U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Policy.
Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2004

Disabled Workers Who Work

Table 48.
Distribution of workers with benefits withheld because of substantial work, by diagnostic group and age, December 2004
Diagnostic group Total Under 30 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–FRA
Total 23,709 2,413 4,908 8,016 6,525 1,847
Congenital anomalies 65 25 19 13 a a
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 653 32 113 254 188 66
Infectious and parasitic diseases 794 26 205 385 161 17
Injuries 1,620 203 387 466 441 123
Mental disorders
Retardation 831 335 239 189 62 6
Other 7,085 807 1,748 2,616 1,671 243
Neoplasms 2,295 183 369 699 790 254
Diseases of the—
Blood and blood-forming organs 153 34 35 45 34 5
Circulatory system 1,184 40 125 286 503 230
Digestive system 541 33 76 188 213 31
Genitourinary system 873 100 230 327 165 51
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 4,261 101 546 1,464 1,553 597
Nervous system and sense organs 2,397 422 658 744 451 122
Respiratory system 329 14 40 109 112 54
Skin and subcutaneous tissue 66 a 13 24 19 a
Other 52 a 13 17 a a
Unknown 510 46 92 190 147 35
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Congenital anomalies 0.3 1.0 0.4 0.2 a a
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 2.8 1.3 2.3 3.2 2.9 3.6
Infectious and parasitic diseases 3.3 1.1 4.2 4.8 2.5 0.9
Injuries 6.8 8.4 7.9 5.8 6.8 6.7
Mental disorders
Retardation 3.5 13.9 4.9 2.4 1.0 0.3
Other 29.9 33.4 35.6 32.6 25.6 13.2
Neoplasms 9.7 7.6 7.5 8.7 12.1 13.8
Diseases of the—
Blood and blood-forming organs 0.6 1.4 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.3
Circulatory system 5.0 1.7 2.5 3.6 7.7 12.5
Digestive system 2.3 1.4 1.5 2.3 3.3 1.7
Genitourinary system 3.7 4.1 4.7 4.1 2.5 2.8
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 18.0 4.2 11.1 18.3 23.8 32.3
Nervous system and sense organs 10.1 17.5 13.4 9.3 6.9 6.6
Respiratory system 1.4 0.6 0.8 1.4 1.7 2.9
Skin and subcutaneous tissue 0.3 a 0.3 0.3 0.3 a
Other 0.2 a 0.3 0.2 a a
Unknown 2.2 1.9 1.9 2.4 2.3 1.9
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file, 100 percent data.
NOTES: These data represent the total number of beneficiaries with benefits withheld in December 2004 regardless of when their benefits were initially withheld.
FRA = full retirement age.
a. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.
CONTACT: Carolyn A. Harrison (410) 965-5522 or di.asr@ssa.gov.
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Table 49.
Distribution of workers with benefits terminated because of successful return to work, by diagnostic group and age, 2004
Diagnostic group Total Under 30 30–39 40–49 50–59 60 or older
Total 28,613 2,142 6,978 10,104 7,360 2,029
Congenital anomalies 86 26 31 22 a a
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 1,011 34 174 379 338 86
Infectious and parasitic diseases 1,306 19 357 659 238 33
Injuries 1,703 144 510 580 358 111
Mental disorders
Retardation 1,853 405 721 520 186 21
Other 9,034 660 2,417 3,451 2,174 332
Neoplasms 1,283 82 219 368 497 117
Diseases of the—
Blood and blood-forming organs 215 38 71 60 37 9
Circulatory system 1,180 35 124 277 480 264
Digestive system 484 20 82 177 166 39
Genitourinary system 960 75 311 338 199 37
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 4,679 105 580 1,684 1,612 698
Nervous system and sense organs 3,263 401 1,041 1,038 631 152
Respiratory system 347 16 62 102 119 48
Skin and subcutaneous tissue 64 a 16 26 14 a
Other 57 a 11 20 a a
Unknown 1,088 75 251 403 293 66
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Congenital anomalies 0.3 1.2 0.4 0.2 a a
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 3.5 1.6 2.5 3.8 4.6 4.2
Infectious and parasitic diseases 4.6 0.9 5.1 6.5 3.2 1.6
Injuries 6.0 6.7 7.3 5.7 4.9 5.5
Mental disorders
Retardation 6.5 18.9 10.3 5.1 2.5 1.0
Other 31.6 30.8 34.6 34.2 29.5 16.4
Neoplasms 4.5 3.8 3.1 3.6 6.8 5.8
Diseases of the—
Blood and blood-forming organs 0.8 1.8 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.4
Circulatory system 4.1 1.6 1.8 2.7 6.5 13.0
Digestive system 1.7 0.9 1.2 1.8 2.3 1.9
Genitourinary system 3.4 3.5 4.5 3.3 2.7 1.8
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 16.4 4.9 8.3 16.7 21.9 34.4
Nervous system and sense organs 11.4 18.7 14.9 10.3 8.6 7.5
Respiratory system 1.2 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.6 2.4
Skin and subcutaneous tissue 0.2 a 0.2 0.3 0.2 a
Other 0.2 a 0.2 0.2 a a
Unknown 3.8 3.5 3.6 4.0 4.0 3.3
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Annual Award and Termination Transaction file, 100 percent data.
a. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.
CONTACT: Carolyn A. Harrison (410) 965-5522 or di.asr@ssa.gov.
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Table 50.
Average monthly benefit for workers with benefits withheld, by diagnostic group and age, December 2004 (in dollars)
Diagnostic group Total Under 30 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–FRA
Total 1,008.10 786.50 938.80 1,023.40 1,096.20 1,104.20
Congenital anomalies 896.20 808.80 868.40 965.00 1,100.80 1,160.50
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 915.20 721.50 918.30 906.40 931.10 992.70
Infectious and parasitic diseases 1,031.00 874.00 986.00 1,048.20 1,064.00 1,111.10
Injuries 1,092.50 938.90 1,039.40 1,118.40 1,165.90 1,152.40
Mental disorders
Retardation 695.80 661.10 701.80 739.00 720.80 769.60
Other 931.20 749.80 878.30 950.90 1,022.90 1,071.10
Neoplasms 1,226.90 905.10 1,167.20 1,271.70 1,288.00 1,232.50
Diseases of the—
Blood and blood-forming organs 1,080.20 835.80 1,034.40 1,236.30 1,156.40 1,137.70
Circulatory system 1,123.80 829.10 1,021.10 1,097.60 1,179.70 1,141.20
Digestive system 1,158.00 833.00 1,065.60 1,134.20 1,233.10 1,358.20
Genitourinary system 1,097.70 915.50 986.90 1,135.80 1,249.40 1,220.60
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 1,006.30 792.90 945.00 1,000.00 1,036.80 1,034.30
Nervous system and sense organs 984.50 791.30 938.70 1,026.70 1,119.80 1,143.00
Respiratory system 993.30 825.70 896.10 957.50 1,037.40 1,089.80
Skin and subcutaneous tissue 1,036.20 771.00 954.80 1,068.60 1,131.00 1,054.40
Other 958.80 715.10 818.00 1,030.20 1,102.40 1,065.70
Unknown 964.00 737.70 924.70 1,000.60 1,018.00 939.70
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file, 100 percent data.
NOTE: FRA = full retirement age.
CONTACT: Carolyn A. Harrison (410) 965-5522 or di.asr@ssa.gov.
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Table 51.
Average monthly benefit for workers with benefits terminated, by diagnostic group and age, 2004 (in dollars)
Diagnostic group Total Under 30 30–39 40–49 50–59 60 or older
Total 892.00 757.50 841.60 896.00 954.20 961.90
Congenital anomalies 806.60 752.20 884.20 766.20 760.40 815.70
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 846.80 819.10 830.30 813.10 883.50 895.70
Infectious and parasitic diseases 964.90 951.20 901.90 996.70 987.30 855.70
Injuries 986.20 886.70 969.00 965.00 1,052.30 1,091.70
Mental disorders
Retardation 687.10 655.20 686.00 678.30 776.10 765.50
Other 841.90 728.20 793.90 851.50 900.70 932.50
Neoplasms 1,087.10 901.80 1,038.90 1,115.40 1,122.80 1,067.30
Diseases of the—
Blood and blood-forming organs 942.90 791.90 870.80 994.80 1,069.80 1,280.70
Circulatory system 998.70 833.10 918.60 973.60 1,010.30 1,063.70
Digestive system 1,026.80 717.40 933.40 1,015.40 1,107.60 1,090.30
Genitourinary system 985.80 869.60 910.70 1,012.50 1,093.10 1,030.50
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 902.10 758.60 872.00 902.70 919.00 908.10
Nervous system and sense organs 909.70 792.70 881.00 920.30 994.30 991.00
Respiratory system 874.50 747.70 879.70 865.40 921.30 813.30
Skin and subcutaneous tissue 930.40 784.50 908.20 880.80 1,070.60 954.60
Other 972.30 948.80 828.10 944.90 1,125.10 963.10
Unknown 875.10 734.80 825.60 874.90 934.30 961.60
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Annual Award and Termination Transaction file, 100 percent data.
CONTACT: Carolyn A. Harrison (410) 965-5522 or di.asr@ssa.gov.
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Table 52.
Distribution, by state or other area, 2004
State or area All workers,
Workers with benefits
withheld because of
substantial work,
Workers with benefits
terminated because of
successful return to work,
calendar year
Number Percentage
of all workers
Number Percentage
of all workers
All areas 6,197,385 23,709 0.4 28,613 0.5
Alabama 158,703 231 0.1 354 0.2
Alaska 9,150 45 0.5 54 0.6
Arizona 114,578 593 0.5 565 0.5
Arkansas 97,653 221 0.2 287 0.3
California 528,609 2,273 0.4 2,781 0.5
Colorado 68,862 330 0.5 520 0.8
Connecticut 62,517 371 0.6 371 0.6
Delaware 19,473 93 0.5 127 0.7
District of Columbia 9,436 26 0.3 67 0.7
Florida 378,099 1,185 0.3 1,534 0.4
Georgia 186,943 353 0.2 570 0.3
Hawaii 17,740 79 0.4 72 0.4
Idaho 27,302 93 0.3 147 0.5
Illinois 212,168 1,072 0.5 1,337 0.6
Indiana 134,461 468 0.3 545 0.4
Iowa 56,604 258 0.5 284 0.5
Kansas 50,782 245 0.5 249 0.5
Kentucky 153,184 399 0.3 364 0.2
Louisiana 110,422 347 0.3 411 0.4
Maine 44,038 218 0.5 252 0.6
Maryland 85,926 284 0.3 549 0.6
Massachusetts 145,391 899 0.6 1,099 0.8
Michigan 227,568 869 0.4 1,102 0.5
Minnesota 85,488 488 0.6 586 0.7
Mississippi 102,132 194 0.2 290 0.3
Missouri 152,857 531 0.3 629 0.4
Montana 19,673 76 0.4 103 0.5
Nebraska 31,282 155 0.5 202 0.6
Nevada 43,613 143 0.3 244 0.6
New Hampshire 30,822 236 0.8 254 0.8
New Jersey 147,396 847 0.6 887 0.6
New Mexico 41,660 160 0.4 161 0.4
New York 387,666 2,361 0.6 2,826 0.7
North Carolina 237,795 557 0.2 806 0.3
North Dakota 10,478 37 0.4 64 0.6
Ohio 230,460 1,004 0.4 1,362 0.6
Oklahoma 84,410 223 0.3 283 0.3
Oregon 71,398 267 0.4 279 0.4
Pennsylvania 275,892 1,343 0.5 1,104 0.4
Rhode Island 27,875 177 0.6 152 0.5
South Carolina 124,724 173 0.1 348 0.3
South Dakota 13,837 95 0.7 124 0.9
Tennessee 172,989 389 0.2 491 0.3
Texas 350,669 1,005 0.3 1,385 0.4
Utah 27,163 150 0.6 134 0.5
Vermont 14,992 123 0.8 125 0.8
Virginia 156,592 546 0.3 578 0.4
Washington 115,238 575 0.5 665 0.6
West Virginia 76,039 185 0.2 118 0.2
Wisconsin 104,633 576 0.6 603 0.6
Wyoming 9,166 42 0.5 71 0.8
Outlying areas
Puerto Rico 134,694 81 0.1 79 0.1
Other a 16,143 18 0.1 19 0.1
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Disabled Beneficiaries and Dependents Master Beneficiary Record file, 100 percent data, and Annual Award and Termination Transaction file, 100 percent data.
a. Includes American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Virgin Islands, and foreign countries.
CONTACT: Carolyn A. Harrison (410) 965-5522 or di.asr@ssa.gov.
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