[Federal Register: September 19, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 181)]
[Page 54812-54814]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

[Project No. 2232-522]

Duke Power Company LLC; Notice of Application and Settlement 
Agreement Tendered for Filing With the Commission, Soliciting Comments 
on the Settlement, Additional Study Requests, Establishing Procedural 
Schedule for Relicensing and a Deadline for Submission of Final 

September 13, 2006.
    Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been 
filed with the Commission and is available for public inspection.
    a. Type of Application: New Major License.
    b. Project No.: 2232-522.
    c. Date filed: August 29, 2006.
    d. Applicant: Duke Power Company LLC--current licensee.
    e. Name of Project: Catawba-Wateree Hydroelectric Project.
    f. Location: On the Catawba River, in Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, 
Catawba, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, McDowell, and Mecklenburg Counties, 
North Carolina, and on the Catawba and Wateree Rivers in the counties 
of Chester, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lancaster, and York, South Carolina.
    g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act 16 U.S.C. 791 (a)--825(r).
    h. Applicant Contact: Jeffrey G. Lineberger, Catawba-Wateree Hydro 
Relicensing Manager; and E. Mark Oakley, Catawba-Wateree Relicensing 
Project Manager, Duke Energy, Mail Code EC12Y, P.O. Box 1006, 
Charlotte, NC 28201-1006.
    i. FERC Contact: Sean Murphy at 202-502-6145; Sean.Murphy@ferc.gov.
    j. Cooperating Agencies: We are asking Federal, State, and local 
and tribal agencies with jurisdiction and/or special expertise with 
respect to environmental issues to cooperate with us in the preparation 
of the environmental document. Agencies who would like to request 
cooperating status should follow the instructions for filing comments 
described in item k below. Cooperating agencies should note the 
Commission's policy that agencies that cooperate in the preparation of 
the environmental document cannot also intervene. See, 94 FERC ] 61,076 
    k. Pursuant to section 4.32(b)(7) of 18 CFR of the Commission's 
regulations, if any resource agency, Indian Tribe, or person believes 
that an additional scientific study should be conducted in order to 
form an adequate factual basis for a complete analysis of the 
application on its merit, the resource agency, Indian Tribe, or person 
must file a request for a study with the Commission not later than 60 
days from the date of filing of the application, and serve a copy of 
the request on the applicant.
    l. Deadline for filing comments on the settlement, additional study 
requests, and requests for cooperating agency status: 60 days from the 
date of filing of the application. Reply comments on the settlement are 
due: 75 days from the date of filing of the application.
    All documents (original and eight copies) should be filed with: 
Magalie R. Salas, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 
First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
    Comments on the settlement, additional study requests, and requests 
for cooperating agency status may be filed electronically via the 
Internet in lieu of paper. The Commission strongly encourages 
electronic filings. See 18 CFR 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the instructions 
on the Commission's Web

[[Page 54813]]

site (http://www.ferc.gov) under the ``e-Filing'' link.

    m. This application is not ready for environmental analysis at this 
    n. The existing Catawba-Wateree Project comprises eleven 
    (I) The Bridgewater development consists of the following existing 
facilities: (1) The Catawba dam consisting of: (a) a 1,650-foot-long, 
125-foot-high earth embankment; (b) a 305-foot-long, 120-foot-high 
concrete gravity ogee spillway; and (c) a 850-foot-long, 125-foot-high 
earth embankment; (2) the Paddy Creek dam consisting of: a 1,610-foot-
long, 165-foot-high earth embankment; (3) the Linville dam consisting 
of: A 1,325-foot-long, 160-foot-high earth embankment; (4) a 430-foot-
long uncontrolled low overflow weir spillway situated between Paddy 
Creek Dam and Linville Dam; (5) a 6,754 acre reservoir formed by 
Catawba, Paddy Creek, and Linville with a normal water surface 
elevation of 1,200 feet above msl; (6) a 900-foot-long concrete-lined 
intake tunnel; (7) a powerhouse containing two vertical Francis-type 
turbines directly connected to two generators, each rated at 10,000 kW, 
for a total installed capacity of 20.0 MW; and (8) other appurtenances.
    (II) The Rhodhiss development consists of the following existing 
facilities: (1) The Rhodhiss dam consisting of: (a) A 119.58-foot-long 
concrete gravity bulkhead; (b) a 800-foot-long, 72-foot-high concrete 
gravity ogee spillway; (c) a 122.08-foot-long concrete gravity bulkhead 
with an additional 8-foot-high floodwall; and (d) a 283.92-foot-long 
rolled fill earth embankment; (2) a 2,724 acre reservoir with a normal 
water surface elevation of 995.1 feet above msl; (4) a powerhouse 
integral to the dam, situated between the bulkhead on the left bank and 
the ogee spillway section, containing three vertical Francis-type 
turbines directly connected to three generators, two rated at 12,350 
kW, one rated at 8,500 kW for a total installed capacity of 28.4 MW; 
and (5) other appurtenances.
    (III) The Oxford development consists of the following existing 
facilities: (1) The Oxford dam consisting of: (a) A 74.75-foot-long 
soil nail wall; (b) a 193-foot-long emergency spillway; (c) a 550-foot-
long gated concrete gravity spillway; (d) a 112-foot-long embankment 
wall situated above the powerhouse; and (e) a 429.25-foot-long earth 
embankment; (2) a 4,072 acre reservoir with a normal water surface 
elevation of 935 feet above msl; (4) a powerhouse integral to the dam, 
situated between the gated spillway and the earth embankment, 
containing two vertical Francis-type turbines directly connected to two 
generators, each rated at 18,000 kW for a total installed capacity of 
35.7 MW; and (5) other appurtenances.
    (IV) The Lookout Shoals development consists of the following 
existing facilities: (1) The Lookout Shoals dam consisting of: (a) A 
282.08-foot-long concrete gravity bulkhead section; (b) a 933-foot-long 
uncontrolled concrete gravity ogee spillway; (c) a 65-foot-long gravity 
bulkhead section; and (d) a 1,287-foot-long, 88-foot-high earth 
embankment; (2) a 1,155 acre reservoir with a normal water surface 
elevation of 838.1 feet above msl; (3) a powerhouse integral to the 
dam, situated between the bulkhead on the left bank and the ogee 
spillway, containing three main vertical Francis-type turbines and two 
smaller vertical Francis-type turbines directly connected to five 
generators, the three main generators rated at 8,970 kW, and the two 
smaller rated at 450 kW for a total installed capacity of 25.7 MW; and 
(4) other appurtenances.
    (V) The Cowans Ford development consists of the following existing 
facilities: (1) The Cowans Ford dam consisting of: (a) A 3,535-foot-
long embankment; (b) a 209.5-foot-long gravity bulkhead; (c) a 465-
foot-long concrete ogee spillway with eleven Taintor gates, each 35-
feet-wide by 25-feet-high; (d) a 276-foot-long bulkhead; and (e) a 
3,924-foot-long earth embankment; (2) a 3,134-foot-long saddle dam 
(Hicks Crossroads); (3) a 32,339 acre reservoir with a normal water 
surface elevation of 760 feet above msl; (4) a powerhouse integral to 
the dam, situated between the spillway and the bulkhead near the right 
embankment, containing four vertical Kaplan-type turbines directly 
connected to four generators rated at 83,125 kW for a total installed 
capacity of 332.5 MW; and (5) other appurtenances.
    (VI) The Mountain Island development consists of the following 
existing facilities: (1) The Mountain Island dam consisting of: (a) A 
997-foot-long, 97-foot-high uncontrolled concrete gravity ogee 
spillway; (b) a 259-foot-long bulkhead on the left side of the 
powerhouse; (c) a 200-foot-long bulkhead on the right side of the 
powerhouse; (d) a 75-foot-long concrete core wall; and (e) a 670-foot-
long, 140-foot-high earth embankment; (2) a 3,117 acre reservoir with a 
normal water surface elevation of 647.5 feet above msl; (3) a 
powerhouse integral to the dam, situated between the two bulkheads, 
containing four vertical Francis-type turbines directly connected to 
four generators rated at 15,000 kW for a total installed capacity of 
55.1 MW; and (4) other appurtenances.
    (VII) The Wylie development consists of the following existing 
facilities: (1) The Wylie dam consisting of: (a) A 234-foot-long 
bulkhead; (b) a 790.92-foot-long ogee spillway section that contains 2 
controlled sections with a total of eleven Stoney gates, each 45-feet-
wide by 30-feet-high, separated by an uncontrolled section with no 
gates; (c) a 400.92-foot-long bulkhead; and (d) a 1,595-foot-long earth 
embankment; (2) a 12,177 acre reservoir with a normal water surface 
elevation of 569.4 feet above msl; (3) a powerhouse integral to the 
dam, situated between the bulkhead and the spillway near the left bank, 
containing four vertical Francis-type turbines directly connected to 
four generators rated at 18,000 kW for a total installed capacity of 69 
MW; and (4) other appurtenances.
    (VIII) The Fishing Creek development consists of the following 
existing facilities: (1) The Fishing Creek dam consisting of: (a) A 
114-foot-long, 97-foot-high uncontrolled concrete ogee spillway; (b) a 
1,210-foot-long concrete gravity, ogee spillway with twenty-two Stoney 
gates, each 45-feet-wide by 25-feet-high; and (c) a 214-foot-long 
concrete gravity bulkhead structure; (2) a 3,431 acre reservoir with a 
normal water surface elevation of 417.2 feet above msl; (3) a 
powerhouse integral to the dam, situated between the gated spillway and 
the bulkhead structure near the right bank, containing five vertical 
Francis-type turbines directly connected to five generators two rated 
at 10,530 kW and three rated at 9,450 kW for a total installed capacity 
of 48.1 MW; and (4) other appurtenances.
    (IX) The Great Falls-Dearborn development consists of the following 
existing facilities: (1) The Great Falls diversion dam consisting of a 
1,559-foot-long concrete section; (2) the Dearborn dam consisting of: 
(a) A 160-foot-long, 103-foot-high, concrete embankment; (b) a 150-
foot-long, 103-foot-high intake and bulkhead section; and (c) a 75-
foot-long, 103-foot-high bulkhead section; (3) the Great Falls dam 
consisting of: (a) A 675-foot-long, 103-foot-high concrete embankment 
situated in front of the Great Falls Powerhouse (and joined to the 
Dearborn dam embankment); and (b) a 250-foot-long intake section 
(within the embankment); (4) the Great Falls bypassed spillway and 
headworks section consisting of: (a) A 446.7-foot-long short concrete 
bypassed reach uncontrolled spillway with a gated trashway (main 
spillway); (b) a 583.5-foot-long concrete headworks uncontrolled 
spillway with 4-foot-high flashboards (canal spillway); and (c) a 262-
foot-long concrete headworks

[[Page 54814]]

section situated perpendicular to the main spillway and the canal 
spillway, containing ten opening, each 16-feet-wide; (5) a 353 acre 
reservoir with a normal water surface elevation of 355.8 feet above 
msl; (6) two powerhouses separated by a retaining wall, consisting of: 
(a) Great Falls powerhouse: Containing eight horizontal Francis-type 
turbines directly connected to eight generators rated at 3,000 kW for 
an installed capacity of 24.0 MW, and (b) Dearborn powerhouse: 
containing three vertical Francis-type turbines directly connected to 
three generators rated at 15,000 kW for an installed capacity of 42.0 
MW, for a total installed capacity of 66.0 MW; and (7) other 
    (X) The Rocky Creek-Cedar Creek development consists of the 
following existing facilities: (1) A U-shaped concrete gravity overflow 
spillway with (a) A 130-foot-long section (on the east side) that forms 
a forebay canal to the Cedar Creek powerhouse and contains two Stoney 
gate, each 45-feet-wide by 25-feet-high; (b) a 1,025-foot-long, 69-
foot-high concrete gravity overflow spillway; and (c) a 213-foot-long 
section (on the west side) that forms the upper end of the forebay 
canal for the Rocky Creek powerhouse; (2) a 450-foot-long concrete 
gravity bulkhead section that completes the lower end of the Rocky 
Creek forebay canal; (3) a 748 acre reservoir with a normal water 
surface elevation of 284.4 feet above msl; (4) two powerhouses 
consisting of: (a) Cedar Creek powerhouse (on the east): containing 
three vertical Francis-type turbines directly connected to three 
generators, one rated at 15,000 kW, and two rated at 18,000 kW for an 
installed capacity of 43.0 MW; and (b) Rocky Creek powerhouse (on the 
west): Containing eight horizontal twin-runner Francis-type turbines 
directly connected to eight generators, six rated at 3,000 kW and two 
rated at 4,500 kW for an installed capacity of 25.8 MW, for a total 
installed capacity of 68.8 MW; and (5) other appurtenances.
    (XI) The Wateree development consists of the following existing 
facilities: (1) The Wateree dam consisting of: (a) A 1,450 foot-long 
uncontrolled concrete gravity ogee spillway; and (b) a 1,370-foot-long 
earth embankment; (2) a 13,025 acre reservoir with a normal water 
surface elevation of 225.5 feet above msl; (3) a powerhouse integral to 
the dam, situated between the spillway and the earth embankment, 
containing five vertical Francis-type turbines directly connected to 
five generators, two rated at 17,100 kW and three rated at 18,050 kW 
for a total installed capacity of 82.0 MW; and (4) other appurtenances.
    o. A copy of the application and settlement agreement is available 
for review at the Commission in the Public Reference Room or may be 
viewed on the Commission's Web site at http://www.ferc.gov using the 

``eLibrary'' link. Enter the docket number excluding the last three 
digits in the docket number field to access the document. For 
assistance, contact FERC Online Support at FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov 
or toll-free at 1-866-208-3676, or for TTY, (202) 502-8659. A copy is 
also available for inspection and reproduction at the address in item h 
    You may also register online at http://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/esubscription.asp
 to be notified via e-mail of new filings and 

issuances related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, 
contact FERC Online Support.
    p. With this notice, we are initiating consultation with the North 
Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and the South 
Carolina SHPO, as required by 106, National Historic Preservation Act, 
and the regulations of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 
36, CFR, at 800.4.
    q. Procedural schedule and final amendments: The application will 
be processed according to the following Hydro Licensing Schedule. 
Revisions to the schedule will be made as appropriate.
    Issue Acceptance or Deficiency Letter: October 2006.
    Issue Scoping Document for comments: January 2007.
    Notice of application is ready for environmental analysis: April 
    Notice of the availability of the draft EIS: October 2007.
    Notice of the availability of the final EIS: March 2008.
    Ready for Commission's decision on the application: June 2008.
    Final amendments to the application must be filed with the 
Commission no later than 30 days from the issuance date of the notice 
of ready for environmental analysis.

Magalie R. Salas,
[FR Doc. E6-15524 Filed 9-18-06; 8:45 am]