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The Possible Effects of Commercial Electronic Variable Message Signs (CEVMS) on Driving Safety - Phase 1


The present project benefited from the contributions of many people. Vaughan Inman, Stephen Fleger, Jason Kennedy, and Erin Dagnall provided valuable research, editorial, and technical input. From FHWA Research and Development, Paul Tremont made significant technical and editorial suggestions. From the FHWA Office of Real Estate Services, Catherine O’Hara, Janis Gramatins, Edward Kosola, and Gerald Solomon provided essential stewardship and guidance for the overall effort. Members of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Subcommittee on Digital Signage graciously provided outside technical review. Members of the National Alliance of Highway Beautification Agencies (NAHBA) furnished helpful background, context, and perspective for the project. Appreciated contributions came from representatives of the outdoor advertising industry, including the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Inc.; representatives of environmental advocacy groups, including Scenic America; and from various State and local officials engaged in outdoor advertising control. Inputs from the broad community interested in outdoor advertising control, including industry, environmental advocates, and regulators, were especially helpful in ensuring that the present research effort was directed at serving the needs of the user community for such research. The authors are grateful to these and many other unmentioned individuals and organizations who directly or indirectly provided support.


  1. Farbry, J., Wochinger, K., Shafer, T., Owens, N, and Nedzesky, A. (2001). "Research Review of Potential Safety Effects of Electronic Billboards on Driver Attention and Distraction (Final Report)." Federal Highway Administration. Washington, DC.

  2. Wachtel, J. and Netherton, R. (1980). "Safety and Environmental Design Considerations in the Use of Commercial Electronic Variable-Message Signage." Report No. FHWA-RD-80-051. Federal Highway Administration. Washington, DC.

  3. Massachusetts Outdoor Advertising Board. (1976). "Decision in the matter of John Donnelly & Sons, Permittee, Telespot of New England, Inc., Intervenor, and Department of Public Works, Intervenor, with respect to permit numbered 19260, as amended." Boston, MA.

  4. Wisconsin Department of Transportation District 2, Freeway Operations Unit. (1994). "Milwaukee County Stadium Variable Message Sign Study: Impacts of an Advertising Variable Message Sign on Freeway Traffic."\

  5. Stutts, J.C., Reinfurt, D.W., Staplin, L., and Rodgman, E.A. (2001). "The Role of Driver Distraction in Traffic Crashes." Report Prepared for AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Washington, DC.

  6. Goodman, M., Bents, F.D., Tijerina, L., Wierwille, W., Learner, N., and Benel, D. (1997). "An Investigation of the Safety Implications of Wireless Communications in Vehicles." Report DOT HS 808-635. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Washington, DC.

  7. Smiley, A., Persaud, B., Bahar, G., Mollett, C., Lyon, C., Smahel, T., and Kelman, W.L. (2005). "Traffic Safety Evaluation of Video Advertising Signs." TRB, No. 1937. Transportation Research Record. Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
    105 - 112. Washington, DC.

  8. Tantala Sr., A.M. and Tantala, M.W. (2007). "A Study of the Relationship Between Digital Billboards and Traffic Safety in Cuyahoga County Ohio." Foundation for Outdoor Advertising Research and Education. Washington, DC.

  9. Wachtel, J. (2008). "A Critical, Comprehensive Review of Two Studies Recently Released by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America—Final Report." Maryland State Highway Administration, Project No. AX137A51. Hanover, MD. Obtained from Accessed September 27, 2008.

  10. Klauer, S.G., Neale, V.L., Dingus, T.A., Ramsey, D., and Sudweeks, J. (2005). "Driver Inattention: A Contributing Factor to Crashes and Near-Crashes." Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 1922 - 1926. Santa Monica, CA.

  11. Klauer, S.G., Dingus, T.A., Neale, V.L., Sudweeks, J.D., and Ramsey, D.J. (2006). "The Impact of Driver Inattention on Near-Crash/Crash Risk: An Analysis Using the 100-Car Naturalistic Driving Study Data." Report DOT HS 810 594. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Washington, DC.

  12. Lee, S.E., McElheny, M.J., and Gibbons, R. (2007). "Driving Performance and Digital Billboards." Report prepared for Foundation for Outdoor Advertising Research and Education. Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. Blacksburg, VA.

  13. Dingus, T.A., Klauer, S.G., Neale, V.L., Petersen, A., Lee, S.E., Sudweeks, J., et al. (2006). "The 100-Car Naturalistic Driving Study: Phase II—Results of the 100-Car Field Experiment." Report No. DOT HS 810 593. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Washington, DC.

  14. Beijer, D.D., Smiley, A., and Eizenman, M. (2004). "Observed Driver Glance Behavior at Roadside Advertising." Transportation Research Record, No. 1899. 96 - 103.

  15. Beijer, D.D. (2002). "Driver Distraction due to Roadside Advertising." Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. University of Toronto.

  16. Young, E. (1984). "Visibility Achieved by Outdoor Advertising." Journal of Advertising Research, 24, 19 - 21.

  17. Crundall, D., Van Loon, E., and Underwood, G. (2006). "Attraction and Distraction of Attention With Roadside Advertisements." Accident Analysis and Prevention, 38(4), 671 - 677.

  18. Young, M.S. and Mahfoud, J.M. (2007). "Driven to Distraction: Determining the Effects of Roadside Advertising on Driver Attention." Final Report of a Study Funded by The Rees Jeffreys Road Fund. West London: Brunel University.

  19. Chan, E., Pradhan, A.K., Knodler, M.A., Pollatsek, A., and Fisher, D.L. (2008). "Evaluation on a Driving Simulator of the Effect of Drivers’ Eye Behaviors from Distractions Inside and Outside the Vehicle." Human Factors.

  20. Horrey, W.J. and Wickens, C.D. (2007). "In-Vehicle Glance Duration: Distributions, Tails and a Model of Crash Risk." Proceedings of the 2007 Transportation Research Board Meeting. Washington, DC. TRB.

  21. Garvey, P.M. and Mace, D.J. (1996). "Changeable Message Sign Visibility." Report No. FHWA-RD-94-077. Federal Highway Administration. Washington, DC.

  22. Cairney, P. and Gunatillake, T. (2000). Roadside Advertising Signs—A Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Policy. Contract Report for RACV (Royal Automobile Club of Victoria).

  23. Andreassen, D.C. (1984). "Traffic Accidents and Advertising Signs." Australian Road Research Board Internal Report AIR 000-213.

  24. Wallace, B. (2003). "External-to-Vehicle Driver Distraction." Research Findings No.168/2003. Scottish Executive Social Research. Development Department Research Programme.

  25. SWOV (Dutch National Road Safety Research Institute). (2006). "Advertising and Information Alongside the Road." Fact Sheet. Leidschendam, The Netherlands.

  26. CTC & Associates. (2003). "Electronic Billboards and Highway Safety." Transportation Synthesis Report. Bureau of Highway Operations. Division of Transportation Infrastructure Development. Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

  27. Bergeron, J. (1996a). "An Evaluation of the Influence of Roadside Advertising on Road Safety." Document prepared for the Ministere des Transports, Government of Quebec.

  28. Bergeron, J. (1996b). "Road Safety Survey Regarding the Effects of Billboards that Centre RCA SEC Has Proposed to Install In Proximity to the Ville-Marie Expressway." Document prepared for the Ministere des Transports, Government of Quebec.

  29. du Toit, E.M. and Coetzee, J.L. (2001). "Advertising Boards On or Visible from National Roads." 20th South African Transport Conference: Meeting the Transport Challenges in Southern Africa.

  30. Coetzee, J.L. (2003). "The Evaluation of Content on Outdoor Advertisements." Innovative Traffic Solutions (Pty) Ltd. Pretoria, South Africa.

  31. Ogden, K.W. (1989). "Human Factors in Traffic Engineering." Clayton, Victoria, Australia: Department of Civil Engineering. Monash University.

  32. Johnston, A.W. and Cole, B.L. (1976). "Investigation of Distraction by Relevant Information." Australian Road Research, 6(3) 32 - 33.


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  13. Beijer, D.D. (2002). "Driver Distraction Due to Roadside Advertising." University of Toronto, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

  14. Beijer, D.D., Smiley, A., and Eizenman, M. (2004). "Observed Driver Glance Behavior at Roadside Advertising." Transportation Research Record, No. 1899. 96 - 103.

  15. Bergeron, J. (1996a). "An Evaluation of the Influence of Roadside Advertising on Road Safety." Document Prepared for the Ministere des Transports, Government of Quebec.

  16. Bergeron J. (1996b). "Road Safety Survey Regarding the Effects of Billboards That Centre RCA SEC has Proposed to Install in Proximity to the Ville-Marie Expressway." Document Prepared for the Ministere des Transports, Government of Quebec.

  17. Bhise, V.D. and  Rockwell, T.H. (1972). "Development of a Driver-Information-Acquisition Based Operational Tool for the Evaluation of Highway Signs." Presented to the 1973 Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Washington, DC.

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  27. Chan, E., Pradhan, A.K., Knodler, M.A., Pollatsek, A., and Fisher, D.L. (2008). "Evaluation on a Driving Simulator of the Effect of Drivers’ Eye Behaviors from Distractions inside and Outside the Vehicle." Human Factors.

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  42. Dingus, T.A., Klauer, S.G., Neale, V.L., Petersen, A., Lee, S.E., Sudweeks, J., et al. (2006). "The 100-Car Naturalistic Driving Study: Phase II - Results of the 100-Car Field Experiment." Report No. DOT HS 810 593. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Washington, DC.

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  44. du Toit, E.M. and Coetzee, J.L. (2001). "Advertising Boards on or Visible from National Roads." 20th South African Transport Conference: Meeting the Transport Challenges in Southern Africa.

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