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Administration on Aging logo

The Center for Communication and Consumer Services

Your Source for Information on Aging
Eldercare Locator - (800) 677-1116 - to find local services for older Americans

The Center for Communication and Consumer Services serves as a central source for a wide variety of information on aging for older people, their families, and those who work for or on behalf of older persons.  The Center for Communication and Consumer Services resources include program and policy-related materials for consumers and practitioners as well as demographic and other statistical data on the health, economic, and social conditions of older Americans.

About the Administration on Aging

Government programs and services for older adults

Administration on Aging Web Resources Administration on Aging Fact Sheets
Administration on Aging Calendar of Events
NAIC Available Publication Listings Administration on Aging Statistical Resources
Administration on Aging Eldercare Locator Administration on Aging Free Resource Materials
GAO Aging Related Reports Administration on Aging Project Reports
Inspector General Reports Administration on Aging Guide for Caregivers

Center for Communication and Consumer Services
Administration on Aging
330 Independence Avenue, SW - Room 4656 - Washington, DC 20201
Telephone: (202) 619 7501; Fax: (202) 401-7620;

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