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DOJ Seal

FY2002 Budget Summary

(Dollars in thousands)

  Perm. Pos. FTE Amount
2000 actuals ... ... $11,225
2001 enacted ... ... 10,800
  Government-wide .22% rescission pursuant to P.L. 106-554 ... ... -24
2001 appropriation ... ... 10,776
2002 base ... ... 10,776
  Program changes ... ... ...
2002 estimate ... ... 10,776

    2001 Appropriation 2002 Base 2002 Estimate Program Changes
Comparison by activity and program Perm.
FTE Amount Perm.
FTE Amount Perm.
FTE Amount Perm.
FTE Amount
Payment of Radiation Exposure claims ... ... $10,776 ... ... $10,776 ... ... $10,776 ... ... ...

Program Description
FY 2002 funding continues to make payments to individuals who qualify under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA).

For FY 2000, $11.6 million was available in the Trust Fund. The amount included carryover from prior years in the amount of $8.4 million and a FY 2000 appropriation of $3.2 million. In July 2000, RECA was amended by P.L. 106-245, substantially increasing the population eligible for compensation. Actual payments from the Trust Fund totaled $11.2 million. A total of 232 approvals, valued at $19.6 million, could not be paid.

For FY 2001, $10.8 million was appropriated. Up to 908 claims are expected to be approved at a value of up to $70.4 million; however, the FY 2001 Appropriations Act includes statutory language limiting payments only to those claimants who qualify under the RECA prior to the passage of P.L. 106-245. The FY 2001 appropriation is not expected to cover an estimated 235 awards, valued at about $18.3 million, that would qualify for payment under the statutory language.

For FY 2002, an appropriation of $10.8 million is sought. Under P.L. 106-245, anticipated approvals are approximately 1,767 awards, at a value of $137.8 million. The Administration is working on legislation for later transmittal that will limit the eligibility of those downwinders who contracted lung cancer who were also heavy smokers and would postpone awards for millers, ore transporters and above-ground miners, pending the outcome of ongoing studies. These measures would decrease approvals in FY 2002 to $92.3 million. The Administration is also working on legislation for later transmittal that would classify the RECA Trust Fund as mandatory.

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