Great Lakes (5) -->

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I obtain my GSA number?

    The GSA number is a contract number. It is not a registration or license number. GSA numbers are normally associated with multiple award schedule contracts which are indefinite quantity, indefinite delivery contracts and are awarded to multiple vendors. All multiple award schedule contract solicitations are obtained from the Fedbizopps website at Please contact our regional Small Business Office for additional assistance.

  2. How can I contact my regional GSA Small Business Office?

    Regional Small Business Offices are located in the 11 major geographical areas of the U.S. For the Great Lakes Region which includes the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin, the office is located in Chicago. The toll free telephone number is 888-353-5383, the fax number is 312-886-9893, and the email is Additionally, our field office in Columbus, Ohio may be reached by calling 614-374-0133.

  3. My business can sell to more than one region. How can I contact other GSA regions?

    If you are awarded a multiple award schedule you will be able to market to all federal agencies, including GSA, nationwide. There is only one solicitation you are required to complete. However, if you wish to contact other regions of GSA, contact information for small business assistance may be obtained from our national Office of Small Business Utilization at

  4. How long will it take to get my GSA number?

    Your GSA multiple award schedule contract may take from two to six months and perhaps more. Much will depend on how thorough and error-free that you are in the submission of your solicitation package to the GSA contracting officer.

  5. Where can I get help in completing the GSA solicitation package.

    Nationwide, Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) and Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) are established to provide a degree of in-depth assistance for most government contracts, including GSA. To determine the depth of assistance available, please contact your local PTAC or SBDC directly. Contact information for both organizations are available at our website ( at the "Federal Links" and "Non-Federal Links" headings on the right hand side of the website.

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