Annual Statistical Supplement, 2005

SSA Claims Workloads

Table 2.F4
Number of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance claims, fiscal year 2004 (in thousands)
Workload Total Worker Family
and survivors
Beginning-of-year pending 77.3 32.9 44.4
Received 3,443.4 1,935.4 1,508.0
Processed a 3,399.5 1,908.7 1,490.8
End-of-year pending 121.2 59.6 61.6
SOURCES: Office of Systems' Integrated Work Measurement System and the Office of Disability Operations, Division of Direct Service Operations Report.
a. See Table 6.A1 for data on number of awards.
CONTACT: Shirley Hodges (410) 965-0635.
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Table 2.F5
Number of Disability Insurance claims, fiscal year 2004 (in thousands)
Workload Total Worker Family
and survivors
Beginning-of-year pending 540.0 514.6 25.4
Received 2,504.6 2,240.0 264.6
Processed a 2,448.9 2,187.2 261.7
End-of-year pending 595.7 567.4 28.3
SOURCES: Office of Systems' Integrated Work Measurement System and Office of Disability Operations, Division of Direct Service Operations Report.
a. See Table 6.A1 for data on number of awards.
CONTACT: Shirley Hodges (410) 965-0635.
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Table 2.F6
Number of Supplemental Security Income claims, fiscal year 2004 (in thousands)
Workload Total Aged Blind or
Beginning-of-year pending 450.3 3.2 447.1
Received 2,361.7 181.8 2,179.9
Processed a 2,293.6 181.1 2,112.5
End-of-year pending 518.4 3.9 514.5
SOURCES: Office of Systems' Integrated Work Measurement System and Office of Disability Operations, Division of Direct Service Operations Report.
a. See Table 7.A8 for data on number of awards.
CONTACT: Shirley Hodges (410) 965-0635.
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