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NIH Consensus Development Conference on
Rehabilitation of Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury

Report of the
NIH Consensus Development Conference
on the


Rehabilitation of Persons with
Traumatic Brain Injury
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Child Health and
    Human Development

nih.gif (2523 bytes)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Public Health Service
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
September 1999


Report of the Consensus Development Conference on the

Sponsored by:
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Office of Medical Applications of Research, NIH

Co-sponsored by:
National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
National Institute of Mental Health
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
National Institute of Nursing Research
Office of Alternative Medicine
Office of Research on Women’s Health
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

October 26-28, 1998
Bethesda, Maryland

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Public Health Service
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

September 1999

Table of Contents

Introduction to the NIH Consensus Development Conference on Rehabilitation of Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury

NIH Consensus Statement

Consensus Development Panel


Planning Committee



Rehabilitation of Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injury: Status of the Art and Science
     John Whyte, M.D., Ph.D.

Challenges in Determining the Epidemiology of Traumatic Brain Injury: Issues Affecting Incidence, Prevalence, and Risk Factor Identification or Measurement
     Jess F. Kraus, Ph.D.

Trends in Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Hospitalizations—United States, 1980-1995
     David J. Thurman, M.D., M.P.H., and Janet Guerrero, M.S.

Neurocognitive/Behavioral Outcomes in Children and Adults
     Harvey S. Levin, Ph.D.

Functional Consequences and Outcome Measurements
     Mitchell Rosenthal, Ph.D.

Consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury for the Family
     Jeffrey S. Kreutzer, Ph.D., ABPP

Consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury for Functioning in the Community
     John D. Corrigan, Ph.D.

Economics of Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Observations on Progress and Recommended Directions
     Mark V. Johnston, Ph.D. and Kenneth Wood, Ph.D.

Receptor-Based Mechanisms of Functional Recovery
     Tracy K. McIntosh, Ph.D.

Cellular Mechanisms of Recovery
     John T. Povlishock, Ph.D.

Neuroplasticity, Experience, and Mechanisms of Brain Information Storage
     William T. Greenough, Ph.D.

The Cognitive and Behavioral Mechanisms Underlying Recovery From Traumatic Brain Injury at Different Stages After Injury
     Donald T. Stuss, Ph.D.

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Evidence-Based Practice Report
     Randall M. Chesnut, M.D., Nancy Carney, Ph.D.,  Hugo Maynard,
     Ph.D., Patricia Patterson, Ph.D., N. Clay Mann, Ph.D., and Mark
     Helfand, M.D.

Cognitive Rehabilitation: An Impairment-Oriented Approach Embedded in a Holistic Perspective
     George P. Prigatano, Ph.D.

A Contextualized and Routine-Based Approach to Cognitive and Behavioral Rehabilitation: A Historical Perspective
     Mark Ylvisaker, Ph.D.

Cognitive Rehabilitation: Research Approaches
     Ronald M. Ruff, Ph.D.

Institute of Medicine Model of Disability
     Diana D. Cardenas, M.D.

Models of Head Injury Care
     D. Nathan Cope, M.D.

Access to Brain Injury Rehabilitation and Other Post-Acute Services
     Gerben DeJong, Ph.D.

The Consumer Perspective on Existing Models of Rehabilitation: The Rehabilitation of Persons With Traumatic Brain Injuries
     Theresa M. Rankin

Quality of Life and Life Satisfaction Studies
     Allen W. Heinemann, Ph.D., ABPP

Ethical Considerations in Research Design Involving Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury
     John Banja, Ph.D.

Approaches to Resolving the Dilemma
     Kenneth J. Ottenbacher, Ph.D.

Report of the Consensus Panel

Epidemiology of Traumatic Brain Injury

Consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury

Mechanisms Underlying Functional Recovery Following Traumatic Brain Injury

Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Interventions to Address Cognitive, Behavioral, and Emotional Consequences of Brain Injury

Models of Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury

Appendix A

The Consumer Perspective on Existing Models of Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury
     T.M. Rankin

Appendix B

The Epidemiology of Traumatic Brain Injury Among Children and Adolescents
     K.A. Dunn, M.D., M.S.P.H., D.J. Thurman, M.D., M.P.H., and C.J.
     Alverson, Jr., M.S.

Appendix C

Evidence Report/Technology Assessment: Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury
     R.M. Chesnut, M.D., N. Carney, Ph.D., H. Maynard, Ph.D.,
     P. Patterson, Ph.D., N.C. Mann, Ph.D., and M. Helfand, M.D.