NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region

Salmon & Steelhead ESA Status Reviews

Listed below are salmon-related status reviews, reports and publications produced by the Northwest Region and Northwest Fisheries Science Center. All documents are in PDF format; note that some are very large files. Additional documents are available from the Science Center.

  • 1991 Status Review for Snake River Spring & Summer Chinook Salmon (PDF 3.4MB)
  • 1991 Status Review for Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon (PDF 2.3MB)
  • 1995 Status Review for Mid-Columbia River Summer Chinook Salmon (PDF 4MB)
  • 1998 Status Review of Chinook Salmon from WA, ID, OR, & CA (PDF 10.2MB)
  • 1998 Status Update of Puget Sound, Lower Columbia River, Upper Willamette River, and Upper Columbia River Spring-run ESUs of Chinook Salmon (PDF 4.2MB)
  • 1999 Status of Chinook, Chum, & Steelhead Hatchery Populations Identified in Final Listings (PDF 5.8MB)
  • 1999 Status Update of Central Valley Spring-run, Central Valley Fall- & Late-Fall Run, Southern OR & Northern CA Coastal, California Coastal, Deschutes River Summer/Fall Run, & Snake River Fall-run ESUs of Chinook Salmon (PDF 9.1MB)

  • 2005 Status Update of All Federally Listed ESUs (PDF 6.5MB)

  • 1997 Status Review of Chum Salmon from WA, OR, & CA (PDF 7.1MB)
  • 1999 Status Update of Columbia River and Hood Canal Summer-run Chum Salmon ESUs (PDF 2.1MB)
  • 1999 Status of Chinook, Chum, & Steelhead Hatchery Populations Identified in Final Listings (PDF 5.8MB)
  • 2005 Status Update of All Federally Listed ESUs (PDF 6.5MB)
  • 1991 Status Review of Lower Columbia River Coho Salmon (PDF 1.3MB)
  • 1994 Status Review of Coho Salmon in Scott & Waddell Creeks, CA (PDF 3.3MB)
  • 1995 Status Review of Coho Salmon from WA, OR, & CA (PDF 7.1MB)
  • 1996 Scientific Disagreement Regarding Coho Salmon Status (PDF 1MB)
  • 1996 Status Update of West Coast Coho Salmon (PDF 6.1MB) 
  • 1997 Status Update of Coho Salmon from Northern CA & OR Coasts (PDF 6.3MB)
  • 2005 Status Update of All Federally Listed ESUs (PDF 6.5MB)


  • 1996 Status Review of Pink Salmon from WA, OR, & CA (PDF 1.6MB)

  • 1991 Status Review for Snake River Sockeye Salmon (PDF 1.3MB)

  • 1997 Status Review of Sockeye Salmon from WA & OR (PDF 3.4MB)

  • 1998 Status Update for Ozette Lake & Baker River Sockeye ESUs (PDF 3.2MB)

  • 2005 Status Update of All Federally Listed ESUs (PDF 6.5MB)

  • 1993 Status Review for Oregon's Illinois River Winter Steelhead (PDF 2.8MB)
  • 1994 Status Review for Klamath Mountains Province Steelhead (PDF 5.4MB)
  • 1996 Status Review of West Coast Steelhead from WA, ID, OR, & CA (PDF 5.2MB) 
  • 1997 Status Review Update for West Coast Steelhead from WA, ID, OR, & CA (PDF 5.4MB)
  • 1997 Scientific Disagreements Regarding Steelhead Status Under the ESA (PDF 1MB)
  • 1997 Status Review Update for Deferred and Candidate ESUs of West Coast Steelhead (PDF 4.7MB)
  • 1998 Status Review Update for Deferred ESUs of West Coast Steelhead: Hatchery Populations (PDF 2.8MB)
  • 1999 Updated Review of the Status of the Upper Willamette River and Middle Columbia River ESUs of Steelhead (PDF 3.1MB) 
  • 1999 Status of Chinook, Chum, & Steelhead Hatchery Populations Identified in Final Listings (PDF 5.8MB)
  • 2000 Status Review Update for the Northern CA Steelhead ESU  (PDF 1MB)
  • 2001 Status Review Update for Klamath Mountains Province Steelhead (PDF 1MB) 
  • 2005 Status Update of All Federally Listed ESUs (PDF 6.5MB)
  • 2005 Status of Puget Sound Steelhead  (PDF 871 KB)

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