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Performance Management & Accountability
Achieving Pesticide Program Goals

Revised April 2009

The Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) is dedicated to ensuring healthy communities and ecosystems (PDF) (48 pp, 240 MB, about PDF), as outlined in EPA's Agency-wide strategic plan. We are committed to ambitious outcomes that will demonstrate success in achieving our objectives. OPP'S Strategic Plan provides direction for prioritizing our outputs, which leads to improved protection of the:

In addition to meeting the requirements of federal pesticide and food safety laws, OPP also seeks to satisfy the Government Performance and Results Act and other management-oriented legislation. We will demonstrate accountability by assessing the results we achieve—both outputs and outcomes—against stated annual performance goals and measures. To enhance efficiency and accountability, OPP has aligned its budgeting and planning processes around its strategic goals of Protecting Human Health, Protecting the Environment, and Realizing the Benefits of Pesticides.

This Web page highlights some of the progress OPP has made toward our goals, including some objectives accomplished with the help of our state, local, and tribal partners. Through collaborative efforts, innovative approaches, and sound science, we are promoting the protection of human health and the environment while ensuring pesticides and alternatives are safe and available.

Quantifiable performance accountability promotes multiple good-government objectives:

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Measuring Progress Toward Human Health & Environmental Protection

Congressional mandates for improving human health and the environment are based, in part, on the recognition that we, as a society, can do better. But measuring success in solving health and environmental challenges first requires establishing baseline information to see where things stand now. Having reviewed available data that serve as our starting points, the next step in managing performance and accountability involves setting ambitious goals. Although the Agency strives to eliminate adverse effects, it establishes meaningful targets that focus its resources on continuous improvement to public health and the environment.

The graph shows an example of the real-world outcomes OPP expects to see as a result of our regulatory actions and supporting activities in the coming years. Achieving these goals will demonstrate that we are meeting the challenge of improving human health and environmental protection.

Reducing Occupational Incidents

Click to open full sized occupational incident graph (PDF)
(1 pg, 10k, about PDF)

Bar chart for regulatory actions for chlorpyrifos, diazinon, malathion, pyrethrins, 2,4-D, and carbofuran will reduce moderate to severe incidents by 50 percent.
Source: Poison Control Center Toxics Exposure Surveillance System database

Regulatory actions for chlorpyrifos, diazinon, malathion, pyrethrins, 2,4-D, and carbofuran are expected to reduce moderate to severe incidents by 50 percent.
Source: Poison Control Center Toxics Exposure Surveillance System database

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Realize the Value from Pesticide Availability

Fulfilling our goal of human health and environmental protection involves not only ensuring that pesticides can be used safely, but also that society can benefit from pesticide availability. Used wisely, pesticides allow us to reduce animal, insect, and microbial pests that threaten our health and our environment. The Office of Pesticide Programs' efforts ensure that the public health and socio-economic benefits of pesticide availability and use are achieved.

Graphic showing a bug eating a leaf. OPP Helps growers avoid 1.5 billion dollars in crop loss by ensuring that safe and effective pesticides are available to address emergency pest infestations.  Source: Annual Report of the Interregional Research Project No. 4 (IR-4Project) (NRSP-4/IR-4): January 1, 2005-December 31, 2005.

Source: Annual Report of the Interregional Research Project No. 4 (IR-4Project) (NRSP-4/IR-4): January 1, 2005-December 31, 2005.

  Graphic showing a termite-damaged structural timber. Safe and effective pesticides for termite treatment save an estimated  900 million dollars in termite structural damage every year in the united states. Source: 2006 - 2011 EPA Strategic Plan, Goal 4.

EPA’s estimate of annual termite structural damage avoided is derived from an estimated $2,500 average termite damage per house, 3,620,000 units receiving termite treatment, and an estimate that 10 percent of housing units would have received termite damage absent the treatment. Source: 2006 - 2011 EPA Strategic Plan, Goal 4 (48 pp, 2.40 MB, about PDF)

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Pesticide Program Outputs

The Pesticide Program hopes to accomplish its human health and environmental goals, in part, by strategically completing its registration decisions for new pesticides in accordance with:

As health and safety requirements force a shift away from older, riskier pesticides, EPA's pesticide registration processes are designed to efficiently usher in safer products and formulations that accelerate that transition.

Table 1. New pesticide active ingredients OPP registered in 2008
New Active Ingredient Registrations 20 Percent of Total
Antimicrobial 3 15
Biological 9 45
Conventional – Reduced Risk 3 15
Conventional – non-Reduced Risk 5 25


Successfully achieving our goal of demonstrably improving protection of human health and the environment requires continued reevaluation of pesticides that are already registered. In addition to periodically reviewing the registrations of pesticide active ingredients to ensure compliance with current health and safety standards, EPA also reviews individual pesticide products and their labels. Additionally, our field programs are working with professional pesticide applicators, grower and industry groups, state lead agencies, and agricultural extension offices to promote workplace safety and environmental protection.

Pesticide Registration Review Status

Click to open full sized Registration Review status graph (PDF)
(1 pg, 10k, about PDF)

Bar chart showing the target and actual number of active ingredient reassessment dockets opened for pesticide registration review from 2007 through 2011.

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We invite your comments and suggestions. This page will be updated to reflect annual progress and to add new objectives as they are developed. We appreciate hearing your ideas on how we might improve our measures work. Please send comments to the OPP Measures Team.

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