International Education Week
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International Education Week is a joint initiative of the Department of Education and the Department of State, highlighting the important benefits of international education and international exchanges in the U.S. and around the World. Each year, the International Education Week events promote classroom activities and materials focused on international subjects and our international counterparts.

In 2008, the theme for International Education Week is International Education: Fostering Global Responsibility and Leadership. To kick-off this year’s celebration, the Department will host a roundtable to discuss international school-to-school partnerships. Other Department events will include an exhibition of artwork by international and American students with disabilities, a digital video dialogue with experts from the U.K., U.S., and Ghana on fostering community cohesion through responsibility and leadership, an international videoconference with Japanese and American university students about youth and the election process, and a dialogue with high school students from Ecuador, Maryland, North Carolina and the International Space Station through the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station program about the importance of a rigorous math, science and foreign language education in international space exploration.

ED Contact:     JoAnne Livingston

International Education Week 2008

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Last Modified: 09/23/2008