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Governmentwide Reports

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(202) 501-9061
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Listed below are governmentwide reports produced by the Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset Management. Please select the PDF links to view the reports.

Report Title and Link


FY 2008 Policy Evaluation Report [PDF-1,428k]

Contact:Lois Mandell 
(202) 501-2824

The Office of Governmentwide Policy evaluated governmentwide policy to assess GSA’s impact on agency performance through the formulation of policies, programs, and tools that promote effective and efficient management. This evaluation report includes agency adherence to policies in the following programs: aircraft, mail, motor vehicles, personal property, relocation, transportation, and travel.

FY 2008 Federal Fleet Report [PDF-739k]

Contact:Ed Lawler 
(202) 501-3354

The Federal Fleet Report is produced through the Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST), an Internet-based application that collects fleet-related data from federal executive agencies.

FY 2008 Federal Aircraft Report [PDF-225k]

Contact: Jay Spurr 
(202) 208-0519

The Federal Aviation Interactive Reporting System (FAIRS) system is used by federal executive agencies to input aircraft cost and utilization information required by OMB Circular A-126, and 41 CFR 102,33, Management of Government Aircraft.  This report contains all aircraft-related data from federal executive agencies.

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