
Meetings are gatherings of two or more compulsive eaters who come together to share their personal experience and the strength and hope OA has given them. They are usually held once a week and run from an hour to an hour and a half. Though there are many types of meetings, fellowship with other compulsive eaters is the basis of them all.

OA has about 6,500 registered meetings in over 75 countries. If you can’t find a face-to-face meeting in your area, consider an online meeting or telephone meeting. These are a great resource when face-to-face meetings can’t be found in your area or you find yourself housebound for one reason or another. Many of our members have found strong recovery through these meetings.

Meeting Information — Please be aware that meeting information is as current as the communication World Service Office (WSO) receives from the groups. Though each meeting shows a contact name and phone number, it isn’t necessary to call a meeting’s contact person to attend a meeting. However, the contact person can confirm the meeting place and time, give you directions to the meeting, and answer questions about the program.

Group Secretary Information — Registering a meeting ensures it will be listed in the WSO’s directory. The group secretary connects the meeting to the WSO, making sure that the WSO has current meeting and contact information. He or she is also responsible for distributing information from the WSO, region and intergroup—such as newsletters, surveys and other mail—to group members. When changes to the meeting details occur, submit them to the WSO using the registration/change forms on the Web site. It is vital that groups keep their meeting information up to date.

Service by Mail — The Service-by-Mail/Email program helps OA members reach out to one another. Participating members correspond by mail or email to share recovery and discuss working OA’s Twelve-Step program of recovery with other OA members around the world.

Alternative Methods to Finding an OA Meeting Near You — If you aren’t able to find a meeting in your city, please consult the OA Intergroup Directory. Intergroups are central OA offices located in most urban areas. These offices are usually staffed by volunteer OA members who will be happy to answer your questions and assist you in finding a meeting in your area.

In the United States and Canada, you may also find a meeting by looking for Overeaters Anonymous in the local business white pages of the telephone book.

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