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Training Programs
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Complement your existing education, get your foot in the CE industry door, or qualify your entire service or retail team with a variety of accredited certification programs. Being certified in your field bolsters your expertise and assures current and prospective employers of your qualifications.

Listed are current certifications available to you through CEA and its partners.

Mobile Electronics Certified Professional (MECP) Certification
Tailored for mobile electronics installers, MECP certification teaches the theory behind techniques and the industry's best practices developed and supported by the entire 12-volt industry. Exam questions ask you to identify real-world solutions to real-world problems, like eliminating noise, selecting proper gauge wires, determining ground locations and dealing with customer issues.

CEA Professional Audio-Video Specialist Certification Program
The CEA Professional Audio-Video Specialist Certification is a training program that covers the latest audio and video technologies available for sale at retail. Each candidate's knowledge will be tested based on the skills learned on the job and in the CEA Professional Audio-Video Specialist study guide. Well-recognized by industry professionals and businesses, this certification will help sales professionals boost their career and sales figures to the next level.

CEknowhow.com is the premier training resource for consumer electronics sales associates. Developed by the industry for the industry, CEknowhow teaches your team how to sell the right products to the right customers.

Electronic System Professionals Alliance (ESPA)
The Electronic Systems Professional Alliance builds the foundation for a career-ready technology workforce. As a professional-based organization, ESPA represents technicians -- the workers that are installing, maintaining, and upgrading 21st century technology.  The ESPA Certified-EST® and the accompanying curricula set the standard for entry-level ESTs. The ESPA Certified-EST® provides a set of fundamental best practices common across all tech markets -- structured wiring, distributed audio and video, satellite, theater rooms, lighting, security and life safety systems and automation controls. ESPA Certified-EST® covers five key domains: electrical basics; tools; construction methods and materials; wiring and installation practices; and standards, codes, and safety practices.

Certification Links
View and learn more about other certification programs in the industry, including certifications from the Electronic Technicians Association, North American Retail Dealers Association and Professional Services Association.