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 Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington
Visit A Volcano

Larch Mountain, Boring Lava Field, Oregon

Larch Mountain - Boring Lava Field
Larch Mountain (4,056 feet), located 10 miles southeast of Oregon City, Oregon, is a Plio-Pleistocene shield volcano of the Boring Lavas. The Boring Lava field includes at least 32 and possibly 50 cinder cones and small shield volcanoes.

From: John Allen, 1990, IN: Wood and Kienle, and John Allen, 1975.

"Climb A Volcano"

Larch Mountain Trail (USFS #441)

6.8 miles one-way, 3,256 feet elevation, May to October (higher elevations) and year-round (lower elevations). Lower trailhead is located at Multnomah Falls (Exit 31, Interstate-84, walk through underpass). Upper trailhead is Larch Mountain picnic grounds, 14 miles from the junction of the Historic Columbia River Highway and Larch Mountain Road.

Information courtesy U.S. Forest Service Website, Pacific Northwest Region, 2003

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04/16/08, Lyn Topinka