United States Postal Service
  Maura Robinson
   Vice President, Pricing
Maura Robinson

Maura Robinson was named vice president of Pricing in June 2008. In this role, she is responsible for the pricing of all postal and non-postal products and services, and for providing analytical support and evaluation of all contract pricing and new product initiatives. She reports to the senior vice president of Customer Relations.

She most recently served as manager, Pricing Systems and Analysis, where she contributed to rate cases and the transition to the new regulatory environment. Robinson developed improvements in pricing systems and evaluated contract pricing proposals. Previously, she was manager, Transformation in Strategic Planning, and in 2004 was on special assignment to the U.S. Senate Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Before joining the Postal Service, Robinson worked in economic research, forecasting and pricing for Baltimore Gas and Electric Company. She holds a B.S. in Economics and a B.A. in French, both from Iowa State University, and an M.A. in Economics from the University of Maryland.

July 2008
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