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Federal Real Property Council (FRPC)

Dennis F. Goldstein
(202) 219-0608
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About the Federal Real Property Council (FRPC)

The FRPC was created according to provisions in Executive Order 13327, "Federal Real Property Asset Management," signed by President George W. Bush on February 4, 2004. Executive Order 13327 states:

"The policy of the United States is to promote efficient and economical use of America's real property assets and to assure management accountability for implementing federal real property management reforms."

Major provisions of the order include:

  • Establish the position of a Senior Real Property Officer (SRPO) at all major landholding agencies
  • Direct the Senior Real Property Officers to develop and implement agency asset management plans
  • Create interagency Federal Real Property Council (FRPC)
  • Authorize the development of a single and descriptive database of federal real properties

Within the FRPC…

The FRPC consists of SRPO's, the Controller of OMB, the Administrator of General Services, and any other officials or employees permitted by the chair of the Council. The Deputy Director for Management for OMB is the chair of the Council, and OMB provides funding and administrative support to the Council.

FRPC Committees

There are three FRPC interagency committees that develop and implement a strategy to accomplish the objectives outlined in Executive Order 13327. The committees are:

  • Asset Management Plan Committee
  • Inventory and Performance Measures Committee
  • Systems Committee

Role of General Services Administration

The Administrator of General Services lends support to landholding agencies governmentwide in implementing Executive Order 13327. GSA supports the FRPC by:

  • Providing oversight guidance to the executive departments and agencies on real property, including the managing of properties; delegating operating responsibilities to an agency; and providing leadership in the development and maintenance of property information systems
  • Publishing performance measures and standards adopted by the FRPC
  • Establishing and maintaining a database on real property owned and leased by federal agencies and collecting inventory information on the federal government real property holdings
  • Establishing information technology standards for landholding agencies to facilitate the reporting of real property information on a uniform basis

FRPC Data Dictionary

FRPC issues a data dictionary, 2008 Guidance for Real Property Inventory Reporting.