[Federal Register: January 21, 2009 (Volume 74, Number 12)]
[Page 3563]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



International Trade Administration


Stainless Steel Plate in Coils from Belgium: Notice of Extension 
of Time Limit for Preliminary Results of Administrative Review

AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
Department of Commerce.

EFFECTIVE DATE: January 21, 2009.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joy Zhang or George McMahon at (202) 
482-1168 and (202) 482-1167, respectively; AD/CVD Operations, Office 3, 
Import Administration, International Trade Administration, U.S. 
Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, 
Washington, DC 20230.


    On July 1, 2008, the Department of Commerce (the ``Department'') 
initiated an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on 
stainless steel plate in coils from Belgium with respect to Ugine & ALZ 
Belgium (``U&A Belgium''). See Initiation of Antidumping and 
Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews, Request for Revocation in 
Part and Deferral of Administrative Review, 73 FR 37409 (July 1, 2008). 
The period of review (POR) is May 1, 2007 through April 30, 2008. The 
preliminary results of this review are currently due no later than 
January 31, 2009.

Extension of Time Limits for Preliminary Results

    Section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the 
Act), requires the Department to make a preliminary determination 
within 245 days after the last day of the anniversary month of an order 
or finding for which a review is requested. Section 751(a)(3)(A) of the 
Act further states that if it is not practicable to complete the review 
within the time period specified, the administering authority may 
extend the 245-day period to issue its preliminary results by up to 120 
    We determine that completion of the preliminary results of this 
review within the 245-day period is not practicable for the following 
reasons. This review requires the Department to gather and analyze a 
significant amount of information pertaining to the company's sales 
practices, manufacturing costs and corporate relationships, which is 
complicated due to recent changes in its corporate structure. 
Furthermore, the company subject to this review recently converted its 
accounting system, which resulted in a request for additional time to 
submit its questionnaire response to the Department. Given the number 
and complexity of issues in this case, and in accordance with section 
751(a)(3)(A) of the Act, we are extending the time period for issuing 
the preliminary results of review by 120 days. Therefore, the 
preliminary results are now due no later than June 1, 2009. The final 
results continue to be due 120 days after publication of the 
preliminary results.
    We are issuing and publishing this notice in accordance with 
sections 751(a)(3)(A) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.

    Dated: January 13, 2009.
Stephen J. Claeys,
Deputy Assistant Secretaryfor Antidumping and Countervailing Duty 
[FR Doc. E9-1114 Filed 1-16-09; 8:45 am]