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Feedback from Policy Review Tool (PRT)

Lois D Mandell
(202) 501-2824
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Agency Feedback Questions

This is your opportunity to score GSA. GSA’s Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset Management (MT) and the Center for Policy Evaluation (CPE) ask agency respondents and approvers for feedback twice during the evaluation process. The first sets of questions are asked during the initial agency submission and address MT’s policy function. During the final agency submission, CPE asks agencies to provide feedback on the policy evaluation program.

Agency participants are asked to score GSA’s MT and CPE on the following scale:

  1. Strongly disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Neither agree nor disagree
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly agree
  6. Don’t know/Doesn’t apply

Feedback to the MT

The "GSA Feedback" section, consisting of the following questions, provides agencies with an opportunity to give GSA feedback on our policy function and to capture new best practices for government-wide distribution.

  1. Do GSA's mechanisms for collecting your agency's information (forms, systems, tools) help your agency respond to mandatory requirements?
  2. Do GSA's government-wide reports and agency feedback provide your agency with useful information for managing your program?
  3. Does compliance with GSA's regulations help your agency support its mission?
  4. Do you have an opportunity to provide input to GSA's policy development and is your input considered?
  5. Are you involved in our interagency committees, subcommittees or councils?
  6. Does your agency have any best practice(s) that you recommend for government-wide consideration?
  7. Open Ended: If you have had any corrective actions/recommendations from evaluations (IG, OMB, GAO, internal, etc.) within the last 3 years, what were they and have you implemented corrective actions?

Feedback to the CPE

  1. Participation in GSA’s Center for Policy Evaluation’s Policy Review Tool (PRT) has increased attention to my policy area(s).
  2. The criteria used for the Policy Review Tool’s (PRT) evaluation make sense. These include: incorporating government-wide policy into published agency policy; making employees aware of policy requirements on a regular basis; and verifying policy adherence.
  3. I have learned from the CPE effort
  4. The CPE effort served as a catalyst for making necessary changes in my agency’s policy area(s).
  5. The benefits we received from the CPE were/will be worth the effort.
  6. Open Ended:We will participate in the CPE effort next year.
  7. Open Ended: What changes do you recommend to the PRT in future years?