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GSA's Electronic Timekeeping, Travel Management, Miscellaneous Reimbursements, and Labor Distribution available in one package!

What is FEDdesk?

FEDdesk or the Federal Desktop is a virtual desktop from which a suite of administrative applications may be launched. FEDdesk is available in an Internet/Intranet environment.

The current FEDdesk applications are:

  • Electronic Time and Attendance Management System (ETAMS)
  • Miscellaneous Reimbursements (MR)
  • Travel Management (TM)
  • Labor distribution

Features of FEDdesk applications include:

  • Can be purchased independently
  • Are totally paperless, fully automated, and employ a common electronic signature scheme
  • Utilize a Graphical-User Interface (GUI) and navigational tools
  • Feature scrollable multi-sort employee lists, drag-and-drop items, drop-down menus, pop-up windows with slide bar and context sensitive on-line help
  • Email enabled to provide for messaging and notification capability


Electronic Time and Attendance Management System (ETAMS)

ETAMS is the most widely used FEDdesk application. It is a true, exception-based time and attendance and employee leave-reporting system. Record keeping is input at a workstation and ETAMS submits the data to the payroll site electronically.

On-line report and query capabilities make leave-tracking cuff records obsolete. ETAMS may be implemented to interface with other payroll systems.


Travel Management (TM)

Travel Management (TM) is a paper-free system that allows for the creation of Travel Authorizations and subsequent Travel Vouchers. It allows the customer to set up their own approval process and provides Travel Voucher retention. It also has an automated e-mail function to notify approving officials and employees of a voucher's status. The Travel Management system is in process of being replaced by the eGov eTravel system and will become de-supported by the end of the Fiscal Year 2007.  Please contact GSA's eTravel system manager for further information about the new eTravel system.  


Miscellaneous Reimbursements (MR)

The Miscellaneous Reimbursement system is a paper-free system that allows employees to submit Miscellaneous Reimbursements and receive those reimbursements in a timely manner. It allows the customer to set up their own approval process and provides Miscellaneous Reimbursements voucher retention. It also has an automated e-mail function to notify approving officials and employees of a voucher's status.


Labor Distribution

Labor Distribution tracks labor hours for individual employees as applied to project categories. It may also be used as an add-on upgrade to ETAMS, thus integrating both time and attendance with cost allocation. Employee time may be entered via different methods. Distribution may be applied in summary hours, start/stop detail hours, or as a percentage time allocation.

Its accounting system interface eliminates the need of entering data into a cost-based system and accounting system.
