A seagull flies over the California Coastal National Monument which stretches along the entire coast of California and extends 12 miles into the Pacific Ocean.  The Monument includes 20,000 rocks, islands, pinnacles and reefs.
Wildhorses at Sand Creek Barrel Springs Byway at sunset.  Photo by Laurie Sada Upper Wall Canyon creek.  Photo by B. Parrott Windmill at Sunset in Surprise Valley Sunset reflection on Upper Lake in Surprise Valley.
BLM>California>Surprise>Grazing Permit Renewals
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Surprise Field Office

2009 Grazing Permit Renewal Information

The Surprise Field Office is in the process of renewing the livestock grazing permits on 17 allotments in northeastern California and northwestern Nevada.  Public input was requested for this effort.  The public was asked for any information they may have had related to any of the affected allotments or issues they felt were important for this effort.   Comments were requested by February 15th, 2008.

South Larkspur Allotment (posted 3/19/2009)

NEPA Documentation (pdf)

Field Managers Proposed Decision (pdf)

Nut Mountain Allotment (posted 3/12/2009)

Rangeland Health Determination Form (pdf)

Scoping Information (pdf-posted 3/16/2009)

Nevada Cowhead Allotment (posted 2/13/2009)

Scoping Information (pdf)

Rangeland Health Determination Form (pdf)

Crooks Lake Allotment (posted 01/14/2009)

NEPA Documentation (pdf)

Field Managers Proposed Decision (pdf)

Rangeland Health Determination Form (pdf)

Little Basin Allotment (posted 12/04/2008)

NEPA Documentation (pdf)

Field Managers Proposed Decision (pdf)

Rangeland Health Determination Form (pdf)

Long Valley Allotment (posted 12/04/2008)

NEPA Documentation (pdf)

Field Managers Proposed Decision (pdf)

Rangeland Health Determination Form (pdf)

Upper Lake Allotment (posted 10/06/2008)

NEPA Documentation (pdf)

Field Managers Proposed Decision (pdf)

Rangeland Health Determination Form (pdf-Posted 9/4/2008)

Upper Allotment Map

Calcutta Allotment (Posted 9/4/2008)

Rangeland Health Determination Form (pdf)

Bally Mountain Allotment (Posted 8/28/2008)

Field Managers Final Grazing Decision (pdf- posted seperately 2/13/2009)

NEPA Documentation (pdf)

Field Managers Proposed Descison (pdf)

Rangeland Health Determination Form  (pdf - post seperately  9/4/2008)                                                          

2008 Grazing Permit Renewal   Public Scoping Letter  (pdf)

A summary of resources and identified issues within each allotment are contained in this  Table  (pdf)


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