FY09 Evaluation Criteria and Scoring


  • Written Policy:  Agency must provide current, written policy that addresses the mandate, and evidence of current policy implementation, such as standard operating procedures, a handbook, instructions, guidance, etc.

  • Awareness:  Agencies must provide evidence that it communicates with affected agency personnel about the mandate, including communication about any policy or implementation changes. This may include, for example, a variety of communiqués to the affected community (operational service providers or federal customers) such as website information, FAQs, formal training, emails, or a list of current contact people .

  • Verification:  Agency must provide documented performance measures, if applicable, and/or evidence that it checks adherence to the mandate. This might be achieved, for example, by requiring lower level organizational entities to check adherence to the mandate at least annually and reporting the results to headquarters policy staff, receipt of inspection reports or conducting on-site evaluations.

Scoring Standard

  • Effective: Must meet all criteria.

  • Moderately Effective: Must meet the written policy criterion and 1 of the other 2 criteria.

  • Ineffective: Meets none of the criteria, only one of the criteria (even if it's the written policy and procedures criterion), or 2 of the criteria, but not the written policy and procedures criterion.

Scoring Matrix

   Written Policy  Awareness  Verification
 Effective         Yes       Yes       Yes
 Moderately Effective         Yes       Yes        No
          Yes        No       Yes
 Ineffective          No       Yes       Yes
           No        No       Yes
           No       Yes        No
          Yes        No        No
           No        No        No

The shortcut for this page is www.gsa.gov/cpescoring.

Last Reviewed 2/17/2009