Behavioral Health




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Prevention & Early Intervention Programs

Community-Based Suicide Prevention Program


James Gallanos LCSW
Program Coordinator

(907) 465-8536 phone
(907)465-1189 fax

350 Main Street, Room 214
P.O. Box 110609
Juneau, Alaska 99811-0609

The Community-Based Suicide Prevention Program is currently operating within the framework of the Comprehensive Behavioral Health Prevention and Early Intervention grant program. The program provides support and assistance to Alaskan communities to develop and implement their own locally-designed projects to reduce self-destructive behavior and suicide and to increase individual, family and community health. Assistance is in the form of grants, training, support and an information network which includes periodic regional conferences, Alaska Gatekeeper Training, the gatekeeper electronic list serve, and e-Notes, a bi-monthly newsletter providing Alaska prevention news and information. The program includes small, rural communities to larger communities and non-profits representing neighborhoods and sub-sections of large communities.

If you are feeling down and thinking about hurting yourself, please know that help is available and with help you can feel better about yourself and your life. Call your local mental health center, talk to a counselor, a teacher, friend. Let someone you trust know how you feel and allow them to assist you in getting help.

  • Alaska's Careline is 1-877-266-HELP (1-877-266-4357)

  • The National Suicide Prevention Helpline is 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

If you are looking for information about suicide try these websites:

Suicide Hurts: Click Here


Page updated 3/27/2009