
State Assistance Programs for SSI Recipients, January 2002

State Supplementation

Mandatory Minimum Supplementation

Administration: Department of Economic Security; Aging Adult Administration and Family Assistance Administration.

Optional State Supplementation

Administration: Department of Economic Security; Aging Adult Administration and Family Assistance Administration.

Effective date: May 9, 1974.

Statutory basis for payment: Arizona Revised Statutes 46:252.


Administration: State funds.

Assistance: State funds.

Passalong method: Maintaining payment levels.

Place of application: Area Agencies on Aging, Catholic Social Services, other designated contracting agencies, and local offices of state Department of Economic Security. County Health Department Long-Term Care Unit and city Human Resources Departments arrange home interviews (if needed) or refer to appropriate agencies.

Scope of coverage: Optional state supplement provided to SSI recipients, including children, residing in the specified living arrangements (see Table 1) as well as to needy persons not eligible for SSI. Nursing home supplements are provided only to aged persons. Funds from public or private nonprofit organizations are used to defray the cost of nursing home care.

Resource limitations: Same as federal.

Income exclusions: Same as federal.

Recoveries, liens, and assignments: None.

Responsibility of relatives: None.

Interim assistance: State participates.

Payment levels: See Table 1.

Table 1.
Optional state supplementation payment levels (in dollars)
Living arrangement Combined federal and state State supplementation
Individual Couple Individual Couple
Requires housekeeping services a 615.00 887.00 70.00 70.00
Licensed supervisory care home, adult foster care home, or 24-hour treatment facility 595.00 917.00 50.00 100.00
Licensed private nursing home (aged) 625.00 977.00 80.00 160.00
a. Services may be provided in lieu of cash grants. Services and cash benefits are the same for individuals and couples.
Requires housekeeping services
A determination that the person is functionally impaired in sufficient degree as to require help with housekeeping, laundry, essential shopping, errands, and meal preparation.
Licensed supervisory care home
Provides accommodations, board, and general supervision including assistance in the self-administration of prescribed medication.
24-hour treatment facility
Residential care facilities, licensed by the state Department of Health Services, that provide 24-hour treatment to the chronically mentally ill.

Number of recipients: In January 2002, 677 people received optional state supplementation.

State Assistance for Special Needs


Department of Economic Security.

Special Needs Circumstances

Visiting nurse services: Up to $160 in vendor payments per month for any aged SSI recipient who is 65 years or older when medical findings substantiate need.

Home health services: Up to $160 in vendor payments per month for any aged SSI recipient who is 65 years or older when medical findings substantiate need.


Medical assistance is provided through a Title XIX authorized demonstration program—the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)—which is more limited in scope than Medicaid.


Criteria: SSI program guidelines (Title XVI).

Determined by: Social Security Administration.

Medically Needy Program

Arizona Department of Health Services provides funds for the medically needy.

Unpaid Medical Expenses

The Social Security Administration obtains this information.