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Toxic Substance Control Act State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program

State Grants Topics

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) State Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) compliance monitoring program annually awards approximately 5.1 million dollars to establish and operate compliance monitoring programs in 38 authorized states, 2 territories and 5 tribes under TSCA to conduct inspections for compliance with:

In addition to monitoring compliance, authorized states also undertake enforcement for lead, and if they have authorized asbestos programs.

In the asbestos program, states focus on Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (based on identified non-compliance and risk), and the asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP). States help reduce public exposure to asbestos hazards in indoor environments through compliance assistance, compliance monitoring and case development as applicable.

The PCB program is part of the Agency's Persistent Bio-accumulative Toxics program. Due to their persistence, PCBs in food and water present major environmental/public health problems.

In the lead-base paint program, authorized states conduct compliance and enforcement activities under sections 402 and 406 of TSCA. Section 402 requires that individuals engaged in lead hazard activities are properly trained, the training programs are accredited, and that contractors are certified and conduct those activities in accordance with established work practice standards. TSCA section 406(b) requires each person who performs (for compensation) renovation and remodeling of target housing to provide a lead hazard information pamphlet to the owner and occupant of such housing prior to commencing the renovation.

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