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DOJ Seal

FY2002 Budget Summary

(Dollars in thousands)

FTE Amount
2000 actuals, Offsetting Collections 824 748 $109,736
2001 enacted, Offsetting Collections 686 642 95,838
2001 carryover availability 179 167 25,000
Total 2001 availability 865 809 120,838
  Increases (see p. 33) ... ... 6,825
  Decreases (see p. 33) ... ... -489
2002 base, Offsetting Collections 865 809 127,174
  Program changes (detailed below) 113 113 13,799
2002 requirements, Offsetting Collections 978 922 140,973
2002 estimate 620 585 89,423
2002 carryover availability 358 337 51,550
Total 2002 availability 978 922 140,973

  2001 Appropriation 2002 Base 2002 Estimate Program Change
Comparison by activity and program Perm.
FTE Amount Perm.
FTE Amount Perm.
FTE Amount Perm.
FTE Amount
1. Federal Appellate Activity 14 11 $1,884 14 11 $1,997 14 11 $1,997 .... .... ....
2. Termination and Prevention of Cartel Behavior 245 228 35,174 245 228 36,945 245 228 36,945 .... .... ....
3. Preservation of Competitive Market Structure 483 456 64,547 483 456 67,849 596 569 81,648 113 113 13,799
4. Policy Analysis and Legislation 48 45 7,397 48 45 7,840 48 45 7,840 .... .... ....
5. Competition Advocacy 24 21 3,807 24 21 4,034 24 21 4,034 .... .... ....
6. Management and Administration 51 48 8,029 51 48 8,509 51 48 8,509 .... .... ....
Total 865 809 120,838 865 809 127,174 978 922 140,973 113 113 13,799

  2001 Appropriation 2002 Base 2002 Estimate Program Change
Comparison by source Perm.
FTE Amount Perm.
FTE Amount Perm.
FTE Amount Perm.
FTE Amount
  Direct Authority ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... .... ....
  Offsetting Collections 686 642 95,838 514 481 $75,624 620 585 $89,423 113 113 $13,799
  Prior Year Unobligated Balances ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  Prior Year Collections 179 167 25,000 351 328 51,550 358 337 51,550 ... ... ....
  Total by Source 865 809 120,838 865 809 127,174 978 922 140,973 113 113 13,799

Filing fees are paid by persons acquiring voting securities or assets who are required to file premerger notifications under 15 U.S.C. 18a, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. The filing fees are divided evenly between and credited to the appropriations of the Antitrust Division and the Federal Trade Commission. The revenue generated from premerger filing fees (recently revised by Section 630 of P.L. 106-553) is available exclusively for antitrust enforcement.

Program Changes Perm.
FTE Amount
Preservation of Competitive Market Structure 113 113 $13,799
The request includes a program increase of $13,799,000 and 113 positions for the Division's civil merger program. Resources are required for the review of an increasing number of large, complex merger proposals, often global in scope. The Division's workload is expected to grow as it must review a rising number of premerger filings within statutorily mandated time frames.      
Total, Program Changes, Antitrust Division 113 113 13,799

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