[Federal Register: August 2, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 148)]
[Page 43748-43760]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



[EPA-HQ-OPP-2006-0589; FRL- 8079-6]

Cancellation of Pesticides for Non-payment of Year 2006 
Registration Maintenance Fees

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: Since the amendments of October 1988, the Federal Insecticide, 
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) has required payment of an 
annual maintenance fee to keep pesticide registrations in effect. The 
fee that was due January 15, 2006 has gone unpaid for 720 
registrations. Section 4(i)(5)(G) of FIFRA provides that the 
Administrator may cancel these registrations by order and without a 
hearing; orders to cancel all 720 of these registrations have been 
issued within the past few days.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information on the 
maintenance fee program in general, contact by mail: John Jamula, 
Office of Pesticide Programs (7504P), Environmental Protection Agency, 
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: 
(703) 305-6426; e-mail address: jamula.john@epa.gov


I. Important Information

A. Does this Action Apply to Me?

    You may be potentially affected by this notice if you are an EPA 
registrant with any approved product registration(s). Although this 
action may be of particular interest to persons who produce or use 
pesticides, the Agency has not attempted to describe all the specific 
entities that may be affected by this action. If you have any questions 
regarding the information in this notice, consult the person listed in 

B. How Can I Get Copies of this Document and Other Related Information?

    1. Docket. EPA has established a docket for this action under 
docket identification (ID) number EPA-HQ-OPP-2006-0589. Publicly 
available docket materials are available either in the electronic 
docket at http://www.regulations.gov, or, if only available in hard 

copy, at the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Regulatory Public 
Docket in Rm. S-4400, One Potomac Yard (South Building), 2777 S. 
Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA. The hours of operation of this Docket 
Facility are from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding 
legal holidays. The Docket telephone number is (703) 305-5805.
    2. Electronic access. You may access this Federal Register document 
electronically through the EPA Internet under the ``Federal Register'' 
listings at http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr.

II. Introduction

    Section4(i)(5) of FIFRA as amended in October 1988 (Public Law 100-
532), December, 1991 (Public Law 102-237), and again in August 1996 
(Public Law 104-170), requires that all pesticide registrants pay an 
annual registration maintenance fee, due by January 15 of each year, to 
keep their registrations in effect. This requirement applies to all 
registrations granted under section 3 as well as those granted under 
section 24(c) to meet special local needs. Registrations for which the 
fee is not paid are subject to cancellation by order and without a 
    The Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act Amendments of 
1991, Public Law 102-237, amended FIFRA to allow the Administrator to 
reduce or waive maintenance fees for minor agricultural use pesticides 
when he

[[Page 43749]]

determines that the fee would be likely to cause significant impact on 
the availability of the pesticide for the use. The Agency has waived 
the fee for 177 minor agricultural use registrations at the request of 
the registrants.
    In fiscal year 2006, maintenance fees were collected in one billing 
cycle. The Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA) was passed by 
Congress in January 2004. PRIA became effective in March 2004 and 
authorized the Agency to collect $27 million in maintenance fees in 
fiscal year 2006. In late December 2005, all holders of either section 
3 registrations or section 24(c) registrations were sent lists of their 
active registrations, along with forms and instructions for responding. 
They were asked to identify which of their registrations they wished to 
maintain in effect, and to calculate and remit the appropriate 
maintenance fees. Most responses were received by the statutory 
deadline of January 15. A notice of intent to cancel was sent in mid-
February to companies who did not respond and to companies who 
responded, but paid for less than all of their registrations. Since 
mailing the notices, EPA has maintained a toll-free inquiry number 
through which the questions of affected registrants have been answered.
    Maintenance fees have been paid for about 15,590 section 3 
registrations, or about 96 percent of the registrations on file in 
December. Fees have been paid for about 2,181 section 24(c) 
registrations, or about 84 percent of the total on file in December. 
Cancellations for non-payment of the maintenance fee affect about 451 
section 3 registrations and about 269 section 24(c) registrations.
    The cancellation orders generally permit registrants to continue to 
sell and distribute existing stocks of the canceled products until 
January 15, 2007, one year after the date on which the fee was due. 
Existing stocks already in the hands of dealers or users, however, can 
generally be distributed, sold or used legally until they are 
exhausted. Existing stocks are defined as those stocks of a registered 
pesticide product which are currently in the United States and which 
have been packaged, labeled and released for shipment prior to the 
effective date of the action. These general provisions for disposition 
of stocks should serve in most cases to cushion the impact of these 
cancellations while the market adjusts.
    The exceptions to these general rules are cases where more 
stringent restrictions on sale, distribution, or use of the products 
have already been imposed through special reviews or other Agency 

III. Listing of Registrations Canceled for Non-payment

    Table 1 lists all of the section 24(c) registrations, and Table 2 
lists all of the section 3 registrations which were canceled for non-
payment of the 2006 maintenance fee. These registrations have been 
canceled by order and without hearing. Cancellation orders were sent to 
affected registrants via certified mail in the past several days. The 
Agency is unlikely to rescind cancellation of any particular 
registration unless the cancellation resulted from Agency error.

    Table 1.--Section 24(c) Registrations Canceled for Non-Payment of
                             Maintenance Fee
                SLN no.                            Product Name
000264 AL-89-0008                        Monitor 4 Spray
000279 AL-94-0007                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
000279 AR-03-0001                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
010163 AR-05-0007                        Moncut 4SC
000264 AR-89-0005                        Monitor 4 Spray
000279 AR-89-0012                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
062719 AR-93-0006                        Diathane DF Agricultural
000279 AR-94-0004                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
001812 AR-96-0003                        Cotton-Pro Flowable Herbicide
062719 AZ-02-0005                        Goal 2XL Herbicide
079709 AZ-03-0005                        Kerb 50W Herbicide In WSP
036029 AZ-05-0002                        Ground Squirrel Bait By Wilco
004581 AZ-79-0010                        Hydrothol 191
062719 AZ-79-0036                        Kerb 50-W Selective Herbicide
000264 AZ-88-0028                        Sencor DF 75% Dry Flowable
062719 AZ-96-0011                        Goal (r) 2XL Herbicide
062719 AZ-96-0012                        Goal (r) 2XL Herbicide
000100 AZ-99-0008                        Endurance Herbicide
000352 CA-00-0007                        Dupont Oust Herbicide
071711 CA-04-0017                        Applaud 70WP Insect Growth
000264 CA-05-0003                        Admire 2 Flowable Insecticide
000241 CA-05-0019                        Raptor Herbicide
000264 CA-76-0019                        Di-Syston 15% Granular Systemic
060204 CA-76-0045                        Dow Formula 40
000264 CA-77-0036                        Di-Syston Liquid Concentrate
                                          Systemic Insecticide
059623 CA-77-0078                        Geigy Diazinon 50W (50%
                                          Wettable Powder) Insecticide
000264 CA-78-0189                        Monitor 4 Spray
000264 CA-79-0096                        Monitor 4 Spray
000279 CA-82-0081                        Pounce 3-2EC
062719 CA-83-0065                        Goal 1.6E Herbicide
000279 CA-84-0214                        Ammo 2.5 EC Insecticide
000279 CA-85-0044                        Ammo 2.5 EC Insecticide
000279 CA-86-0041                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
062719 CA-88-0034                        Goal 1.6E Herbicide
059623 CA-89-0021                        Rodent Bait Block - Diphacinone
                                          Treated Grain/paraffin
059623 CA-89-0026                        Rodent Bait Zinc Phosphide
                                          Treated Grain (1%)

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063201 CA-89-0030                        Ronilan Fungicide 50W
000100 CA-91-0022                        Gramoxone Extra Herbicide
060204 CA-91-0032                        Capture 2EC-Cal
000100 CA-92-0006                        Gramoxone Extra Herbicide
062719 CA-92-0018                        Goal 1.6E Herbicide
062719 CA-92-0029                        Goal 1.6E Herbicide
010707 CA-93-0006                        Magnacide H Herbicide
062719 CA-93-0014                        Goal 1.6E Herbicide
000100 CA-94-0029                        Diquat Herbicide
063232 CA-95-0005                        Metasystox-R Spray Concentrate
062719 CA-97-0010                        Success
008133 CA-97-0034                        Formaldehyde Solution 37
068891 CA-98-0007                        Enzone
000264 CO-02-0003                        Balance Herbicide
000352 CO-05-0002                        Dupont Authority Herbicide
062719 CT-01-0001                        Goal 2XL Herbicide
000241 CT-04-0001                        Acrobat MZ Fungicide
062719 CT-98-0001                        Telone EC
000264 DE-92-0002                        Monitor 4 Spray
071711 FL-03-0013                        Courier Insect Growth Regulator
063935 FL-04-0001                        Dupont Escort Herbicide
000264 FL-04-0013                        Aliette WDG Fungicide
000264 FL-89-0007                        Monitor 4 Spray
000264 FL-89-0041                        Monitor 4 Spray
000264 FL-92-0004                        Monitor 4 Spray
062719 FL-96-0008                        Dithane DF Agricultural
068891 FL-96-0011                        Enquik
062719 FL-98-0002                        Tracer
000279 FL-99-0001                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
001812 FL-99-0002                        Direx 80DF
001812 GA-01-0001                        Fluridone SC
000279 GA-05-0004                        Quicksilver T & O
000264 GA-86-0004                        Monitor 4 Spray
000279 GA-93-0008                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
001812 GU-04-0001                        Kocide 4.5 LF
001812 HI-00-0002                        Direx 4L
062719 HI-00-0003                        Gf - 120 Fruit Fly Bait
062719 HI-02-0006                        Goal 2XL Herbicide
047893 HI-03-0005                        Livingston's Nature-Ripe TM
062719 HI-96-0010                        Goal (r) 2XL Herbicide
062719 HI-99-0002                        Goal 2XL Herbicide
062719 IA-99-0001                        Transline
000352 ID-00-0019                        Dupont Oust Herbicide
010163 ID-01-0003                        Moncut 50WP
001812 ID-02-0015                        Equus DF
071711 ID-03-0005                        Moncut SC
079639 ID-03-0010                        Roundup Herbicide
061282 ID-05-0010                        Prozap Zinc Phosphide Pellets
002393 ID-86-0018                        Ramik Brown
000264 ID-87-0004                        Sencor 4 Flowable Herbicide
000264 ID-87-0005                        Sencor DF 75% Dry Flowable
000264 ID-93-0010                        Scout X-TRA Insecticide.
034704 ID-94-0010                        Vine-Der
007173 ID-96-0012                        Rozol Pellets
001812 ID-97-0004                        Linex 50 DF
010163 IL-04-0003                        Imidan 70-W
000279 IN-05-0001                        Quicksilver T & O
000264 IN-93-0003                        Monitor 4 Spray
000264 KS-01-0001                        Balance 4SC Herbicide
000264 KS-01-0002                        Stratego Fungicide
000264 KS-99-0003                        Balance Herbicide
000264 KS-99-0004                        Epic
062719 KY-00-0002                        Tracer
062719 KY-03-0001                        Tracer
062719 KY-94-0002                        Dithane Df Agricultural
001812 LA-00-0013                        Griffin Linuron 4L Flowable
                                          Weed Killer

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001812 LA-00-0015                        Linex 50 DF
010163 LA-04-0005                        Moncut 4SC
058779 LA-05-0011                        Vaprox Hydrogen Peroxide
000264 LA-91-0008                        Monitor 4
000279 LA-97-0002                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
010163 LA-97-0004                        Imidan 70-WP Agricultural
062719 LA-99-0009                        Confirm 2F Agricultural
000264 LA-99-0011                        Monitor 4 Spray
001812 LA-99-0015                        Cotton-Pro Flowable Herbicide
007173 MD-78-0007                        Rozol Paraffinized Pellets
000524 ME-03-0005                        Accord Concentrate Herbicide
000352 ME-05-0502                        Dupont Assure II Herbicide
034704 ME-93-0004                        Clean Crop Dimethoate 400
007969 MI-05-0006                        Facet 75 DF Herbicide
007173 MI-77-0014                        Rozol Paraffinized Pellets
034704 MI-87-0003                        Captan 50 Wettable Fungicide
062719 MN-02-0006                        Goal 2XL Herbicide
007870 MN-04-0003                        Azone 15
000100 MN-05-0005                        Callisto
062719 MN-94-0005                        Transline Herbicide
000352 MN-95-0006                        Dupont Oust Herbicide
062719 MN-97-0002                        Transline
068573 MP-05-0001                        Fosphite Fungicide
001812 MP-05-0002                        Kocide 4.5 LF
001812 MS-00-0003                        Griffin Linuron 4L Flowable
                                          Weed Killer
000279 MS-00-0006                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
001812 MS-00-0011                        Linex 50 DF
000352 MS-01-0025                        Dupont Glyphosate Herbicide
005481 MS-01-0032                        Aztec 4.67% Granular
001812 MS-01-0034                        Direx 4L
001812 MS-01-0035                        Direx 80DF
066222 MS-02-0018                        Galigan 2E
058779 MS-05-0022                        Vaprox Hydrogen Peroxide
000264 MS-83-0013                        Monitor 4 Spray
034704 MS-90-0012                        Clean Crop Amine 4 2,4-D Weed
034704 MS-91-0007                        Savage 2,4-D Broadleaf
001812 MS-96-0006                        Cotton-Pro Flowable Herbicide
072113 MS-99-0005                        Permethrin 3.2 TC
001812 MT-02-0001                        Equus DF
062719 MT-02-0002                        Goal 2XL Herbicide
062719 MT-98-0006                        Stinger
000279 NC-01-0005                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
000279 NC-05-0002                        Quicksilver T & O Herbicide
007173 NC-77-0020                        Rozol Paraffinized Pellets
007969 NC-81-0023                        Basagran
000279 NC-92-0013                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
062719 NC-94-0001                        Dithane DF Agricultural
062719 ND-00-0001                        Sonalan 10G
062719 ND-00-0002                        Sonalan HFP
062719 ND-00-0004                        Stinger
062719 ND-01-0008                        NAF-545
001812 ND-02-0004                        Equus DF
062719 ND-03-0005                        Vista
062719 ND-03-0006                        Vista
062719 ND-05-0004                        Glyphomax XRT
000352 ND-05-0006                        Dupontauthority Herbicide
000100 ND-05-0007                        Callisto
062719 ND-94-0001                        Transline Herbicide
000352 ND-97-0002                        Velpar DF Herbicide
000352 NE-05-0001                        Dupont Authority Herbicide
000100 NE-05-0002                        Callisto
059639 NJ-96-0005                        Orthene 75 Wsp (insecticide In
                                          A Water Soluble Bag)
062719 NM-04-0001                        Lock-On
062719 NM-04-0002                        Lock-On
062719 NM-95-0001                        Lorsban 50W Insecticide In
                                          Water Soluble Packets
008133 NV-03-0004                        Formaldehyde Solution 37

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000352 NV-99-0009                        Dupont Oust Herbicide
062719 NY-00-0001                        Confirm 2F Agricultural
001812 NY-00-0002                        Fluridone SC
062719 NY-02-0002                        Lorsban-4E
062719 NY-02-0003                        Lorsban 15G
062719 NY-04-0002                        Quintec
062719 NY-04-0004                        Stinger
007173 NY-94-0007                        Rozol Pellets
000264 OH-79-0010                        Monitor 4 Spray
000279 OK-83-0018                        Pounce 3.2 EC
007501 OK-93-0001                        Tops 90
000524 OK-93-0006                        Lasso II Granular Herbicide By
000279 OR-00-0004                        Aim Herbicide
000264 OR-02-0006                        Ethrel Brand Ethephon Plant
000264 OR-02-0011                        Rovra (r) Brand 4 Flowable
000264 OR-02-0012                        Rovral (r) Fungicide
000100 OR-04-0012                        Tilt Gel Fungicide
000264 OR-05-0003                        Rovral Fungicide
061282 OR-05-0021                        Prozap Zinc Phosphide Pellets
012455 OR-05-0022                        ZP Rodent Bait Ag
004271 OR-05-0023                        Zinc Phosphide on Oats
000264 OR-80-0063                        Nemacur 3 Emulsifiable
000264 OR-81-0039                        Sencor 4 Flowable Herbicide
000264 OR-81-0040                        Sencor 75 Wettable Granular
000264 OR-84-0032                        Di-Syston 8
007173 OR-84-0048                        Rozol Paraffinized Pellets
000264 OR-85-0019                        Sencor 4 Flowable Herbicide
062719 OR-88-0012                        Kelthane MF Agricultural
000264 OR-91-0027                        Di-Syston 8
000264 OR-93-0012                        Bayleton 50% Wettable Powder
010707 OR-95-0002                        Magnacide H Herbicide
000352 OR-95-0005                        Dupont Oust Herbicide
002393 OR-95-0021                        Hopkins Zinc Phosphide Pellets
062719 OR-95-0023                        Transline
000264 OR-99-0001                        Admire 2 Flowable
068891 OR-99-0030                        Propel Plant Growth Regulator
068891 OR-99-0031                        Propel Plant Growth Regulator
000264 OR-99-0049                        Guthion Solupak 50% Wettable
                                          Powder Insecticide
007173 PA-80-0045                        Rozol Paraffinized Pellets
001812 PR-01-0002                        Eguus 720 Flowable Fungicide
000100 RI-05-0004                        Caparol 4L Herbicide
000279 SC-05-0002                        Quicksilver T & O
007173 SC-78-0002                        Rozol Paraffinized Pellets
000264 SC-78-0016                        Monitor 4 Spray
000264 SC-81-0018                        Sencor 75 DF Herbicide
000279 SC-92-0002                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
000352 SC-95-0001                        Dupont Oust Herbicide
000264 SD-00-0002                        Axiom DF Herbicide
000264 SD-00-0005                        Flufenacet DF Herbicide
000100 SD-05-0005                        Callisto
062719 SD-96-0007                        Goal (r) 2XL Herbicide
000352 SD-97-0001                        Velpar DF Herbicide
000264 SD-99-0002                        Epic DF Herbicide
001812 TN-00-0006                        Linex 50 DF
000279 TN-03-0003                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
000264 TN-04-0006                        Monitor 4 Spray
000264 TN-88-0004                        Monitor 4 Spray
000279 TN-91-0003                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
062719 TN-94-0001                        Lorsban 4E-HF
001812 TX-00-0011                        Direx 80DF
000264 TX-90-0004                        Di-Syston 8
000264 TX-91-0012                        Monitor 4 Spray
000279 TX-97-0012                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide
007173 VA-77-0015                        Rozol Paraffinized Pellets
000279 VA-91-0002                        Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide

[[Page 43753]]

000264 VA-93-0002                        Monitor 4 Spray
062719 VA-98-0001                        Tracer
000264 VT-05-0007                        Sencor DF 75% Dry Flowable
000352 WA-00-0008                        Dupont Oust Herbicide
062719 WA-00-0011                        Nu-Flow M Seed Treatment
010163 WA-00-0022                        Prokil Dimethoate E267
062719 WA-00-0029                        Dithane DF Agricultural
001812 WA-00-0036                        Linex 50 DF
000264 WA-01-0031                        Stratego Fungicide
000264 WA-01-0039                        Axiom DF Herbicide
000264 WA-02-0011                        Axiom DF Herbicide
062719 WA-02-0025                        DMA 4 Herbicide
000279 WA-03-0009                        Aim Herbicide
007173 WA-78-0061                        Rozol Paraffinized Pellets
000264 WA-84-0036                        Di-Syston 8
000352 WA-93-0002                        Dupont Krovar I Df Herbicide
000264 WA-93-0003                        Sencor DF 75% Dry Flowable
000264 WA-94-0041                        Sencor DF 75% Dry Flowable
000352 WA-95-0021                        Dupont Oust Herbicide
002393 WA-95-0022                        Hopkins Zinc Phosphide Pellets
005481 WA-96-0010                        Vapam HL
062719 WA-96-0034                        Goal (r) 2XL Herbicide
000264 WA-97-0003                        Sencor DF 75% Dry Flowable
062719 WA-97-0023                        Goal (r) 2XL Herbicide
000264 WA-98-0004                        Di-Syston 15% Granular Systemic
000524 WI-04-0002                        Roundup Weathermax Herbicide
034704 WI-05-0004                        Diazinon G-14
000352 WI-96-0001                        Dupont Oust Herbicide
062719 WI-96-0009                        Goal (r) 2XL Herbicide
062719 WI-97-0004                        Transline
010163 WY-00-0003                        Supracide 2E Insecticide-
062719 WY-02-0004                        Goal 2XL Herbicide
000352 WY-92-0001                        Dupont Velpar L Herbicide
062719 WY-97-0001                        Sonalan HFP
062719 WY-98-0001                        Goal (r) 2XL Herbicide
007969 WY-98-0002                        Basagran Herbicide

      Table 2.--Section 3 Registrations Canceled for Non-Payment of
                             Maintenance Fee
            Registration no.                       Product Name
000100-00841                             Elcar Biological Insecticide
000100-01151                             Quadris/Ridomil Gold Twin-Pak
000148-01148                             Freestyle Algaetrol-76
000228-00185                             Riverdale Tri-Ester
000228-00203                             Riverdale Weed and Feed with
                                          Mcpa & Mecoprop
000228-00205                             Riverdale Tri-Ester Tm II
000241-00268                             Prowl DG Herbicide
000241-00291                             Prowl Herbicide Flaked
000241-00338                             Pentagon 60 DG Herbicide
000264-00643                             Whip Technical
000264-00648                             Whip 0.75 EC Herbicide
000264-00933                             Gustafson Tops 2.5d
000264-00954                             Tops 5 Potato Seed-Piece
000303-00092                             Quanto Germicidal Detergent
000346-00041                             Russell/Dual Chain
000498-00139                             Spraypak Flying & Crawling
                                          Insect Killer 2
000498-00166                             Spraypak Indoor Insect Fogger,
                                          Formula 7
000506-00179                             Tat Roach & Ant Killer with
                                          Residual Action IV
000506-00182                             Tat Crawling Insect Killer
000506-00183                             Tat Te Wasp & Hornet Spray
000507-00006                             Premeasured Timsen Bar
000507-00010                             Unit Duo-Bact Disinfectant &
                                          Deodorant Beads
000524-00296                             Lasso II Herbicide
000524-00403                             Partner WDG Herbicide
000524-00432                             Expedite Grass & Weed Herbicide
000524-00433                             Militia Herbicide

[[Page 43754]]

000524-00436                             Roundup Dry Pak Herbicide Water
                                          Soluble Granule
000524-00449                             Expedite Grass & Weed Plus
000524-00450                             Expedite Grass and Weed II
000524-00477                             Roundup E Z Dry Herbicide
000524-00508                             Mon 77859 Hebicide
000524-00514                             Mon 78063
000524-00518                             Roundup Problend Herbicide
000524-00521                             Mon 78128 Herbicide
000524-00540                             Mon 78404 Herbicide
000527-00126                             Nix
000773-00087                             Aurimite
000806-00016                             Avon Sss Skin-So-Soft Bug Guard
                                          Plus IR3535 Insect Repellent
000891-00174                             Yarmor 302 Pine Oil
000891-00175                             Herco Pine Oil
000891-00176                             Yarmor 302W Pine Oil
000891-00181                             Hercules Yarmor 60 Pine Oil
001001-00014                             Methar 30 Disodium
                                          Methanearsonate Liquid
                                          Crabgrass Killer
001021-00501                             Pyrocide Intermediate No. 5561
001021-00537                             Pyrocide Intermediate 5582
001021-00579                             Pyrocide Intermediate 5858
001021-00633                             Pyrocide Intermediate No.6057
001021-00663                             Pyrocide Intermediate No. 6151
001021-00787                             Pyrocide Intermediate No. 6496
001021-00788                             Pyrocide (r) Intermediate No.
001021-00924                             Synergized Pyrethrin Spray for
                                          Mills, Food Plants & Home
001021-01018                             Pyrocide Intermediate 6914
001021-01102                             D-Trans Intermediate 1837
001021-01263                             Pyrocide Fogging Concentrate
001021-01301                             Pyrocide Fogging Concentrate
001021-01302                             Pyrocide Fogging Formula 7207
001021-01391                             Multicide Concentrate 2120
001021-01392                             Multicide (r) Intermediate 2121
001021-01395                             Multicide (r) Mix 2167
001021-01400                             Multicide Concentrate 2154
001021-01402                             Multicide Fogging Formula 2170
001021-01403                             Multicide Intermediate 2079
001021-01406                             Multicide Concentrate 2189
001021-01410                             Multicide Fogger and Contact
                                          Spray 2198
001021-01468                             Multicide Intermediate 2277
001021-01479                             Multicide Intermediate 2292
001021-01508                             Multicide Intermediate 2322
001021-01565                             Evercide Residual Insecticide
                                          Concentrate 2457
001021-01574                             Multicide Fogging Concentrate
001021-01609                             Multicide Fogging Concentrate
001021-01738                             Evercide Synergized Permethrin
                                          Pour-On 2781
001021-01744                             Evercide Permethrin Pour-On
001043-00083                             Coverage Spray Disinfectant
001072-00016                             Surge Liquatone Sanitizer for
                                          Dairy Sanitation
001270-00171                             Zep Amine A
001270-00183                             Zep Spirit Germicidal Cleaner
                                          and Disinfectant
001270-00229                             Zep Fs Amine B
001270-00246                             Zep Attack A
001270-00248                             Zep Tox Wasp and Hornet Spray
001317-00068                             IODU
001317-00083                             Fly Foil Spray
001386-00587                             Unico Mcpa 4 Amine Weed Killer
001448-00028                             Busan 72a
001448-00082                             Busan 71
001448-00099                             Busan 1070
001448-00151                             T-10-1
001448-00244                             T-10-2
001448-00368                             Busan 1253 for Soapwrap
001448-00383                             Busan 1146
001448-00393                             Busan 1127 RTU

[[Page 43755]]

001448-00402                             TCMTB-60E
001448-00404                             TCMTB-WE60
001448-00406                             TCMTB-XE
001475-00145                             Naphthalene
001677-00066                             Kancel
001677-00169                             Monarch 400 Sanitizer
002230-00053                             DDDS Lemon
002230-00054                             DDDS Wintergreen
002230-00057                             DDDS Pine Scent
002382-00129                             Ultra-Sect ``r'' IGR Flea &
                                          Tick Mist
002623-00004                             Everpure Bacteriostatic Water
                                          Filter (model QC4-DC)
002623-00005                             Everpure Bacteriostatic
                                          Replacement Filter Cartridge
002749-00059                             Diuron 80 WP Weed Killer
002935-00083                             Wilbur-Ellis Malathion 8 Spray
002935-00520                             Digon 400
002935-00529                             Botran 6% Dust
002935-00540                             Potato Seed Treater Fungicide
003090-00168                             Sanitized Brand Hygienic Spray
                                          S-1 for Industrial Use
003090-00178                             Sanitized Brand XTX
                                          Bacteriostatic Chemical
003090-00196                             Sanitized Brand OA-P
003090-00216                             Sanitized Brand MBP 96 61
003546-00036                             Shoo-Fly Multipurpose Insect
003546-00039                             Sport Mosquito & Tick Stop
003837-00024                             Broma Weed Killer
003838-00036                             Quat 44
003838-00037                             Quat Rinse
003838-00042                             Quat 256
003838-00046                             Acid Free Restroom Cleaner
003838-00050                             Nutral Q
003838-00051                             Quat 20
003862-00109                             Swat Flying Insect Killer
003862-00122                             Multi-Purpose Aqueous
                                          Insecticide Spray
003862-00162                             B.B.C.
003862-00168                             4.5 Disinfectant/Detergent
003862-00169                             Gittem Gottem 0.25% Liquid
                                          Insecticide Spray
004000-00048                             Lemon Bathroom Cleaner &
004001-00003                             Triclosan
004170-00008                             Betco Pine Odor
004170-00014                             Betco 256
004170-00036                             Forest 5
004170-00068                             Sure Bet
004170-00080                             Wasp & Hornet Killer
004170-00081                             Flying Insect Killer
004482-00012                             End-Germ
004482-00015                             Dical
004581-00201                             Aquathol Granular Aquatic
004713-00001                             Pyrethrum Extract
004787-00037                             Cyren MUC
004787-00039                             Cyren 150 Concentrate
004787-00045                             Atrapa ULV
004787-00047                             Griffin Methyl Parathion MUP
004808-00005                             Additive MC
004823-00004                             Sentinel
005174-00022                             Sani Kleen II
005383-00092                             Troysan Polyphase 582
005383-00095                             Troysan Polyphase 598
005383-00096                             Troysan Polyphase 587
005481-00058                             Sevin Brand Carbaryl
                                          Insecticide 5% Dust
005481-00065                             Alco Sevin-Sevin Brand Carbaryl
                                          Insecticide 50W
005481-00089                             Durham Carbaryl Granules 10
005481-00090                             Durham Carbaryl Insecticide 5%
005481-00095                             Durham End of Trail Snail-Slug
                                          & Insect Granules
005481-00097                             Alco Snail, Slug and Sowbug
005481-00098                             Durham Carbaryl Dust 5
005481-00100                             Durham Carbaryl Metaldehyde
                                          Granules 5-2.5
005481-00102                             Durham Duragon 2.67 Systemic

[[Page 43756]]

005481-00108                             Durham Carbaryl Dust 10
005481-00190                             Sevin Brand Carbaryl
                                          Insecticide Dust Concentrate
005481-00242                             Kon-Trold Roost Paint and Cage
005481-00253                             5% Sevin Dust
005481-00271                             Royal Brand Sevin 50% Wettable
005481-00275                             Two Way Vegetable Dust
005481-00282                             Royal Brand Sevin 2% Garden
005481-00283                             Carbaryl Maneb Tomato and
                                          Potato Dust
005481-00294                             10% Sevin Dust
005481-00312                             7.5% Sevin Dust
005481-00321                             Copper Dust with 2% Carbaryl
005481-00323                             Royal Brand Tomato Dust
005481-00451                             Snail, Slug & Sowbug Killer for
                                          Lawn & Garden
005991-00007                             Time-Saver Detergent-Sanitizer
                                          Iodophor Type
005991-20002                             Time-Saver Liquid Bactericide
006885-00005                             Maintex DDC
006959-00077                             Cessco 5 Aerosol Insecticide
006959-00078                             Cessco 7 Aerosol Insecticide
006973-00029                             Soilserv Bacillus Pellets
007001-00377                             Turf Fertilizer with .107%
007001-00378                             Turf Fertilizer with .172%
007001-00379                             Turf Fertilizer with 0.086%
007001-00380                             Lange Turf Formula Dimension
                                          143 Preemergence Weed Control
007001-00381                             Lange Turf Formula Dimension
                                          125 Preemergence Weed Control
007001-00382                             PCNB 12.5%
007048-00002                             Bio Magic Rinse Powder
007401-00318                             Ferti-Lome Premergent Weed and
                                          Grass Control
007616-00077                             KT Granular Algicide
008033-00027                             Adjust Brand 70WP Insecticide
008133-00017                             Bactron K-22
008133-00025                             Bactron K-50
008133-00029                             Bactron K-78 Microbiocide
008133-00031                             Bactron K-89 Microbiocide
008155-00011                             High Dilution Quaternary Husky
                                          801 H/D/Q Germicidal Cleaner
008503-00015                             Pine Scent II
008637-00007                             Mitco CC-12l Algicide
008764-00012                             Freshgard 500
008764-00040                             Sta-Fresh 451
008791-00050                             E-Z Clor Hypochlor Chlorinating
009603-00001                             Stakill Diuron and Bromacil
                                          Weed Killer
009616-00009                             Vertex Css-10
009779-00206                             Dimate 2.67
009804-00010                             Perlox
009829-00008                             MPG
009868-00002                             Anker Marine Paints
                                          Antifouling, Cold Plastic
009886-00013                             Uniclean 60/85
009886-00014                             Uniclean 80/85
009886-00019                             Uniclean 25/85
010039-20202                             Neva-Mor Roach-Dead Powder
010088-00020                             Spray-Fog
010088-00062                             Cockroach Killer
010088-00084                             Residual Insecticide
010380-00001                             Bleach By Beacon
010404-00070                             Eliminate 47% Dg Selective
                                          Broadleaf Herbicide.
010465-00038                             Supatimber Clear Type B
010663-00021                             Super Al-Jax
010671-00004                             Hy-Test Sodium Hypochlorite
010707-00015                             Shell Aqualin Herbicide
010707-00016                             Magnacide S Slimicide
010707-00017                             Shell Aqualin Biocide
010932-00010                             7410 Microbiocide
010932-00013                             Antimicrobial 7413
011350-00033                             Sigmaplane Ecol HS Antifouling
                                          Redbrown 5297 HS-Rd
011350-00034                             Sigmaplane Ecol HA Antofouling
                                          Redbrown 5294
011474-00040                             Sungro Reside Du

[[Page 43757]]

011474-00093                             Sungro Reside Du-B
011623-00047                             Barrier II
011715-00006                             Speer Insect Killer (with .35%
011715-00023                             Speer Equine Spray
011715-00047                             Speer Aircraft Insecticide
011715-00091                             Magic Guard Automatic
                                          Sequential Insecticide
011715-00119                             Better World Dairy Spray
011715-00148                             Magic Guard Automatic Room
                                          Fogger Formula II
011715-00158                             Magic Guard with Rotenone/
011715-00159                             Speer E-Z Way Residual Crack &
                                          Crevice Injection System
011715-00165                             Better World Residual Roach and
                                          Flea Spray
011715-00169                             Better World Insecticide
011715-00173                             Speer Stable Spray
011715-00177                             Magic Guard Non-Flammable Wasp
011715-00180                             Speer E-Z II Residual Spray
011715-00230                             Farnam Super-Sheen Wipe-Plus
011715-00234                             Farnam Wipe II Fly Protectant
011715-00235                             Faram Wipe-P Fly Protectant
011736-20001                             Sparkle
012014-00062                             Swim Pro 1000 Algaecide
012480-00001                             A 24-4 Algae Treatment
029909-00019                             Cardinal General Purpose
                                          Insecticide Spray
032802-00029                             Trichlorfon 6.2G Turf Granules
032977-00002                             Sterisol Germicide Concentrate
033025-00001                             Citromax Citronella Insect
033161-00012                             F-300R Fogging Compound
033354-00002                             Fresh Foam 26F
033354-00018                             Oxyfresh
034052-00002                             Bear-Cat Concentrate
034052-00015                             Bear-Cat Disinfectant
034282-00013                             Pine Odor Disinfectant
034282-00014                             Lemon Odor Disinfectant
034282-00015                             Mint Odor Disinfectant
034704-00694                             Clean Crop Acephate 80 DF Seed
034797-00081                             Qualis 0.5% Permethrin Spray
034810-00028                             Ultra
035054-00002                             Term-Out
035085-00002                             HBH Sodium Hypochlorite
035138-00088                             Blast Away Bug Killer
035138-00089                             Aerochem General Purpose
035307-00003                             Growers 455 Soluble Oil
035307-00004                             Growers 435 Soulble Oil
035512-00029                             Turf Pride with .5% Surflan Pre-
                                          Emergence Herbicide
035512-00034                             Turf Pride Weed & Feed/for St.
                                          Augustine & Centipede Lawns
035512-00044                             Turf Pride Fertilizer with Pen-
                                          Star II Herbicide
035895-00002                             Pool Baron's Rescue Algaecide
036123-00001                             Wonder Fluff
038110-00004                             Max-Min Fly Control Mineral
                                          2 with Rabon (r) Oral
038110-00007                             Max-Min Horse Mineral with
                                          Rabon Oral Larvicide
038110-00009                             Fly Control Minerals with Rabon
                                          Oral Larvicide
039055-00001                             Sylvapine RPO
039412-00005                             Team 130 Root Destroyer
040810-00021                             Irgaguard B4000
040827-00001                             Florida Fertilizer Fc-435
                                          Citrus Oil
042057-00096                             Morgro 2-In-1 Weed & Feed
042519-00019                             Dorsan 4E-45
042519-00020                             Dorsan 2E
042519-00021                             Dorsan-4E
042519-00023                             Dorsan Tech
042567-00002                             Quinolate 98
042750-00077                             Chlorothalonil 98% Technical
042964-00012                             F/H
043410-00007                             Fungicide 4T
043437-00001                             Dussek 6% Copper Naphthenate
043512-20203                             Drop Dead Roach Killer
044673-00001                             Disfecticide

[[Page 43758]]

045880-00001                             Chlorine Liquified Gas Under
046266-00001                             Chlorine Liquified Gas Under
046626-00001                             Agriblend
047075-00001                             Chlorine Liquified Gas Under
048211-00012                             Stomp-Out Prome-Con
048815-00001                             Net-Dip Disinfectant-Sanitizer
049405-00001                             Chlorine Liquified Gas Under
049547-00004                             Aien Pine Oil
049547-00009                             Alen 7% Sodium Hypochlorite
                                          Bleach Sanitizer
049547-00010                             Pinol
051036-00076                             Azinphosmethyl 2EC
051036-00130                             Azinphosmethyl 35W
051422-00001                             Heavy Duty Algaecide
051422-00002                             Algaecide
051422-00004                             Winterizer
051551-00001                             Chlorine Liquified Gas Under
052142-00006                             Barricade Permethrin
                                          Insecticide Spray
052637-00001                             Agi Insecticide Ear Tag
052991-00005                             Bedoukian Tufted Apple Bud Moth
                                          Technical Pheromone
053575-00020                             Isomate-CM/LR Pheromone
053883-00044                             Martins Rabon Cattle Dust
053883-00050                             Martin's Dipel Dust
053883-00056                             Martin's Pet Guard Super Dip
054287-00015                             Sawyer Redi Chlor Water
                                          Disinfection Tablets
054614-00010                             Tru Shock Tablets
054614-00011                             Tru Shock Granular
054614-00012                             Super Algyzine
054705-00012                             Hose'em Yard Insect Spray
055236-00001                             303 Black 300 Copper
                                          Antifouling Paint
055260-00005                             Syllit 65w Fruit Fungicide
055431-00001                             Termiticide T/C
056159-00009                             Reppers Repellent Grains (shun
                                          Repellent Grain)
056261-00002                             MCH Bubble Cap
056261-00003                             Verbenone Pouch
057604-00002                             Clorine Liquified Gas
058111-00005                             Zap II Wasp and Hornet Killer
058199-00010                             Cyzer
058246-00001                             Nematrol
059893-00001                             Coustic-Glo Cleaner Sanitizer
061178-00006                             D-128
061282-00010                             Snail and Slug Lg Pelleted Bait
061282-00011                             Snail and Slug Ag Pelleted Bait
061483-00063                             Vulcan Premium Four Pound Penta
                                          (pcp 2) Concentrate
062190-00002                             Wolmanac Concentrate 50% (for
                                          Industrial Use Only)
062719-00312                             Drexel Atrazine 4F
062719-00313                             Atrazine 90
062719-00395                             Goal 2E Herbicide
062719-00400                             Goal 1.6E Herbicide
063709-00001                             Aankill 44
065072-00008                             KP 3505
066222-00088                             Prodiamine Technical
066534-00001                             Liquefied Chlorine Gas Under
067071-00003                             Acticide C98
067071-00004                             Acticide C40
067071-00008                             Acticide LG-W
067071-00009                             Acticide 14-WT
067071-00013                             Acticide RS-WT
067071-00014                             Acticide SPX-W
067071-00020                             Acticide 14 M
067071-00027                             Acticide 45M
067071-00032                             Acticide DA
067071-00033                             Acticide DG
067071-00034                             Acticide DC
067071-00035                             Acticide M20sE
067420-00001                             2K7 Bugstick
067420-00002                             2K7 Water Soluble Paks
067517-00005                             Rub-On Horse Insecticide

[[Page 43759]]

067517-00011                             Fly-Pel
067517-00024                             Face Fly Bomb
067517-00032                             General Carbaryl-10 Insecticide
067599-00002                             Copper Poxy
067603-00005                             Ground Zero
067603-00006                             F-1000 Disinfectant Sanitizer
067603-00007                             Brevity Blue Liquid
                                          Disinfectant Scouring Creme
067603-00008                             S'gone Disinfectant
067603-00009                             Tru-Rite Bleach
067603-00010                             Super-Chlor Sodium Hypochlorite
067760-00060                             Cyren Technical
067869-00041                             N2000 LF C
067869-00042                             N2000 LF P
068539-00005                             Fafard Growing Mix with
                                          Rootshield Granules
068543-00010                             Bengal Yard & Patio Outdoor
068543-00015                             Ultradust Insecticide
068543-00016                             Bengal Roach and Ant Spray III
068688-00022                             Elite Residual Mist Plus
068688-00026                             Elite Residual Mist Plus
068688-00030                             Elite Flea and Tick Spray
068688-00031                             Elite Aloe Repellent Lotion
068688-00050                             Heartland Freeze Brand Wasp and
                                          Hornet Killer
068891-00001                             Superquik TM
068891-00003                             Propel Plant Growth Regulator
068891-00004                             Wilthin
068891-00005                             Enfrost
069529-00004                             Borasol-PT
069681-00004                             Clor Mor Chlorinated Tablets,
069681-00005                             Clor Mor Chlorinated Tablets,
069681-00009                             Clor Mor Chlorinating Sticks
070009-00001                             Ethylene Oxide 100
070271-00008                             Pure Bright Germicidal Bleach
070400-00001                             Harvestsaver
070400-00002                             Haysaver
070648-00001                             Biokryl I
070799-00008                             State Formula 362 No Rinse
070799-00010                             State Sok
071089-00001                             Gib-4%
071532-00010                             LG Lambda-Cyhalothrin Technical
071532-00011                             Esfenstar Technical RU
071653-00003                             Cobra Crush
071653-00005                             Cobralin
071927-00001                             Dutch Trig
072087-00001                             Flea Scare
072106-00004                             Nulife Fall Winterizer Moss
                                          Cure and Lawn Food
072138-00002                             Real-Pine I Cleans Disinfects
072138-00003                             Real-Pine I Cleaner
                                          Disinfectant Deodorizer
072138-00005                             Pine-O-Pine Cleanser
072138-00007                             Sani-Lemon 22
072407-00001                             Sulphuric Acid Desiccant
072451-00003                             Mstrs ECB-2
072451-00006                             MSTRS OFM
072468-00002                             Betanix Plus
072581-00003                             Low-Temp Sanitizer
072647-00001                             Methyl Salicylate Manufacturing-
                                          Use Product
072647-00002                             Repelkote OC Cartons
072647-00004                             Repelkote Surfx Packaging
072839-00001                             Formic Acid Gel
072992-00002                             T344
072992-00003                             T427 Processing Solution
072992-00007                             T428 Vase Solution
072992-00008                             T333
073600-00002                             Sweetlix R.O.L. Rabon Molasses
073817-00001                             Rezistox
073817-00002                             Prodox Broad Spectrum Algaecide/
073873-00001                             Anti-Growth Concentrate

[[Page 43760]]

073873-00002                             Anti-Growth
074128-00001                             Chondrostereum Purpureum Strain
                                          Hq1 Concentrate
074128-00002                             Myco-Tech Paste
074152-00002                             Megagro Growth Stimulator
                                          Concentrate Gallon
074152-00004                             Megagro Growth Stimulator
074326-00001                             No Mo Roaches
074500-00003                             Agenial Algaecide
074627-00004                             LMC 0.115 ICG Insecticide
074681-00005                             Copper Guard SCX 56 Marine Blue
074712-00001                             Specialchlor 90
074843-00001                             Buzz Off Insect Shield
075126-00002                             EEKO Ball-L
075402-00001                             Hilo Ear Mite Remedy for Dogs
                                          and Cats
075449-00004                             Sodium Bichromate Crystal
075449-00005                             Sodium Bichromate Dry
075449-00006                             Chromic Acid Wp
075457-00003                             Anti-Pest-O RTU
075499-00010                             Plant Synergists Type Rite
075499-00013                             Plant Synergists Gib A4A7
075687-00001                             Synper 30-30
079529-00004                             Black Flag House & Garden
                                          Insect Killer Formula S
079529-00009                             Black Flag Ant & Roach Killer
079529-00011                             Black Flag Flying Insect Killer
                                          Formula A
079676-00015                             Acephate G-Pro 97 Insecticide
080227-00001                             Mosquito Breeding Blocker
080432-00001                             Nbi Hay Preservative
080697-00002                             Krop-Max
080982-20004                             Aroma
081117-00001                             Four Paws Keep Off! Dog & Cat
081198-00001                             Freegrow Headstart Sulf. Met.
081198-00002                             Mustang Met. Methyl DF

IV. Public Docket

    Complete lists of registrations canceled for non-payment of the 
maintenance fee will also be available for reference during normal 
business hours in the OPP Regulatory Public Docket, Rm. S-4400, One 
Potomac Yard (South Building), 2777 S. Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA. 
Product-specific status inquiries may be made by telephone by calling 
toll-free 1-800-444-7255.

List of Subjects

    Environmental protection, maintenance fees, pesticides and pests.

    Dated: July 18, 2006.
James Jones,
Director, Office of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. E6-12461 Filed 8-1-06; 8:45 a.m.]