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Eye Bank Association of America, Inc. - EBAA

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Other Contact Information

1015 18th Street, NW
Suite 1010
Washington, DC 20036-5504

202-775-4999 (Voice)
202-429-6036 (FAX)


The Eye Bank Association of America, Inc. (EBAA) is a nonprofit organization of eye banks dedicated to restoring sight through the promotion and advancement of eye banking. EBAA was established in 1961 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology Committee on Eye Banking. Member eye banks are located in 45 states, as well as Canada, Taiwan, Japan, Italy, England, and Saudi Arabia. As the oldest national transplantation association, EBAA has led the transplantation field with the establishment of medical standards for the procurement and distribution of eyes and comprehensive training and certification programs for technicians. Last year, EBAA member eye banks made possible more than 43,000 sight-restoring corneal transplants. With a success rate of over 90 percent in saving sight and improving vision, transplants bring light to the world of many living in darkness, from the very young to the very old. Annual research grants are awarded to promote and encourage new research initiatives in the areas of eye banking and corneal transplantation. Many grant recipients are associated with member eye banks. Current funding is comprised of donations from the Chiron/Kaufman/Lindstrom Fund for Corneal Research.

Print Resources

Serial Publication: Insight. Annual publications: Statistical Report, Questions & Answer Brochures, Background Information, Membership Directory

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Review Date

Fri Jun 6, 2008