IDF Peer Support Program

Speak with Someone Who Understands

What is the Peer Support Program?

Peer Support Program The Immune Deficiency Foundation's Peer Support Program is a caring community that connects people and patients who share similar relationships to primary immunodeficiency disease. Participation in the Program gives you the opportunity to interact with one of IDF's peer supporters; a trained volunteer who has had a personal experience living with primary immunodeficiency disease.

This free resource is for anyone personally affected by primary immunodeficiency - a patient, parent or other family member, friend or caregiver. And you can take comfort in knowing your communications and correspondence will be held in the strictest confidence.

How does the Peer Support Program help?

Feelings of isolation often accompany the everyday effects of living with a primary immunodeficiency disease. Frequently, those feelings stem from the perception that no one understands what you are going through. Sometimes you simply need to talk freely about how you're feeling. Our trained, volunteer peer supporters are comprised of individuals with diverse backgrounds. They are patients and family members of all ages, and they are ready to listen to your cares and concerns; offer skilled emotional support; and will share their experiences and offer their understanding. Peer contacts may also provide information on local resources, plan educational or support group meetings, increase awareness of primary immune deficiencies in their communities, and serve as advocates in both local and federal public policy arenas.

How do I participate in the Peer Support Program?

It's easy... just contact the Immune Deficiency Foundation at or call 800-296-4433. Perhaps you want to speak with a patient living with the same primary immunodeficiency disease, or wish to contact an experienced parent of a child with a primary immunodeficiency. Maybe you seek to network and share ideas and experiences with someone who lives in your state, city or neighborhood. An IDF staff member will contact you and get to know you and your needs. She will make arrangements for a volunteer peer consultant to contact you by phone or e-mail, however you prefer. Remember: you are not alone. The Immune Deficiency Foundation is here to help.

The IDF Volunteer Peer Support Program is funded by the IDF Core Service Sponsors: Baxter Healthcare Corporation, CSL Behring, Grifols, IgG America /ASD Healthcare, Octapharma and Talecris Biotherapeutics. These organizations are committed to supporting IDF at the highest level through educational grants.

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