News Release

For Release: September 19, 2008      
Contact: Kelly Cole 661-391-6089

Bakersfield BLM to reopen areas closed by Piute fire

Areas and roads on BLM public lands south of Lake Isabella temporarily closed in early July due to the Piute fire are being reopened affective Saturday, September 20, 2008.

The roads were temporarily closed within the fire perimeter near Lake Isabella while fire crews fought the fire and BLM began rehabilitation efforts after the fire was extinguished.  The closure order was issued to provide for firefighter and public safety in the remote area and remained in effect until a Burned Area Response Team completed an assessment of hazards, fire impacts and potential threats to life and property.

"The reasons for the closure have been resolved, said Tim Smith," Bakersfield Field Office manager.  "The area is again open to traffic on established roads and trails."
Smith stressed that any traffic venturing cross country or off the existing roads and trails is not allowed.

The Piute fire started on June 28 but not fully contained until July 25 after consuming over 37,000 acres on BLM public lands and in Sequoia National Forest. 


Bakersfield Field Office - 3801 Pegasus Avenue - Bakersfield, CA 93308