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Examples of pesticide products for home use
          Photo credit: Alex Garcia

Homeowner Pesticide Information Index                "Read the Pesticide Label First" campaign logo

  1. Homeowner pesticide use information provided by Clemson University
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  2. Other homeowner information web sites and web publications
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Homeowner pesticide use information at Clemson:          Back to index
  1. Dump the Water! - a 30-second Public Service Announcement on mosquito prevention around homes, produced by Clemson University and the City of Clemson, starring Bob Bellinger, Extension Pesticide Coordinator and Eric Benson, Extension Urban Entomologist. This .mpg file can be viewed using either Quicktime or Windows Media Viewer. You may need to temporarily turn up the volume on your speakers. PASSWORD PROTECTED
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  2. Pesticides Commonly Found in the Home - This is a list of different types of pesticides and pesticide-treated products commonly found in the home. Identifying pesticides is the first step toward proper handling and use of these products.
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  3. Clemson University Pesticide Information Program (PIP) Information Sheets:
    The following PIP Sheets deal specifically with homeowner safe pesticide use:
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  4. Household and Structural Urban Entomology - Household and Structural Urban Entomology is a broad area encompassing insect pest problems in and around structures used by people. It is supported by research, teaching, and extension activities at Clemson University. It is not concerned only with urban areas, but also with pest problems that people incur in and around their homes, work places, or places of leisure.

    The following Information Sheet is from the Entomology Insect Information Series and deals specifically with homeowner safe pesticide use:
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  5. Clemson Extension Home and Garden Information Center Information Sheets - for answers to questions about Landscape, Garden and Indoor Plants; Insects, Diseases and Other Problems; and Food Safety and Preservation.

    The following HGIC Sheets deal specifically with homeowner safe pesticide use:
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    To obtain a free copy of Adobe Acrobat® Reader for viewing PDF files, please visit Adobe.
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  6. Clemson Extension Fire Ant Homepage - South Carolina Red Imported Fire Ant Programs
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  7. Home Lawn Care Pesticide Handling and Safety - Home lawn care and turfgrass management information.
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  8. This Month in Your Garden - This site is designed to help South Carolina residents recognize pest problems in the garden and landscape on a month-by-month basis. When controlling pests, always practice Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Only biological, cultural, and mechanical controls are listed in this site. For appropriate chemical controls and additional information about any of these pests, please contact your local Clemson Extension Agent or Master Gardener.
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  9. Tips for safer cockroach control - 8.5" x 11" poster

Other homeowner information web sites:          Back to index

To return to this page from any of these links, use the "Back" button on your web browser.

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Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer. Clemson University Cooperating with U.S. Department of Agriculture and South Carolina Counties, Extension Service, Clemson, S.C. Issued in Furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914.

Maintained by    Pesticide Information Program   Entomology at Clemson
Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service   Clemson University   Last Updated: March 3, 2006