Program (CRP) The objective of NOAA's Community-based Restoration Program is to bring together citizen groups, corporations and businesses, youth conservation corps, students, landowners, and local government, state and Federal agencies to restore fishery habitat around the coastal U.S.A. The CRP funds projects directly and through partnerships with national and regional organizations.

Purple coral.
A purple coral grows over gold coral, which always grows over bamboo coral.

NOAA National Undersea Research Program Most of the NOAA Undersea Research Program's (NURP) research funding is awarded through the NURP Centers. Each center advertises research announcements based on research guidelines provided by NURP headquarters. A peer review process is conducted to select projects for funding.

NOAA Coastal Services Center Funding Opportunities Each year the NOAA Coastal Services Center provides funding for special projects undertaken by the coastal management community. These funds are available in the form of competitive grants and cooperative agreements. The Coastal Services Center also provides resources and tips for successful grant writing.

NOAA Grants Management Division The NOAA Grants Management Division provides links to funding opportunities throughout NOAA.


for more information: has a searchable database of Federal grant opportunities.

From 2002 to 2006, NOAA has supported over $27.6 million in matching grants through the Coral Reef Conservation Grant Program.

The NOAA Coastal Services Center provides Resources and Tips for Successful Grant Writing.

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