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American College of Emergency Physicians - ACEP

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Other Contact Information

1125 Executive Circle
Irving, TX 75038-2522

800-798-1822 (Voice - Toll-free)
972-550-0911 (Voice)
972-580-2816 (FAX)


The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), founded in 1968, is a medical specialty organization of over 22,000 members, 53 chapters, and 26 sections that focus on critical issues, such as injury prevention, trauma care, pediatric emergency medicine, EMS, toxicology, cruise ship medicine, and disaster medicine. The organization monitors and advocates on emergency medicine issues, conducts continuing medical education, produces public education materials on a wide variety of health and safety topics, recommended clinical standards for emergency medicine and EMS, and funds research fellowships in emergency medicine.

Online Resources

Print Resources

ACEP publishes public education materials (brochures, flyers, articles) on a wide variety of health and safety topics, and fact sheets on key emergency medicine issues. A publications catalog from ACEP's bookstore highlights comprehensive sources of emergency medicine and CME publications, including clinical manuals and textbooks on adults and pediatric emergencies. ACEP also publishes the premier emergency medicine journal "Annals of Emergency Medicine."

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Review Date

Wed Jan 19, 2005