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Newly Certified Professionals to Develop Leasing in Ukraine

On November 30, 26 individuals were recognized for passing a series of examinations and satisfying the requirements to become Certified Leasing Professionals.

“These awardees have attended the required number of training sessions and have passed three tough exams,” said USAID/Ukraine Mission Director Earl Gast in opening the award ceremony. “Many of these awardees will continue working with the Certified Leasing Specialist Program as trainers. It will be their responsibility to conduct training sessions for future candidates.”

The Certified Leasing Specialist Program, implemented within the framework of the USAID’s Access to Credit Initiative, is designed to increase the competencies of professionals working in Ukraine’s leasing industry, providing a pool of trained professionals that the leasing industry can draw upon as the volume of funded leases increases here. The certificates are intended to instill a sense of pride and accomplishment among those who have satisfied the requirements to become Certified Leasing Specialists.

Earl Gast presents a certificate to a course graduate
Earl Gast presents a certificate to a course graduate

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