Annual Statistical Supplement, 2005

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits Withheld

Table 6.E1
Number and percentage distribution of retired workers with benefits withheld, by monthly benefit, reduction for early retirement, and sex, December 2004
Sex and monthly benefit (dollars) Total Without reduction
for early retirement
With reduction
for early retirement
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
All retired workers 123,550 100.0 33,330 100.0 90,220 100.0
Less than 350.00 22,020 17.8 8,570 25.7 13,450 14.9
350.00–399.90 3,350 2.7 1,410 4.2 1,940 2.2
400.00–449.90 4,440 3.6 1,280 3.8 3,160 3.5
450.00–499.90 5,330 4.3 1,610 4.8 3,720 4.1
500.00–549.90 5,820 4.7 1,900 5.7 3,920 4.3
550.00–599.90 6,770 5.5 2,200 6.6 4,570 5.1
600.00–649.90 5,830 4.7 1,530 4.6 4,300 4.8
650.00–699.90 6,060 4.9 1,370 4.1 4,690 5.2
700.00–749.90 5,220 4.2 1,350 4.1 3,870 4.3
750.00–799.90 4,790 3.9 1,280 3.8 3,510 3.9
800.00–849.90 4,650 3.8 1,090 3.3 3,560 3.9
850.00–899.90 3,950 3.2 1,090 3.3 2,860 3.2
900.00–949.90 4,330 3.5 970 2.9 3,360 3.7
950.00–999.90 3,480 2.8 720 2.2 2,760 3.1
1,000.00–1,049.90 3,680 3.0 790 2.4 2,890 3.2
1,050.00–1,099.90 3,710 3.0 780 2.3 2,930 3.2
1,100.00–1,149.90 3,140 2.5 610 1.8 2,530 2.8
1,150.00–1,199.90 2,510 2.0 510 1.5 2,000 2.2
1,200.00–1,249.90 3,470 2.8 500 1.5 2,970 3.3
1,250.00–1,299.90 3,740 3.0 380 1.1 3,360 3.7
1,300.00–1,349.90 3,160 2.6 320 1.0 2,840 3.1
1,350.00–1,399.90 2,830 2.3 490 1.5 2,340 2.6
1,400.00–1,449.90 2,760 2.2 400 1.2 2,360 2.6
1,450.00–1,499.90 2,490 2.0 340 1.0 2,150 2.4
1,500.00 or more 6,020 4.9 1,840 5.5 4,180 4.6
Men 75,450 100.0 22,470 100.0 52,980 100.0
Less than 350.00 11,300 15.0 4,710 21.0 6,590 12.4
350.00–399.90 2,080 2.8 1,070 4.8 1,010 1.9
400.00–449.90 2,960 3.9 960 4.3 2,000 3.8
450.00–499.90 3,120 4.1 1,220 5.4 1,900 3.6
500.00–549.90 3,300 4.4 1,420 6.3 1,880 3.5
550.00–599.90 3,430 4.5 1,650 7.3 1,780 3.4
600.00–649.90 2,760 3.7 1,050 4.7 1,710 3.2
650.00–699.90 2,810 3.7 890 4.0 1,920 3.6
700.00–749.90 2,530 3.4 1,010 4.5 1,520 2.9
750.00–799.90 2,290 3.0 820 3.6 1,470 2.8
800.00–849.90 2,710 3.6 820 3.6 1,890 3.6
850.00–899.90 2,420 3.2 780 3.5 1,640 3.1
900.00–949.90 2,680 3.6 630 2.8 2,050 3.9
950.00–999.90 2,300 3.0 490 2.2 1,810 3.4
1,000.00–1,049.90 2,440 3.2 500 2.2 1,940 3.7
1,050.00–1,099.90 2,390 3.2 500 2.2 1,890 3.6
1,100.00–1,149.90 2,110 2.8 340 1.5 1,770 3.3
1,150.00–1,199.90 1,790 2.4 360 1.6 1,430 2.7
1,200.00–1,249.90 2,570 3.4 390 1.7 2,180 4.1
1,250.00–1,299.90 2,940 3.9 270 1.2 2,670 5.0
1,300.00–1,349.90 2,470 3.3 250 1.1 2,220 4.2
1,350.00–1,399.90 2,380 3.2 380 1.7 2,000 3.8
1,400.00–1,449.90 2,310 3.1 280 1.2 2,030 3.8
1,450.00–1,499.90 2,210 2.9 240 1.1 1,970 3.7
1,500.00 or more 5,150 6.8 1,440 6.4 3,710 7.0
Women 48,100 100.0 10,860 100.0 37,240 100.0
Less than 350.00 10,720 22.3 3,860 35.5 6,860 18.4
350.00–399.90 1,270 2.6 340 3.1 930 2.5
400.00–449.90 1,480 3.1 320 2.9 1,160 3.1
450.00–499.90 2,210 4.6 390 3.6 1,820 4.9
500.00–549.90 2,520 5.2 480 4.4 2,040 5.5
550.00–599.90 3,340 6.9 550 5.1 2,790 7.5
600.00–649.90 3,070 6.4 480 4.4 2,590 7.0
650.00–699.90 3,250 6.8 480 4.4 2,770 7.4
700.00–749.90 2,690 5.6 340 3.1 2,350 6.3
750.00–799.90 2,500 5.2 460 4.2 2,040 5.5
800.00–849.90 1,940 4.0 270 2.5 1,670 4.5
850.00–899.90 1,530 3.2 310 2.9 1,220 3.3
900.00–949.90 1,650 3.4 340 3.1 1,310 3.5
950.00–999.90 1,180 2.5 230 2.1 950 2.6
1,000.00–1,049.90 1,240 2.6 290 2.7 950 2.6
1,050.00–1,099.90 1,320 2.7 280 2.6 1,040 2.8
1,100.00–1,149.90 1,030 2.1 270 2.5 760 2.0
1,150.00–1,199.90 720 1.5 150 1.4 570 1.5
1,200.00–1,249.90 900 1.9 110 1.0 790 2.1
1,250.00–1,299.90 800 1.7 110 1.0 690 1.9
1,300.00–1,349.90 690 1.4 70 0.6 620 1.7
1,350.00–1,399.90 450 0.9 110 1.0 340 0.9
1,400.00–1,449.90 450 0.9 120 1.1 330 0.9
1,450.00–1,499.90 280 0.6 100 0.9 180 0.5
1,500.00 or more 870 1.8 400 3.7 470 1.3
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 10 percent sample.
CONTACT: Dana N. Mercer (410) 966-6637 or Robert L. Hackendorf (410) 965-5536.
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Table 6.E4
Number of beneficiaries with benefits withheld, by reason for withholding payment and type of benefit, December 2004
Reason payment withheld Total, all
Retired workers Disabled
Wives and husbands Children Widowed
Widow(er)s Parents Special
Subtotal Wives Husbands
Subtotal Men Women Without
children a
children b
Total 1,796,212 123,844 75,950 47,894 105,730 304,741 180,968 53,662 70,111 479,244 59,937 712,860 577 9,279
Earnings of—
Retired workers 50,472 47,235 27,415 19,820 . . . 1,952 1,673 201 78 1,285 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other beneficiaries 87,021 . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,990 1,056 32,708 2,226 232 38,860 11,939 . . . . . .
Entitled child not in care of beneficiary 24,950 . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,449 73 10,427 949 . . . 13,501 . . . . . . . . .
Payee not determined 11,708 815 410 405 1,910 56 c c 6 8,635 8 284 . . . . . .
Recoupment of overpayment for reasons other than earnings 27,978 6,554 3,202 3,352 5,891 1,872 1,065 763 c 10,273 1,049 2,337 c . . .
Address unknown 56,612 22,251 13,004 9,247 10,114 1,861 1,260 404 c 13,716 285 7,949 c 391
Determination of continuing disability pending 6,669 . . . . . . . . . 4,440 141 c c 4 2,079 . . . 9 . . . . . .
Workers' compensation offset 5,723 . . . . . . . . . 1,667 408 84 306 18 3,648 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Government pension offset 313,797 . . . . . . . . . . . . 203,159 140,662 49 62,448 . . . 89 107,131 . . . 3,418
Receipt of public assistance 3,727 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,727
Technical entitlement 979,458 . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,687 19,029 5,591 2,067 386,374 1,603 564,643 107 44
Other reasons 228,097 46,989 31,919 15,070 81,708 21,166 16,017 3,075 2,074 53,002 4,542 18,568 423 1,699
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: . . . = not applicable.
a. Aged 62 or older.
b. Under age 65 with entitled children in their care.
c. Not shown to avoid disclosure of information regarding particular individuals.
CONTACT: Hazel P. Jenkins (410) 965-0164 or Dana N. Mercer (410) 966-6377.
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Table 6.E5
Number of wives, husbands, and children with benefits withheld, by reason for withholding payment and type of benefit, December 2004
Reason payment withheld Wives and husbands of— Children under age 18 of— Disabled adult children of— Students aged 18–19 of—
Total 251,857 52,884 20,799 43,859 227,212 91,313 68,470 22,058 791 1,882 2,860
Earnings of—
Retired workers 1,952 . . . 1,061 . . . . . . 155 . . . . . . 69 . . . . . .
Other beneficiaries 6,977 29,013 17 35 139 5 15 a a 5 14
Entitled child not in care of beneficiary 1,809 9,640 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Payee not determined 50 6 401 3,434 3,670 154 839 a a 26 10
Recoupment of overpayment for reasons other than earnings 1,119 753 424 2,270 6,752 72 305 113 26 148 163
Address unknown 1,432 429 597 3,280 7,045 360 1,753 321 34 210 116
Determination of continuing disability pending . . . 141 . . . . . . 1,687 47 219 113 . . . . . . 13
Workers' compensation offset . . . 408 . . . . . . 3,542 . . . . . . 71 . . . . . . 35
Government pension offset 200,946 2,213 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Technical entitlement 19,072 7,615 15,118 25,509 179,818 88,048 56,439 17,455 587 1,234 2,166
Other reasons 18,500 2,666 3,181 9,331 24,559 2,472 8,900 3,886 71 259 343
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: . . . = not applicable.
a. Not shown to avoid disclosure of information regarding particular individuals.
CONTACT: Hazel P. Jenkins (410) 965-0164 or Dana N. Mercer (410) 966-6377.
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