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Pesticide Labeling Questions & Answers

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These answers are not intended to create significant new guidance or require any changes to previously accepted labeling. The Agency will contact registrants directly about how to correct problematic labels as appropriate. Changes to EPA accepted labeling will only be required in accordance with standard agency procedures.

  1. Advertising Claims
  2. Antimicrobial Claims
  3. Chemigation
  4. Contract Manufacture
  5. Crawl Spaces
  6. Definitions of Terms
  7. Distributors
  8. Exception to Use in a Manner Not Permited (FIFRA Sec 2ee)
  9. Existing Stocks
  10. General Labeling
    1. Use Classification
    2. Product Name
    3. Name and Address of Producer/Registrant
    4. Product Registration
    5. Establishment
    6. Misuse Statement
    7. Ingredient Statement
    8. Precautionary
    9. Environmental Hazards Statement
    10. Directions for Use
    11. Worker Protection Statement
    12. Storage and Disposal
  11. Labeling from Web Sites
  12. Miscellaneous
  13. Multiple Products Packaged Together
  14. NAFTA Labeling
  15. Notifications
  16. Packaging
  17. Pesticide Exemption (FIFRA 25B)
  18. Pictures and Logos
  19. Repacked Products
  20. Service Containers
  21. Subject to FIFRA
  22. Superlative Terms
  23. Supplemental Labeling
  24. Termiticides
  25. Water Soluble Packaging

  1. Advertising Claims
    • A lawn care operator (LCO) has advertising in a local newspaper advertising its service, claiming mosquito and other pest elimination from customer yards. At the bottom of the ad, it states "Safe." Is stating a service using a registered product is “safe” in an advertisement a violation of FIFRA or its associated regulations? (LC08-0177)

      Section 12(a)(1)(B) of FIFRA makes unlawful any sale or distribution of “any registered pesticide if any claims made for it as a part of its distribution or sale substantially differ from any claims made for it as a part of the statement required in connection with its registration.” The statement required for registration must include “a statement of all claims to be made for [the pesticide].” FIFRA 3(c)(1)(C). EPA generally has not allowed the use of “safe” in labeling because it has been considered to be false or misleading. 40 CFR § 156.10(a)(5)(ix). False and misleading claims make a product misbranded and sale and distribution of such product unlawful. See FIFRA §§ 2(q)(q)(A); 12(a)(1)(E). If use of the term “safe” has not been allowed in labeling and use of the term hasn’t been otherwise approved, use of “safe” in advertising the sale or distribution of a pesticide product would generally be considered to substantially differ from what was approved in the registration and sale or distribution of the pesticide would be unlawful under section 12(a)(1)(B) of FIFRA.

      It is important to point out, however, that Section 12(a) is limited to unlawful sale or distribution, which is defined in FIFRA 2(gg) to exclude "the holding or application of registered pesticides ... by any applicator who provides a service of controlling pests without delivering any unapplied pesticide to any person so served." See also FIFRA 2(e)(1). This limits EPA's authority to regulate advertising claims made by certain home lawn care service companies that do not sell or distribute pesticides but merely apply them. To the extent EPA lacks regulatory authority over advertising of services, however, the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC's) broad authority to regulate advertising provides a means to regulate and enforce against excessive or misleading claims made by lawn care operators. Therefore, lawn care operators that do not sell or distribute pesticides but make false or misleading claims about their services, may be subject to enforcement by the FTC.

2. Antimicrobial Claims

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3. Chemigation

4. Contract Manufacture

    As stated in the Code of Federal Regulations section 156.10(c)exit EPA"If the registrant's name appears on the label and the registrant is not the producer, or if the name of the person for whom the pesticide was produced appears on the label, it must be qualified by appropriate wording such as "Packed for * * *," "Distributed by * * *," or "Sold by * * *" to show that the name is not that of the producer."

    In this case, the registrant is not the producer, irrespective of the contract manufacturing arrangement. The contract manufacturer is the producer of the pesticide, and therefore the registrant's name must be qualified with either the statement "Produced for * * *" or "Manufactured for * * *."

5. Crawl Spaces

6. Definitions of Terms

7. Distributors

Top of page

8. Exception to Use in a Manner Not Permited (FIFRA Sec 2ee)

Top of page

9. Existing Stocks

10. General Labeling

Top of page

11. Labeling from Web Sites

12. Miscellaneous

Top of page

13. Multiple Products Packaged Together

Top of page

14. NAFTA Labeling

15. Notifications

16. Packaging

Top of page

17. Pesticide Exemption(FIFRA 25B)

18.Pictures and Logos

Top of page

19. Repacked Products

20. Service Containers

21. Subject to FIFRA

22. Superlative Terms

23. Supplemental Labeling

Top of page

24. Termiticides

25. Water Soluble Packaging

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