Integrated Workplace Acquisition Center Forms

The following forms are for customers placing orders through the Integrated Workplace Acquisition Center.

The Best Value Recommendation form is for orders over $2,500 and must be signed by an authorized agency official. In order to process the procurement, the completed form and a copy of all competing quotes must accompany the order.

Justification and Approval for Other than Full and Open Competition (J&A) is used to provide information to the Integrated Workplace Acquisition Center when ordering from one source without full and open competition. Please note: When trying to acquire items and services from a sole source, one should expect a longer time frame for the acquisition process due to the levels of approval required to process these types of procurements.

The Guidelines to Support Installation Charges form is only used for sole source installations.

The Purchase on Behalf of Other Agencies form (for orders over $100,000) requires the requisition, funding document or MIPR number, and verifies any special funding and procurement requirements has been disclosed to GSA.

Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date

Best Value Recommendation Form for Products
Use this form after obtaining three GSA quotes for products. If services are incidental to products (furniture and installation), then use this form.

Word 37k  

Best Value Recommendation Form for Services
Use this form after obtaining three GSA quotes for only services. This form is mainly to be used when requesting bids from our schedule 7I II K.

Word 36k  

Guidelines for Installation

Use this form when installation is unavailable to compete

Word 48k  


Use this form when proposal does not have to be competed

Other 88k  
J&A Examples Word 87k

Purchase on Behalf of Other Agencies

Use when purchases are over $100,000

Other 51k  
Last Reviewed 12/4/2008