Strengthening No Child Left Behind
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Final Regulations for Title I

Secretary Spellings announced final Title I regulations to strengthen the NCLB Act. (Oct 28, 2008)

Leading Education Indicators

Secretary Spellings unveiled the Leading Education Indicators at the Aspen Institute's National Education Summit. (Sep 15, 2008)

Advancing Accountability 2008 National Tour

Since January, Secretary Spellings has visited 22 states, meeting with policy makers and educators about ways to help all students reach their potential. (Jun 9, 2008)

Meetings on Proposed Title I Regulations for NCLB

Secretary Spellings announced public meetings to discuss new Title I regulations for No Child Left Behind. (Apr 29, 2008)

Proposed Regulations to Strengthen NCLB

Secretary Spellings announced proposed regulations to strengthen NCLB by focusing on improved accountability and transparency, uniform and disaggregated graduation rates, and improved parental notification. (Apr 22, 2008)

Uniform Graduation Rate, Disaggregation of Data

Secretary Spellings announced the ED will move to a uniform graduation rate and require disaggregation of data. She made the announcement at an America's Promise Alliance Dropout Prevention Campaign press conference. (Apr 1, 2008)

Simon Discusses Differentiated Accountability Pilot

Deputy Secretary Simon visited Indianapolis, where he discussed the new pilot program to help schools most in need of intervention and reform. (Mar 25, 2008)

Differentiated Accountability Pilot Program

Secretary Spellings announced a new pilot program to help states differentiate between underperforming schools in need of dramatic interventions and those closer to meeting the goals of NCLB. (Mar 18, 2008)

President's 2009 Budget

Secretary Spellings highlighted President Bush's FY 2009 budget, which strengthens the nation's commitment to NCLB and increases funding for Title I and Pell Grants and restores funding for Reading First. (Feb 4, 2008)

K-12 Priorities for 2008

Secretary Spellings discussed NCLB and the Administration's K-12 priorities for 2008 during remarks at National Press Club. (Jan 10, 2008)

Statement on Legislation Proposed by Senator Alexander

Secretary Spellings said that legislation proposed by Senator Lamar Alexander to expand flexibility options for states under No Child Left Behind is "a reasonable and responsible step forward." (Nov 6, 2007)

President Talks with Civil Rights Leaders

President Bush spoke to civil rights leaders and advocates for minority and disadvantaged students about closing the achievement gap and the need to reauthorize the No Child Left Behind Act. (Oct 9, 2007)

Nation's Report Card

"Student achievement is on the rise," Secretary Spellings said. "No Child Left Behind is working." President Bush also hailed the results, saying Congress should reauthorize NCLB and not "roll back accountability." (Sep 25-26, 2007)

No Child Left Behind Bus Tour

During the NCLB bus tour in Ohio and Indiana, Secretary Spellings announced the Empowering Parents School Box, guide books on charter schools, and more. See press releases and photos. (Sep 19-21, 2007)

Secretary's Letter on "Miller-McKeon Discussion Draft" of Title I

This letter provides ED's general comments on the August 28 "Miller-McKeon discussion draft" of Title I of NCLB posted on the Committee on Education and Labor website. (Sep 5, 2007)

Spellings Speaks to Business Coalition

Secretary Spellings spoke to the Business Coalition for Student Achievement about the need for Congress to strengthen and reauthorize the No Child Left Behind Act this year. See the Secretary's remarks. (Sep 5, 2007)

Secretary Visits Schools in Rural Alaska, Highlights NCLB

Secretary Spellings joined Senator Stevens and Senator Murkowski to highlight strides made by Alaska's schools and students under No Child Left Behind. See press releases. (Aug 29-30, 2007)

Statement on Chairman Miller's Remarks on NCLB Reauthorization

Secretary Spellings thanked Chairman Miller "for his commitment to strengthening and improving" NCLB and noted that "his leadership and bipartisanship will be essential" to improving NCLB. See statement. (Jul 30, 2007)

President's Remarks at ALEC on NCLB Reauthorization

President Bush spoke about the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). See the excerpt about reauthorizing NCLB or the video and text of his remarks. (Jul 26, 2007)

Secretary's Statement on No Child Left Behind Act of 2007

"The NCLB Act of 2007 strikes a strong balance between preserving the fundamental accountability that is helping students improve, and responding to legitimate concerns raised by parents and educators," Secretary Spellings said. (Jul 12, 2007)

Presidential Scholars

President Bush congratulated the 2007 Presidential Scholars and called on Congress to reauthorize No Child Left Behind this year. (Jun 25, 2007)

House Testimony, Invitation to Congressional Leaders

Secretary Spellings testified before the House Committee on Education and Labor. She also invited congressional leaders to collaborate in reauthorizing No Child Left Behind. (May 10-11, 2007)

Secretary Spellings Visits Los Angeles

Secretary Spellings met with education leaders, parents, and federal officials in Los Angeles, where she discussed charter schools, school safety, and the importance of reauthorizing NCLB this year. (May 3, 2007)

President Bush Visits Harlem School, Discusses NCLB

President Bush and Secretary Spellings visited the Harlem Village Academy charter school, where the President called on Congress to reauthorize No Child Left Behind this year. (Apr 24, 2007)

President Bush Discusses NCLB Reauthorization

President Bush discussed the need to reauthorize NCLB. (Apr 12, 2007)

Secretary Spellings Visits Minnesota

Secretary Spellings visited Grainwood Elementary School and spoke with the Burnsville Chamber of Commerce. (Apr 5, 2007)

Secretary Spellings Visits Arizona

Secretary Spellings visited the Mesa Arts Academy and participated in a roundtable discussion with the Arizona Business Education Coalition. (Apr 2, 2007)

President Bush Visits School in New Albany, Indiana

President Bush spoke at Silver Street Elementary School in New Albany, Indiana, where he discussed the reauthorization of NCLB. (Mar 2, 2007)

Secretary Spellings Visits Tampa

Secretary Spellings visited Dunbar Magnet School in Tampa, Florida, where she talked business leaders, teachers, students, and parents about the importance of reauthorizing NCLB this year. (Feb 22, 2007)

Statement on Aspen Institute Report on NCLB

Secretary Spellings said the recommendations by the Aspen Institute's Commission on NCLB "recognize the solid foundation built by NCLB and reaffirm the law's core principles." (Feb 13, 2007)

Secretary Spellings Visits Atlanta

Secretary Spellings met with business and community leaders, students and teachers in Atlanta, Georgia, rounding out a month-long celebration of the five-year anniversary of the historic No Child Left Behind Act and stressing the importance of reauthorizing the law this year. (Jan 30, 2007)

Secretary Spellings Visits Chicago

Secretary Spellings kicked off a national dialogue in Chicago with business leaders, students, teachers, and school officials to promote Building on Results: A Blueprint for Strengthening the No Child Left Behind Act. (Jan 25, 2007)

Secretary Spellings Visits Dallas

At the Northeast Leadership Forum Annual Luncheon in Dallas, Secretary Spellings spoke about the success of students under NCLB and encouraged business and community leaders to support the reauthorization of the law. (Jan 19, 2007)

Secretary Spellings Hails Support of Business Leaders in Reauthorizing NCLB

Secretary Spellings met with leaders of the Business Coalition for Student Achievement to thank them for their support of the No Child Left Behind Act and to discuss the shared goal of reauthorizing NCLB this year. (Jan 18, 2007)

Building on Results: A Blueprint for Strengthening NCLB

See the administration's proposals for reauthorizing No Child Left Behind (Jan 2007) and a subsequent letter describing policy priorities (Apr 2007). See fact sheets and videos of NCLB success stories.

President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and Secretary Spellings Meet with Members of Congress on Fifth Anniversary of NCLB

President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and Secretary Spellings met with bicameral and bipartisan members of Congress on the fifth anniversary of No Child Left Behind. The reauthorization of NCLB is one of the President's top priorities—and an area where he believes both parties can work together to improve our children's lives and enhance American competitiveness. See a video, photo, and fact sheet. (Jan 8, 2007)

President Discusses NCLB Reauthorization at ED

"I have just reassured the Secretary and the folks who work here," President Bush said, "that the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act is a priority of this administration." See a video of the President's remarks. See photos of the discussion and of the President's visit that day at Woodridge Elementary and Middle Campus in Washington, D.C. (Oct 5, 2006)

Fact Sheet

Learn about progress made under NCLB and areas where we can look to improve. (Oct 5, 2006)

President Discusses NCLB in Greensboro, North Carolina

President Bush congratulated the principal, teachers, and parents at Waldo C. Falkener Elementary School in Greensboro, North Carolina, "for working hard to make this a fantastically interesting place for our children to go to school." See his remarks, including a video and photos. (Oct 18, 2006)

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Last Modified: 01/16/2009