Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

Safety and Security

Transit Safety and Drug Alcohol

Photo of transit worker inspecting the tracks and train.

We have been active in improving the safety of public transit systems for over 25 years. We have promoted a systems approach to safety, and have applied this approach to bus, heavy and light rail transit systems. Currently, we are supporting the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to implement legislatively-mandated programs in State Safety Oversight and Substance Abuse. Our transit safety specialists conduct assessments of rail transit safety programs and drug and alcohol compliance programs throughout the country. Our staff compiles national data bases on transit safety, and has developed web sites for dissemination of transit safety information over the Internet and operates a clearinghouse for the publication and dissemination of a wide range of technical reports. In addition, our staff is frequently called on to develop recommendations for fire safety and for transit vehicles using alternative fuels. We also assist the FTA to evaluate technologies designed to help reduce transit accidents and collisions as part of the Intelligent Vehicle Infrastructure Program.

Photo of control room.

Contact for more information:

  • Infrastructure Protection and Operations Division

    Charles McCarthy, Acting Division Chief
    Phone: 617/494-3469
    E-mail: charles.mccarthy@dot.gov

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