[December 11, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 237)] [Unified Agenda] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [frwais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID: f:ua061043.wais] [Page 74098-74112] Social Security Administration ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Part XLIII ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Semiannual Regulatory Agenda [[Page 74098]] SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (SSA) _______________________________________________________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Office of the Commissioner 20 CFR Ch. III Semiannual Unified Regulatory Agenda AGENCY: Social Security Administration. ACTION: Semiannual regulatory agenda. _______________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY: Executive Order (E.O.) 12866 (as amended by E.O. 13258) entitled Regulatory Planning and Review, issued September 30, 1993, and the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-354) require each Federal agency to publish semiannually a brief description of all regulatory actions under development or review, expected to be under development or review for the next 12 months, or completed since the previous publication of the agenda. Our last agenda of regulations was published April 24, 2006. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information about a specific regulatory action, contact the person identified as the agency contact for that action. Comments or inquiries of a general nature should be directed to Gregory Zwitch, Regulations Officer, Social Security Administration, 100 Altmeyer Building, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401; Telephone (410) 965-1887 or TTY (410) 966-5609. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers the retirement, survivors, and disability insurance programs under title II of the Social Security Act (the Act), the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program under title XVI of the Act, and Special Benefits to Certain World War II Veterans under title VIII of the Act. Our regulations generally do not impose burdens on the private sector or on State, local, or tribal governments. Our regulations document the rules under which we make eligibility determinations and set forth both the responsibilities of the Agency towards the public and beneficiaries' rights and responsibilities under the programs we administer. Our regulatory efforts can be placed into one of the following three categories: (1) Legislative implementation; (2) program changes to improve SSA service to the public; and (3) improvements or clarifications to enhance effective stewardship of SSA programs. We continue to seek legislative improvements for the programs we administer. However, because of the complexity of our programs, statutory language is rarely detailed enough to govern the actions of Agency adjudicative decisionmakers. Supporting regulations are often required. In some instances, Congress directs SSA to issue implementing regulations. For other legislative provisions, SSA regulations provide program information to applicants for benefits, current beneficiaries, and their legal counsels. Our regulatory agenda includes items to amend our regulations to reflect the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2004 (Pub. L. 108-173). We are also planning regulatory changes to reflect provisions of the Social Security Protection Act of 2004 (Pub. L. 108-203). Included in our agenda are items that will amend our Ticket to Work regulations originally published in December 2001. The proposed rules, published in September 2005, would expand beneficiary eligibility, increase beneficiary choice and flexibility of services available from both vocational rehabilitation agencies and employment networks, and modify the payment system to employment networks. Final regulations are anticipated in 2006. We continue to work diligently to improve our program benefit regulations and to develop partnerships with large segments of the community of interest groups concerned about Social Security programs. The remainder of our Unified Agenda reflects such improvements and clarifications. For this edition of SSA's regulatory agenda, the most important significant regulatory actions are included in The Regulatory Plan, which appears in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. The Regulatory Plan entries are listed in the table of contents below and are denoted by a bracketed bold reference, which directs the reader to the appropriate sequence number in part II. The fall 2006 regulatory agenda for the Social Security Administration follows. Dated: September 6, 2006. Gregory Zwitch, SSA Regulations Officer Social Security Administration--Proposed Rule Stage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regulation Sequence Title Identifier Number Number ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3631 Revised Medical Criteria for Endocrine Disorders (436P)............................... 0960-AD78 3632 Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Neurological Impairments (806P)............... 0960-AF35 3633 Determining Disability for an Individual With Drug Addiction or Alcoholism (851P)..... 0960-AF57 3634 Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Respiratory System Disorders (859P)........... 0960-AF58 3635 Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Mental Disorders (886P) (Reg Plan Seq No. 138) 0960-AF69 3636 Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Hematological Disorders (974P)................ 0960-AF88 3637 Elimination of Parent-to-Child Deeming From Stepparents (793P)........................ 0960-AF96 3638 Exclusion of Military Pay for Combat Service From Deemed Income and Resources (978P).. 0960-AF97 3639 Technical Updates to Applicability of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Reduced 0960-AF99 Benefit Rate for Individuals Residing in Medical Treatment Facilities (794P).......... 3640 Liability of Representative Payees for Overpayments to Deceased Recipients (796P)..... 0960-AG02 3641 Recontacting Your Medical Source(s) (2241P)........................................... 0960-AG04 3642 Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Hearing Loss (2862P).......................... 0960-AG20 3643 New Medical Criteria for Evaluating Language and Speech Disorders (2962P)............. 0960-AG21 [[Page 74099]] 3644 Additional Insured Status Requirements for Certain Alien Workers (2882P) (Reg Plan Seq 0960-AG22 No. 139).............................................................................. 3645 Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Growth Impairments (3163P).................... 0960-AG28 3646 Work Performed by Certain Nonresident Aliens (3316P).................................. 0960-AG37 3647 Revised Medical Criteria for Musculoskeletal Disorders (3318P)........................ 0960-AG38 3648 Methods for Conducting Personal Conference When Waiver of Recovery of Title II or 0960-AG40 Title XVI Overpayment Cannot Be Approved (3320P)...................................... 3649 Consultative Examination - Annual Onsite Review by DDSs (3338P) (Reg Plan Seq No. 140) 0960-AG41 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References in boldface appear in the Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. Social Security Administration--Final Rule Stage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regulation Sequence Title Identifier Number Number ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3650 Enforcement of Nondiscrimination in Social Security Programs or Activities (661F)..... 0960-AE78 3651 Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Impairments of the Digestive System (800F) 0960-AF28 (Reg Plan Seq No. 141)................................................................ 3652 Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Immune System Disorders (804F) (Reg Plan Seq 0960-AF33 No. 142).............................................................................. 3653 Stepchild Entitlement and Termination Requirements (934F)............................. 0960-AF78 3654 Mandatory Exclusion of Health Care Providers and Representatives From Participating in 0960-AF85 Programs Administered by SSA, Including Representative Payment (954F) (Reg Plan Seq No. 143).............................................................................. 3655 Amendments to the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (967F) (Reg Plan Seq No. 0960-AF89 144).................................................................................. 3656 Administrative Review Process; Incorporation-by-Reference of Oral Findings of Fact and 0960-AF92 Rationale in Wholly Favorable Written Decisions (964F)................................ 3657 Optometrists as Acceptable Medical Sources To Establish a Medically Determinable 0960-AG05 Impairment (2261F).................................................................... 3658 Age as a Factor in Evaluating Disability (3183F) (Reg Plan Seq No. 145)............... 0960-AG29 3659 Temp Ext of Atty Fee Payment System to Title XVI; 5-Year Demo Project Extending Fee 0960-AG35 Withholding and Payment Procedures to Eligible Non-Attorney Reps; . . . (3246F)....... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References in boldface appear in the Regulatory Plan in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. Social Security Administration--Long-Term Actions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regulation Sequence Title Identifier Number Number ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3660 Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Social Security 0960-AE48 Administration (601F)................................................................. 3661 Dedicated Accounts and Installment Payments for Certain Past Due SSI Benefits (622F).. 0960-AE59 3662 Title VI (Civil Rights Act (1964)), Title IX (Education Amend. (1972)), Rehabilitation 0960-AE63 Act (1973), and Age Discrimination Act (1975) in Programs/Activities Receiving Financial Assistance by SSA (617P).................................................... 3663 Privacy and Disclosure of Official Records and Information (711P)..................... 0960-AE88 3664 Revisions to the Medical-Vocational Guidelines (823F)................................. 0960-AF47 3665 Referral of Persons Eligible for Disability or Blindness Benefits to Other Agencies 0960-AF80 for Vocational Rehabilitation Services (929F)......................................... 3666 Privacy and Disclosure of Official Records and Information; Availability of 0960-AG14 Information and Records to the Public (2562P)......................................... 3667 Private Printing of Prescribed Applications, Other Forms, and Publications (530P)..... 0960-AG36 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Security Administration--Completed Actions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regulation Sequence Title Identifier Number Number ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3668 Federal Salary Offset (Withholding a Portion of a Federal Employee's Salary To Collect 0960-AE89 a Delinquent Debt Owed to the Social Security Administration) (721F).................. 3669 Exemption of Work Activity as a Basis for a Continuing Disability Review (Ticket to 0960-AE93 Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999) (725F).............................. 3670 Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Visual Disorders (805F)....................... 0960-AF34 [[Page 74100]] 3671 Rules for Helping Blind and Disabled Individuals Achieve Self-Support (506F).......... 0960-AG00 3672 Civil Monetary Penalties, Assessments, and Recommended Exclusions (2362F)............. 0960-AG08 3673 Representative Payment; Policies and Administrative Procedure for Imposing Penalties 0960-AG09 for False or Misleading Statements or Withholding of Information (2422F).............. 3674 Issuance of Work Report Receipts, Payment of TWP Months After a Fraud Conviction, 0960-AG10 Changes to the SEIE, & Expansion of the Reentitlement Period for Childhood DIB Benefits (2502F)...................................................................... 3675 Medicare Part B Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (2101F)...................... 0960-AG11 3676 Nonpayment of Benefits to Fugitive Felons and Probation or Parole Violators (2222F)... 0960-AG12 3677 Changes to the Income and Resources Provisions for SSI Based on Sections 430, 435, and 0960-AG13 436 of the Social Security Protection Act (SSPA) of 2004 (2482F)...................... 3678 Continuing Disability Review Failure To Cooperate Process (2763F)..................... 0960-AG19 3679 Limiting Replacement of Social Security Number Cards (965F)........................... 0960-AG25 3680 Administrative Review Process for Adjudicating Initial Disability Claims (3203F)...... 0960-AG31 3681 Filing of Applications and Requirements for Widow's and Widower's Benefits (3223F).... 0960-AG32 3682 Sixty-Month Period of Employment Requirement for Application of Government Pension 0960-AG33 Offset Exemption (3022P).............................................................. 3683 Extension of the Expiration Date for the Digestive Listings (3324F)................... 0960-AG39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________ Social Security Administration (SSA) Proposed Rule Stage _______________________________________________________________________ 3631. REVISED MEDICAL CRITERIA FOR ENDOCRINE DISORDERS (436P) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 42 USC 405; 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1383 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1500, app 1 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: Sections 9.00 and 109.00 of appendix 1 to subpart P of part 404 of our regulations (404.1501 through 404.1599) describe those endocrine impairments that are considered severe enough to prevent a person from doing any gainful activity, or in the case of a child claiming SSA payments under title XVI, that cause marked and severe functional limitations. We are proposing to revise the criteria in these sections to reflect advances in medical knowledge, treatment, and methods of evaluating endocrine impairments. The Supplemental Security Income Program incorporates and uses the same medical criteria as the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Program. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ ANPRM 08/11/05 70 FR 46792 ANPRM Comment Period End 10/11/05 NPRM 12/00/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Judy Hicks, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-9119 Fran O. Thomas, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-9822 RIN: 0960-AD78 _______________________________________________________________________ 3632. REVISED MEDICAL CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING NEUROLOGICAL IMPAIRMENTS (806P) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 42 USC 405; 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1383 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1500, app 1 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We are planning to update and revise the rules we use to evaluate neurological impairments of adults and children who apply for, or receive, disability benefits under title II and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments based on disability under title XVI of the Social Security Act (the Act). The rules we plan on revising are sections 11.00 and 111.00 in the Listing of Impairments in appendix 1 to subpart P of part 404 of our regulations (the listings). Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ ANPRM 04/13/05 70 FR 19356 ANPRM Comment Period End 06/13/05 NPRM 05/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Regina Connell, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 965-1891 Fran O. Thomas, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-9822 RIN: 0960-AF35 [[Page 74101]] _______________________________________________________________________ 3633. DETERMINING DISABILITY FOR AN INDIVIDUAL WITH DRUG ADDICTION OR ALCOHOLISM (851P) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: PL 104-121, sec 105; PL 105-33, sec 5525; PL 106-170, sec 401; 42 USC 405(j); 42 USC 422(e); 42 USC 423(d)(2)(C); 42 USC 425; 42 USC 1382(e); 42 USC 1382c(a)(3)(J); 42 USC 1383(a)(2); 42 USC 1383c; 42 USC 1383e CFR Citation: Not Yet Determined Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We propose to revise our regulations that address drug addiction and alcoholism (DAA) under titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act. The proposed rules reflect provisions of section 105 of the Contract with America Advancement Act of 1996, Public Law 104-121; section 5525 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Public Law 105-33; and section 401 of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999, Public Law 106-170. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 03/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Larry P. Spain, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-9139 Suzanne DiMarino, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AF57 _______________________________________________________________________ 3634. REVISED MEDICAL CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DISORDERS (859P) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 42 USC 405; 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1383 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1500, app 1 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We propose to update and revise the rules we use to evaluate respiratory disorders of adults and children who apply for, or receive, disability benefits under title II and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments based on disability under title XVI of the Social Security Act. The rules we plan on revising are sections 3.00 and 103.00 in the Listing of Impairments in appendix 1 to subpart P of part 404 of our regulations (the listings). Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ ANPRM 04/13/05 70 FR 19358 ANPRM Comment Period End 06/13/05 NPRM 03/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Sharon Arden, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-9098 Suzanne DiMarino, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AF58 _______________________________________________________________________ 3635. REVISED MEDICAL CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING MENTAL DISORDERS (886P) Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 138 in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. RIN: 0960-AF69 _______________________________________________________________________ 3636. REVISED MEDICAL CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING HEMATOLOGICAL DISORDERS (974P) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 42 USC 405; 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1383 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1500, app 1 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: Sections 7.00 and 107.00 (hematological disorders) of appendix 1 to subpart P of part 404 of our regulations (404.1501 through 404.1599) describe hematological disorders that are considered severe enough to prevent a person from doing any gainful activity, or for a child claiming SSI payments under title XVI, which causes marked and severe functional limitation. We are proposing to revise these sections to ensure that the medical evaluation criteria are up-to-date and consistent with the latest advances in medical knowledge and treatment. The Supplemental Security Income program incorporates and uses the same medical criteria as the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 06/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Michelle Hungerman, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-2289 Richard M. Bresnick, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-1758 RIN: 0960-AF88 _______________________________________________________________________ 3637. ELIMINATION OF PARENT-TO-CHILD DEEMING FROM STEPPARENTS (793P) Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined. Legal Authority: Sec 1614(f)(2) of the Social Security Act CFR Citation: 20 CFR 416.1160; 20 CFR 416.1165; 20 CFR 416.1202; 20 CFR 416.1851 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We propose to change the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) parent-to-child deeming rules to no longer consider the income and resources of a stepparent when an eligible child resides in the household with a stepparent, but not his or her natural or adoptive parent. We will clarify that a stepparent no longer meets the definition of a ``parent'' when his or her spouse dies or leaves the household. Thus, an eligible child is [[Page 74102]] not subject to deeming from a stepparent unless the child lives with both his or her natural or adoptive parent and the stepparent. We also propose changing the age at which an individual is no longer considered an ineligible child for purposes of deeming from 21 to 22. We believe this change will simplify our rules for both the public and our public contact employees. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 12/00/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Eric Skidmore, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Income Security Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 597-1833 Richard M. Bresnick, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-1758 Related RIN: Related to 0960-AF24 RIN: 0960-AF96 _______________________________________________________________________ 3638. EXCLUSION OF MILITARY PAY FOR COMBAT SERVICE FROM DEEMED INCOME AND RESOURCES (978P) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined. Legal Authority: 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1381a; 42 USC 1382 to 1382b; 42 USC 1382c(f); 42 USC 1382 note; 42 USC 1383 ; 42 USC 1383b CFR Citation: 20 CFR 416.1161; 20 CFR 416.1202 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: These proposed rules would provide for excluding additional military pay for combat service from countable income and resources when we determine the eligibility of children and spouses of military personnel for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The exclusions ensure that the SSI benefits of children and spouses of military personnel are not adversely affected by the deployment of their family members to a combat zone. Under these rules, in determining an individual's eligibility for SSI, we would not count the following types of income of an ineligible parent or spouse: Any additional increment in pay, other than any increase in basic pay, received while serving as a member of the uniformed services, if: 1. The spouse or parent received the pay as a result of deployment to or while serving in a combat zone; and 2. The spouse or parent was not receiving the additional pay immediately prior to deployment to or service in a combat zone. Under these rules, we also would exclude from deemed resources for 9 months following the month of receipt, the unspent portion of any retroactive payment of: 1. Special pay (hostile fire and imminent danger pay) received by the ineligible spouse or ineligible parent from one of the uniformed services pursuant to 37 U.S.C. 310; and 2. Family separation allowance received by the ineligible spouse or ineligible parent from one of the uniformed services pursuant to 37 U.S.C. 427 as a result of deployment to or while serving in a combat zone. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 03/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Eric Skidmore, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Income Security Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 597-1833 Lois A. Berg, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-1713 RIN: 0960-AF97 _______________________________________________________________________ 3639. TECHNICAL UPDATES TO APPLICABILITY OF THE SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME (SSI) REDUCED BENEFIT RATE FOR INDIVIDUALS RESIDING IN MEDICAL TREATMENT FACILITIES (794P) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant Legal Authority: 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1381a; 42 USC 1382; 42 USC 1382 note; 42 USC 1382a to 1382c; 42 USC 1382f; 42 USC 1382h(a); 42 USC 1382h note; 42 USC 1382j; 42 USC 1383; 42 USC 1383b; 48 USC 1681 note CFR Citation: 20 CFR 416.201; 20 CFR 416.211 to 416.212; 20 CFR 416.414; 20 CFR 416.571; 20 CFR 416.708; 20 CFR 416.1149; 20 CFR 416.1165; 20 CFR 416.1167; 20 CFR 416.1202 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We propose to revise our regulations to implement two provisions of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 that affect the payment of benefits under title XVI of the Social Security Act (the Act). One of the provisions extended temporary institutionalization benefits to children who enter private medical treatment facilities and who otherwise would be subject to a reduced benefit because of private insurance coverage. The other provision replaced obsolete terminology in the Act that referred to particular kinds of medical facilities and substituted a broader yet more descriptive term. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 12/00/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Government Levels Affected: Undetermined Agency Contact: Curt Dobbs, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Income Security Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-7963 Lois A. Berg, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-1713 Related RIN: Previously reported as 0960-AF25 RIN: 0960-AF99 [[Page 74103]] _______________________________________________________________________ 3640. LIABILITY OF REPRESENTATIVE PAYEES FOR OVERPAYMENTS TO DECEASED RECIPIENTS (796P) Priority: Other Significant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined. Legal Authority: PL 106-169, sec 201; 42 USC 404(a); 42 USC 1383(b) CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.501; 20 CFR 416.537 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We propose to revise our regulations to reflect section 201 of Public Law 106-169 that amended 42 U.S.C. sections 404(a) and 1383(b) to make a representative payee personally liable for repayment of a title II/title XVI overpayment to the representative payee on behalf of an individual after the individual's death. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 12/00/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Thelma Allen, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Income Security Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-7966 Fran O. Thomas, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-9822 RIN: 0960-AG02 _______________________________________________________________________ 3641. RECONTACTING YOUR MEDICAL SOURCE(S) (2241P) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant Legal Authority: 42 USC 402; 42 USC 405(a) TO 405(b); 42 USC 405(d) to 405(h); 42 USC 416(i); 42 USC 421; 42 USC 421(a); 42 USC 421(i); 42 USC 422(c); 42 USC 423; 42 USC 423 note; 42 USC 425; 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1382; 42 USC 1382c; 42 USC 1382h; 42 USC 1382h note; 42 USC 1383(a) ; 42 USC 1383b; 42 USC 1838(c) to 1383(d)(1); PL 98-460; PL 104-193 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1512; 20 CFR 416.912 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We propose to revise our regulations to clarify when we will and will not recontact the individual's treating source(s) or other medical source(s) for additional evidence or clarification when evidence from such source(s) is insufficient or inconsistent, as discussed in sections 404.1527(c) and 416.927(c). We also propose to revise our regulations to explain that we will not recontact the individual's treating source(s) or other medical source(s) if there is sufficient evidence for us to decide whether the individual is disabled. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 09/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Mike O'Connor, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-1952 Rosemarie Greenwald, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-7813 RIN: 0960-AG04 _______________________________________________________________________ 3642. REVISED MEDICAL CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING HEARING LOSS (2862P) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 42 USC 405; 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1383 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1500, app 1 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We are planning to update and revise the rules we use to evaluate hearing loss in adults and children who apply for, or receive, disability benefits under title II and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments based on disability under title XVI of the Social Security Act (the Act). The rules we plan on revising are in section 2.00 and 102.00 in the Listing of Impairments in appendix 1 to subpart P of part 404 of our regulations (the listings). Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ ANPRM 04/13/05 70 FR 19353 ANPRM Comment Period End 06/13/05 NPRM 02/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined Government Levels Affected: Undetermined Agency Contact: Michelle Hungerman, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-2289 Rosemarie Greenwald, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-7813 RIN: 0960-AG20 _______________________________________________________________________ 3643. NEW MEDICAL CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING LANGUAGE AND SPEECH DISORDERS (2962P) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 42 USC 405; 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1383 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1500, app 1 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We are considering whether to propose new rules for evaluating language and speech disorders by adding a new body system to the Listing of Impairments in appendix 1 to subpart P of part 404 of our regulations (the listings) for these disorders. The new rules would apply to adults and children who apply for, or receive, disability benefits under titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act (the Act). Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ ANPRM 04/13/05 70 FR 19351 ANPRM Comment Period End 06/13/05 NPRM 12/00/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Government Levels Affected: Undetermined Agency Contact: Janet Bendann, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability [[Page 74104]] Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-9118 Rosemarie Greenwald, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-7813 RIN: 0960-AG21 _______________________________________________________________________ 3644. ADDITIONAL INSURED STATUS REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTAIN ALIEN WORKERS (2882P) Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 139 in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. RIN: 0960-AG22 _______________________________________________________________________ 3645. REVISED MEDICAL CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING GROWTH IMPAIRMENTS (3163P) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 42 USC 402; 42 USC 405(a) to 405(b); 42 USC 405(d) to 405(h); 42 USC 416(i); 42 USC 421(a); 42 USC 421(i); 42 USC 422(c); 42 USC 423; 42 USC 425; 42 USC 902(a)(5) CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1500, app 1 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We are planning to update and revise the rules we use to evaluate growth impairments of individuals under age 18 who apply for, or receive, disability benefits under title II and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments based on disability under title XVI of the Social Security Act (the Act). The rules we plan on revising are in section 100.00 in the Listing of Impairments in appendix 1 to subpart P of part 404 of our regulations (the listings). Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ ANPRM 09/08/05 70 FR 53323 ANPRM Comment Period End 11/07/05 NPRM 06/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Regina Connell, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 965-1891 Rosemarie Greenwald, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-7813 RIN: 0960-AG28 _______________________________________________________________________ 3646. WORK PERFORMED BY CERTAIN NONRESIDENT ALIENS (3316P) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant Legal Authority: Not Yet Determined CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1036 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We propose to revise our regulations on work performed by certain nonresident aliens. We want to clarify that for nonimmigrant aliens with certain types of visas, the critical factor in determining whether the work is covered for Social Security purposes is whether the work is authorized under Department of Homeland Security regulations, not the specific nature of the work. We also propose to add language to explain the difference between ``covered work'' and ``authorized work.'' Finally, we propose to substitute the word ``coverage'' for ``employment'' because ``employment'' has a specific meaning under the Social Security Act and its use could be confusing in the context of the revisions we propose to make to this regulation section. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 12/00/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: John Love, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Income Security Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-9034 Richard M. Bresnick, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-1758 RIN: 0960-AG37 _______________________________________________________________________ 3647. REVISED MEDICAL CRITERIA FOR MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS (3318P) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 42 USC 405; 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1383 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1500, app 1 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: Sections 1.00 and 101.00 of appendix 1 to subpart P of part 404 of our regulations (404.1501 through 404.1599) describe those musculoskeletal impairments that are considered severe enough to prevent a person from doing any gainful activity, or in the case of a child claiming SSA payments under title XVI, that cause marked and severe functional limitations. We are proposing to revise the criteria in these sections to reflect advances in medical knowledge, treatment, and methods of evaluating musculoskeletal impairments. The Supplemental Security Income Program Incorporates and uses the same medical criteria as the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Program. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 01/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Larry P. Spain, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-9139 Fran O. Thomas, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-9822 RIN: 0960-AG38 _______________________________________________________________________ 3648. [bull] METHODS FOR CONDUCTING PERSONAL CONFERENCE WHEN WAIVER OF RECOVERY OF TITLE II OR TITLE XVI OVERPAYMENT CANNOT BE APPROVED (3320P) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant. Major status under 5 USC 801 is undetermined. Legal Authority: 42 USC 404; 42 USC 405(a); 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC [[Page 74105]] 1383(a) to 1383(d); 42 USC 1383(g); 42 USC 3720A CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.506; 20 CFR 416.557 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We propose to revise our title II and title XVI regulations on personal conferences when waiver of recovery of an overpayment cannot be approved to allow for the conferences to be conducted by face-to-face, telephone, or video conference. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 01/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Government Levels Affected: Undetermined Agency Contact: Robin Strauss, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Income Security Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-7944 Lois A. Berg, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-1713 RIN: 0960-AG40 _______________________________________________________________________ 3649. [bull] CONSULTATIVE EXAMINATION - ANNUAL ONSITE REVIEW BY DDSS (3338P) Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 140 in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. RIN: 0960-AG41 _______________________________________________________________________ Social Security Administration (SSA) Final Rule Stage _______________________________________________________________________ 3650. ENFORCEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION IN SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAMS OR ACTIVITIES (661F) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant Legal Authority: 29 USC 794; 42 USC 902 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 432 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: These proposed regulations are intended to ensure that individuals are not subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability, race, color, national origin, sex, age, or religion in any program or activity conducted by SSA. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 09/13/06 71 FR 53994 NPRM Comment Period End 11/13/06 Final Rule 09/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Suzanne DiMarino, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AE78 _______________________________________________________________________ 3651. REVISED MEDICAL CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING IMPAIRMENTS OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (800F) Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 141 in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. RIN: 0960-AF28 _______________________________________________________________________ 3652. REVISED MEDICAL CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING IMMUNE SYSTEM DISORDERS (804F) Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 142 in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. RIN: 0960-AF33 _______________________________________________________________________ 3653. STEPCHILD ENTITLEMENT AND TERMINATION REQUIREMENTS (934F) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant Legal Authority: 42 USC 402; 42 USC 403(a) to 403(b); 42 USC 405(a); 42 USC 416; 42 USC 423; 42 USC 425; 42 USC 428(a) to 428(e); 42 USC 902(a)(5) CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.339; 20 CFR 404.352; 20 CFR 404.363 to 404.364 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We will amend our regulations to incorporate the changes to the entitlement and termination requirements for stepchild's benefits introduced by the Contract with America Advancement Act of 1996. The statutory changes allow a stepchild to be considered dependent upon an insured stepparent for purposes of entitlement to benefits as a stepchild, only if he or she is receiving at least one-half support from the insured person (stepparent). The changes also require benefit termination when the stepchild's natural parent and the insured stepparent divorce. We propose to extend the termination requirement to include: (1) A divorce that ends the marriage between a stepchild's adoptive parent and the insured stepparent; and (2) a prospective annulment that ends the marriage between a stepchild's natural or adoptive parent and the stepparent. We also will include in the regulations our longstanding policy that a stepchild's benefits are terminated when the marriage between the stepchild's parent and the stepparent is annulled from the beginning (ab initio). These final rules also correct a cross-reference affecting entitlement to mother's or father's benefits, and reintroduce an inadvertently deleted definition concerning dependency determinations for grandchildren and stepgrandchildren born during the one-year support period relevant to a child's entitlement on the basis of those relationships to insured persons. These rules will reflect enacted legislation and provide accurate and complete guidelines for determining entitlement to benefits. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 08/12/03 68 FR 47877 NPRM Comment Period End 10/14/03 Final Action 10/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No [[Page 74106]] Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Peter White, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Income Security Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 594-2041 Suzanne DiMarino, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AF78 _______________________________________________________________________ 3654. MANDATORY EXCLUSION OF HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS AND REPRESENTATIVES FROM PARTICIPATING IN PROGRAMS ADMINISTERED BY SSA, INCLUDING REPRESENTATIVE PAYMENT (954F) Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 143 in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. RIN: 0960-AF85 _______________________________________________________________________ 3655. AMENDMENTS TO THE TICKET TO WORK AND SELF-SUFFICIENCY PROGRAM (967F) Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 144 in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. RIN: 0960-AF89 _______________________________________________________________________ 3656. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW PROCESS; INCORPORATION-BY-REFERENCE OF ORAL FINDINGS OF FACT AND RATIONALE IN WHOLLY FAVORABLE WRITTEN DECISIONS (964F) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 42 USC 405(a) to 405(b); 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1383 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.953; 20 CFR 416.1453 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: These rules will make final, interim final rules that allow an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) to enter a wholly favorable, oral decision into the record of a hearing, and may subsequently issue a written decision that gives the findings and reasons for the decision by incorporating by reference the findings and reasons stated orally at the hearing, provided that the ALJ does not determine subsequent to the hearing that the oral findings and reasons should be changed. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Interim Final Rule 10/20/04 69 FR 61594 Interim Final Rule Effective 10/20/04 Interim Final Rule Comment Period End 12/20/04 Final Action 03/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Richard M. Bresnick, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-1758 RIN: 0960-AF92 _______________________________________________________________________ 3657. OPTOMETRISTS AS ACCEPTABLE MEDICAL SOURCES TO ESTABLISH A MEDICALLY DETERMINABLE IMPAIRMENT (2261F) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 42 USC 402; 42 USC 405(a) to 405(b); 42 USC 405(d) to 405(h); 42 USC 416(i); 42 USC 421(a); 42 USC 421(i); 42 USC 421 note; 42 USC 423; 42 USC 423 note; 42 USC 425; 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1382; 42 USC 1382c; 42 USC 1382h; 42 USC 1382h note; 42 USC 1383(a); 42 USC 1383b; 42 USC 1383(c) to 1383(d)(1); PL 104-193; PL 98-460 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1513; 20 CFR 416.913 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We are revising our rules that affect the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs by expanding the role of optometrists as acceptable medical sources. The rules will provide that we may establish a medically determinable visual impairment with medical evidence of record from optometrists instead of having to purchase consultative examinations from ophthalmologists. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 03/01/06 71 FR 10456 NPRM Comment Period End 05/01/06 Final Action 12/00/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Karen Freimuth, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-2817 Rosemarie Greenwald, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-7813 RIN: 0960-AG05 _______________________________________________________________________ 3658. AGE AS A FACTOR IN EVALUATING DISABILITY (3183F) Regulatory Plan: This entry is Seq. No. 145 in part II of this issue of the Federal Register. RIN: 0960-AG29 _______________________________________________________________________ 3659. TEMP EXT OF ATTY FEE PAYMENT SYSTEM TO TITLE XVI; 5-YEAR DEMO PROJECT EXTENDING FEE WITHHOLDING AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES TO ELIGIBLE NON-ATTORNEY REPS; . . . (3246F) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant Legal Authority: 42 USC 405(a); 42 USC 406(b); 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1383(d); PL 101-508, sec 5106; PL 103-296, sec 321(f); PL 106-170, sec 406; PL 108-203, sec 301; PL 108-203, sec 302; PL 108-203, sec 303 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1703; 20 CFR 404.1717 (new); 20 CFR 404.1720; 20 CFR 404.1730; 20 CFR 416.1503; 20 CFR 416.1517 (new); 20 CFR 416.1520; 20 CFR 416.1528; 20 CFR 416.1530 (new) Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We are amending our regulations to conform the regulations to the provisions of sections 301, 302 and 303 of the Social Security Protection Act of 2004 (SSPA, Public Law 108-203); section 406 of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Act of 1999 (TWWIIA, Public Law 106- 170); section 321(f) of the Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994 (SSIPIA, Public Law 103-296); and section 5106 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation [[Page 74107]] Act of 1990 (OBRA 1990, Public Law 101-508). Section 5106 of OBRA 1990 and section 301(f) of the SSIPIA affected the way we define past-due benefits for the purpose of calculating the fees we pay directly for representation of claimants before the Social Security Administration (SSA). Section 406 of the TWWIIA established an assessment for the services required to determine and certify payments to attorneys from the benefits due claimants under title II of the Social Security Act (the Act). Section 301 of the SSPA amended the Act to cap the assessment and to adjust the cap annually based on the cost-of-living computation in section 215(i)(2)(A)(ii) of the Act. Section 302 of the SSPA amended the Act to temporarily extend the attorney fee withholding, payment and assessment procedures to claims under title XVI of the Act. Section 303 of the SSPA authorizes a 5-year, nationwide demonstration project, under both title II and title XVI of the Act, that extends fee withholding, direct payment and assessment procedures to non-attorney representatives who the Commissioner of Social Security determines have met prerequisites for participating in the project. We are amending our regulations to reflect these statutory changes. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 01/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Rosemary Carey, Lead Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Income Security Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-7936 Richard M. Bresnick, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-1758 RIN: 0960-AG35 _______________________________________________________________________ Social Security Administration (SSA) Long-Term Actions _______________________________________________________________________ 3660. SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS OF ETHICAL CONDUCT FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (601F) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant Legal Authority: 5 USC app, Ethics in Government Act of 1978; 5 USC 7301; 5 USC 7353 CFR Citation: 5 CFR ch LXXXI (New) Legal Deadline: None Abstract: The Social Security Administration (SSA), with the concurrence of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE), will issue regulations for officers and employees of SSA that supplement the OGE Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, which became effective February 3, 1993. This final rule specifies procedural and substantive requirements that are necessary to address ethical issues unique to SSA. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 02/11/05 70 FR 7192 NPRM Comment Period End 03/14/05 NPRM Comment Period Reopened 05/04/05 Comment Period End 06/03/05 Final Action To Be Determined Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined Government Levels Affected: Undetermined Agency Contact: Asim Akbari, Attorney, Social Security Administration, Office of the General Counsel, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-6581 Richard M. Bresnick, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-1758 RIN: 0960-AE48 _______________________________________________________________________ 3661. DEDICATED ACCOUNTS AND INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS FOR CERTAIN PAST DUE SSI BENEFITS (622F) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant Legal Authority: 31 USC 3720A; 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 1320b-17; 42 USC 1381; 42 USC 1381a; 42 USC 1382(c); 42 USC 1382(e); 42 USC 1383(a) to 1383(d); 42 USC 1383(g) CFR Citation: 20 CFR 416.545; 20 CFR 416.546; 20 CFR 416.640 Legal Deadline: Final, Statutory, November 22, 1996, Interim Final Rules were published on December 20, 1996 (PRWORA only). Interim Final Rules were published on December 20, 1996. Abstract: These regulations reflect amendments to the Social Security Act made by sections 213 and 221 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. Section 213 requires the establishment of accounts in financial institutions for the payment of past due SSI benefits after reimbursement to a State for Interim Assistance Reimbursement (IAR) exceeding 6 months benefits to representative payees on behalf of children under age 18. These accounts will be dedicated for certain purposes by restrictions on the use of such past due benefits. Section 221 requires past due SSI benefits after reimbursement to a State for Interim Assistance Reimbursement that equals or exceeds 12 months benefits to be paid in installments with certain exceptions. These regulations also reflect amendments to the SSPA made by section 302 of the Social Security Protection Act of 2004, effective May 2005, which provides for the payment of attorney fees by SSA from past due benefits that are payable to an individual. Section 7502 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, enacted February 8, 2006, changed the formula for the payment of SSI installments. The new formula states that when an SSI individual is eligible for past due benefits in an amount which (after reimbursement for IAR and [[Page 74108]] attorney/nonattorney fees) equals or exceeds 3 times the individual Federal Benefit Rate, plus any federally administered State supplement, installment payments must be paid. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Interim Final Rule 12/20/96 61 FR 67203 Interim Final Rule Comment Period End 02/18/97 Final Action 12/00/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Bryan J. Mueller, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Income Security Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-9844 Lois A. Berg, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-1713 RIN: 0960-AE59 _______________________________________________________________________ 3662. TITLE VI (CIVIL RIGHTS ACT (1964)), TITLE IX (EDUCATION AMEND. (1972)), REHABILITATION ACT (1973), AND AGE DISCRIMINATION ACT (1975) IN PROGRAMS/ACTIVITIES RECEIVING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE BY SSA (617P) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant Legal Authority: 20 USC 1681; 29 USC 794; 42 USC 902(a)(5); 42 USC 2000d; 42 USC 6101 CFR Citation: 20 CFR 431 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: Prior to March 31, 1995, SSA was an operating component of HHS and the general regulatory authority for SSA programs and administration was vested in the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the Secretary) based on section 1102 of the Social Security Act (the Act) (42 U.S.C. 1302). The Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act (SSIPIA) established SSA as an independent agency in the executive branch of the Federal Government effective March 31, 1995, and vested general regulatory authority in the Commissioner of Social Security (the Commissioner). Under section 106(b) of SSIPIA, HHS regulations in effect immediately prior to March 31, 1995, which relate to functions now vested in the Commissioner by reason of SSA's independence, continue to apply to SSA until such time as they are modified, suspended, terminated, or repealed by the Commissioner. SSA is promulgating regulations at 20 CFR part 431, which are based in large measure upon the HHS regulations at 45 CFR parts 80, 81, 84, 86, and 91. These SSA regulations reflect changes necessary to adapt the HHS regulations to SSA procedures. Upon SSA's rules becoming final regulations, the HHS regulations will cease to have application to SSA in accordance with section 106(b) of SSIPIA. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM To Be Determined Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Eileen Inglesby-Houghton, Attorney, Social Security Administration, Office of the General Counsel, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-4816 Suzanne DiMarino, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AE63 _______________________________________________________________________ 3663. PRIVACY AND DISCLOSURE OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND INFORMATION (711P) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 5 USC 552; 5 USC 552a; 42 USC 1306(a); 42 USC 902(a)(5) CFR Citation: 20 CFR 401.30; 20 CFR 401.45; 20 CFR 401.55; 20 CFR 401.150; 20 CFR 401.180 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We propose to revise our privacy and disclosure rules to: 1. More fully describe the role and function of the Privacy Officer; 2. Describe safeguards against inappropriate disclosure of personal information when individuals request information about themselves by electronic means (e.g., through the Internet); 3. Conform to special procedures on an individual's access to medical records and access to a minor's medical records by the minor's parent or legal guardian acting on the minor's behalf. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM To Be Determined Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Chris W. Johnson, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of the General Counsel, Office of Public Disclosure, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-8563 Suzanne DiMarino, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AE88 _______________________________________________________________________ 3664. REVISIONS TO THE MEDICAL-VOCATIONAL GUIDELINES (823F) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant Legal Authority: 42 USC 405(a); 42 USC 423; 42 USC 1382c; 42 USC 902(a)(5) CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404, subpart P, app 2; 20 CFR 404.1564; 20 CFR 416.964 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: This rule will make several clarifications to our medical- vocational guidelines. First, for individuals whose previous semiskilled or skilled work does not allow him or her to transfer skills to other semiskilled or skilled work within his or her residual functional capacity (RFC), we will treat the past work experience as if it were unskilled. It will also clarify which medical-vocational rules apply to individuals who are illiterate or unable to communicate in English. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 07/07/03 68 FR 40213 [[Page 74109]] NPRM Comment Period End 09/05/03 Final Action To Be Determined Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Elaine Tocco, Vocational Policy Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 966-6356 Rosemarie Greenwald, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-7813 RIN: 0960-AF47 _______________________________________________________________________ 3665. REFERRAL OF PERSONS ELIGIBLE FOR DISABILITY OR BLINDNESS BENEFITS TO OTHER AGENCIES FOR VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION SERVICES (929F) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant Legal Authority: 42 USC 1320b-19 note CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1630; 20 CFR 404.2101 to 404.2109; 20 CFR 404.2111 to 404.2127; 20 CFR 416.101; 20 CFR 416.110; 20 CFR 416.1030; 20 CFR 416.1701; 20 CFR 416.1710; 20 CFR 416.2201 to 416.2209; 20 CFR 416.2211 to 416.2227 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: These final rules remove regulatory provisions relating to the requirement to refer for vocational rehabilitation (VR) services those individuals who become entitled to or eligible for disability or blindness benefits under titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act (the Act). These changes are being made to reflect the repeal of section 222(a) and amendment of section 1615(a) of the Act. Prior to their repeal and amendment, these sections of the Act required the Commissioner of Social Security to refer disabled or blind beneficiaries to a State VR agency for necessary rehabilitation services. The final rules also remove regulatory provisions for referral of disabled or blind beneficiaries to alternate participants for VR services that have become obsolete. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action To Be Determined Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: State Agency Contact: Dan O'Brien, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Employment Support Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-1632 Suzanne DiMarino, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AF80 _______________________________________________________________________ 3666. PRIVACY AND DISCLOSURE OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND INFORMATION; AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION AND RECORDS TO THE PUBLIC (2562P) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 5 USC 552 to 5 USC 552a; 42 USC 1306(a); 42 USC 902(a)(5) CFR Citation: 20 CFR 401 app A(c)(4); 20 CFR 402.45(e) Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We propose to revise our privacy and disclosure rules to: 1. Add a new section to set out detailed procedures to further preserve the anonymity and protect the physical well-being of employees in abusive relationships or who fear for their physical well-being because of threats from others; 2. Conform SSA's Freedom of Information Act regulations in this respect more closely to Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations; and 3. Develop procedures for the protection in the electronic environment of personally identifiable information for at-risk employees. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM 06/06/06 71 FR 32494 NPRM Comment Period End 08/07/06 Final Action To Be Determined Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Edie McCracken, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of the General Counsel, Office of Public Disclosure, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-6117 Rosemarie Greenwald, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-7813 RIN: 0960-AG14 _______________________________________________________________________ 3667. PRIVATE PRINTING OF PRESCRIBED APPLICATIONS, OTHER FORMS, AND PUBLICATIONS (530P) Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant Legal Authority: 42 USC 1320b-10(a)(2)(A) CFR Citation: 20 CFR 422.527 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: The current regulation at 20 CFR 422.527 requires persons to obtain approval from the Social Security Administration (SSA) prior to reproducing, duplicating, or privately printing any application or other form prescribed by the Administration. Such approval is required whether or not the person intends to charge a fee. Section 1140(a)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (the Act) (42 U.S.C. 1320b- 10(a)(2)(A)) prohibits persons from charging a fee to reproduce, reprint, or distribute any SSA application, form, or publication unless authorized by the Commissioner of Social Security in accordance with such regulations as she may prescribe. This proposed rule would amend the current regulation to require SSA pre-approval to reproduce SSA's forms, applications, and publications only if the person intends to charge a fee and prescribe the procedures for obtaining such approval. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ NPRM To Be Determined Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: Undetermined Government Levels Affected: Undetermined [[Page 74110]] Agency Contact: Renee Williams, Social Security Administration, Forms Management Team, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 965-4163 Suzanne DiMarino, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AG36 _______________________________________________________________________ Social Security Administration (SSA) Completed Actions _______________________________________________________________________ 3668. FEDERAL SALARY OFFSET (WITHHOLDING A PORTION OF A FEDERAL EMPLOYEE'S SALARY TO COLLECT A DELINQUENT DEBT OWED TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION) (721F) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 422 Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 07/05/06 71 FR 38066 Final Action Effective 08/04/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: Federal Agency Contact: Edward Johns Phone: 410 965-0392 Suzanne DiMarino Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AE89 _______________________________________________________________________ 3669. EXEMPTION OF WORK ACTIVITY AS A BASIS FOR A CONTINUING DISABILITY REVIEW (TICKET TO WORK AND WORK INCENTIVES IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1999) (725F) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.903; 20 CFR 404.1574; 20 CFR 404.1575; 20 CFR 404.1590; 20 CFR 404.1592a; 20 CFR 404.1594; 20 CFR 416.974; 20 CFR 416.990; 20 CFR 416.994; 20 CFR 416.1403 Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 11/17/06 71 FR 66840 Final Action Effective 12/18/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Kristine Erwin-Tribbitt Phone: 410 965-3353 Suzanne DiMarino Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AE93 _______________________________________________________________________ 3670. REVISED MEDICAL CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING VISUAL DISORDERS (805F) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1500, app 1 Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 11/20/06 71 FR 67037 Final Action Effective 02/20/07 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Michelle Hungerman Phone: 410 965-2289 Rosemarie Greenwald Phone: 410 966-7813 RIN: 0960-AF34 _______________________________________________________________________ 3671. RULES FOR HELPING BLIND AND DISABLED INDIVIDUALS ACHIEVE SELF- SUPPORT (506F) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 416.1180 to 416.1181; 20 CFR 416.1226; 20 CFR 416.1275 Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 05/16/06 71 FR 28262 Final Action Effective 06/15/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Mary Hoover Phone: 410 965-5651 Fran O. Thomas Phone: 410 966-9822 Related RIN: Previously reported as 0960-AE17 RIN: 0960-AG00 _______________________________________________________________________ 3672. CIVIL MONETARY PENALTIES, ASSESSMENTS, AND RECOMMENDED EXCLUSIONS (2362F) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 498.100 to 498.104; 20 CFR 498.106; 20 CFR 498.109; 20 CFR 498.114; 20 CFR 498.128 Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 05/17/06 71 FR 28574 Final Action Effective 06/16/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: Businesses Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Kathy Buller Phone: 410 965-2827 Fran O. Thomas Phone: 410 966-9822 RIN: 0960-AG08 _______________________________________________________________________ 3673. REPRESENTATIVE PAYMENT; POLICIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE FOR IMPOSING PENALTIES FOR FALSE OR MISLEADING STATEMENTS OR WITHHOLDING OF INFORMATION (2422F) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.459; 20 CFR 404.2022; 20 CFR 404.2035; 20 CFR 404.2040a; 20 CFR 404.2041; 20 CFR 404.2065; 20 CFR 408.665; 20 CFR 416.622; 20 CFR 416.635; 20 CFR 416.640a; 20 CFR 416.641; 20 CFR 416.665; 20 CFR 416.1340 [[Page 74111]] Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 10/18/06 71 FR 61403 Final Action Effective 11/17/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: Organizations Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Betsy Byrd Phone: 410 965-7981 Lois A. Berg Phone: 410 965-1713 RIN: 0960-AG09 _______________________________________________________________________ 3674. ISSUANCE OF WORK REPORT RECEIPTS, PAYMENT OF TWP MONTHS AFTER A FRAUD CONVICTION, CHANGES TO THE SEIE, & EXPANSION OF THE REENTITLEMENT PERIOD FOR CHILDHOOD DIB BENEFITS (2502F) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.351; 20 CFR 404.401a; 20 CFR 404.471; 20 CFR 404.903; 20 CFR 404.1588; 20 CFR 404.1592; 20 CFR 416.708(c); 20 CFR 416.1112(c)(3); 20 CFR 416.1403; 20 CFR 416.1861 Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 11/17/06 71 FR 66860 Final Action Effective 12/18/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Cindy Duzan Phone: 410 965-4203 Suzanne DiMarino Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AG10 _______________________________________________________________________ 3675. MEDICARE PART B INCOME-RELATED MONTHLY ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT (2101F) Priority: Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801. CFR Citation: 20 CFR 418.1001 (New); 20 CFR 418.1005 (New); 20 CFR 418.1010 (New); 20 CFR 418.1101 (New); 20 CFR 418.1105 (New); 20 CFR 418.1110 (New); 20 CFR 418.1115 (New); 20 CFR 418.1120 (New); 20 CFR 418.1125 (New); 20 CFR 418.1130 (New); 20 CFR 418.1135 (New); 20 CFR 418.1140 (New); 20 CFR 418.1145 (New); 20 CFR 418.1150 (New); 20 CFR 418.1201 (New); 20 CFR 418.1205 (New); 20 CFR 418.1210 (New); 20 CFR 418.1215 (New); 20 CFR 418.1220 (New); 20 CFR 418.1225 (New); 20 CFR 418.1230 (New); 20 CFR 418.1235 (New); 20 CFR 418.1240 (New); 20 CFR 418.1245 (New); 20 CFR 418.1250 (New); 20 CFR 418.1255 (New); 20 CFR 418.1260 (New); 20 CFR 418.1265 (New); 20 CFR 418.1270 (New); 20 CFR 418.1301 (New); 20 CFR 418.1305 (New); 20 CFR 418.1310 (New); 20 CFR 418.1315 (New); 20 CFR 418.1320 (New); 20 CFR 418.1325 (New); 20 CFR 418.1330 (New); 20 CFR 418.1335 (New); 20 CFR 418.1340 (New); 20 CFR 418.1345 (New); 20 CFR 418.1350 (New); 20 CFR 418.1355 (New) Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 10/27/06 71 FR 62923 Final Action Effective 12/26/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Craig Streett Phone: 410 965-9793 Lois A. Berg Phone: 410 965-1713 RIN: 0960-AG11 _______________________________________________________________________ 3676. NONPAYMENT OF BENEFITS TO FUGITIVE FELONS AND PROBATION OR PAROLE VIOLATORS (2222F) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.471(new); 20 CFR 404.401; 20 CFR 416.202; 20 CFR 416.1339 Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Withdrawn 08/10/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Gareth N. Dence Phone: 410 965-9872 Richard M. Bresnick Phone: 410 965-1758 RIN: 0960-AG12 _______________________________________________________________________ 3677. CHANGES TO THE INCOME AND RESOURCES PROVISIONS FOR SSI BASED ON SECTIONS 430, 435, AND 436 OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY PROTECTION ACT (SSPA) OF 2004 (2482F) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 416.1111 to 416.1112; 20 CFR 416.1123 to 416.1124; 20 CFR 416.1161; 20 CFR 416.1210; 20 CFR 416.1250 (New) Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 08/09/06 71 FR 45375 Final Action Effective 09/08/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Barbara E. Snyder Phone: 410 965-5655 Lois A. Berg Phone: 410 965-1713 RIN: 0960-AG13 _______________________________________________________________________ 3678. CONTINUING DISABILITY REVIEW FAILURE TO COOPERATE PROCESS (2763F) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1587; 20 CFR 404.1596; 20 CFR 416.992 Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 10/17/06 71 FR 60819 Final Action Effective 12/18/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Don Harvey Phone: 410 597-1026 Rosemarie Greenwald Phone: 410 966-7813 RIN: 0960-AG19 _______________________________________________________________________ 3679. LIMITING REPLACEMENT OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER CARDS (965F) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 422.103 to 422.110 [[Page 74112]] Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 07/31/06 71 FR 43054 Final Action Effective 12/16/05 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Kim Baldwin-Sparks Phone: 410 966-3224 Suzanne DiMarino Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AG25 _______________________________________________________________________ 3680. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW PROCESS FOR ADJUDICATING INITIAL DISABILITY CLAIMS (3203F) Priority: Economically Significant. Major under 5 USC 801. CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.903; 20 CFR 404.1502; 20 CFR 404.1503; 20 CFR 404.1512; . . . Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 03/31/06 71 FR 16424 Correction 04/10/06 71 FR 17990 Final Action Effective 08/01/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Mary Chatel Phone: 202 358-6094 Richard M. Bresnick Phone: 410 965-1758 RIN: 0960-AG31 _______________________________________________________________________ 3681. FILING OF APPLICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR WIDOW'S AND WIDOWER'S BENEFITS (3223F) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.630 Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 04/27/06 71 FR 24812 Final Action Effective 04/27/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Lola Doyle Phone: 410 965-5899 Mary Jane Neubauer Phone: 410 966-7303 Peter White Phone: 410 594-2041 Rosemarie Greenwald Phone: 410 966-7813 RIN: 0960-AG32 _______________________________________________________________________ 3682. SIXTY-MONTH PERIOD OF EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENT FOR APPLICATION OF GOVERNMENT PENSION OFFSET EXEMPTION (3022P) Priority: Other Significant CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.408a Completed: ________________________________________________________________________ Reason Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Withdrawn 08/10/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Gareth N. Dence Phone: 410 965-9872 Richard M. Bresnick Phone: 410 965-1758 RIN: 0960-AG33 _______________________________________________________________________ 3683. [bull] EXTENSION OF THE EXPIRATION DATE FOR THE DIGESTIVE LISTINGS (3324F) Priority: Other Significant Legal Authority: 42 USC 402; 42 USC 405(a) to 405(b); 42 USC 405(d) to 405(h); 42 USC 416(i); 42 USC 421(a); 42 USC 421(i); 42 USC 422(c); 42 USC 423; 42 USC 425; 42 USC 902(a)(5) CFR Citation: 20 CFR 404.1500, app 1 Legal Deadline: None Abstract: We use the Listing of Impairment (the listings) in appendix 1 to subpart P of this part, at the third step of the sequential evaluation process when we evaluate a claim for benefits based on disability under title II and title XVI of the Social Security Act (the Act). This final rule extends until July 2, 2007, the date on which the listings for the digestive system will no longer be effective. Other than extending the date during which the digestive listings will be effective, we have made no revisions to the listings; they remain the same as they now appear in the Code of Federal Regulations. This extension will ensure that we continue to have medical evaluation criteria in the listings to adjudicate disability claims in this body system at the third step of the sequential evaluation process. Timetable: ________________________________________________________________________ Action Date FR Cite ________________________________________________________________________ Final Action 05/05/06 71 FR 26411 Final Action Effective 05/05/06 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No Small Entities Affected: No Government Levels Affected: None Agency Contact: Cathy Lively, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Programs, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 Phone: 410 966-1180 Suzanne DiMarino, Social Insurance Specialist, Social Security Administration, Office of Regulations, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: 410 965-1769 RIN: 0960-AG39 [FR Doc. 06-7690 Filed 12-08-06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4191-02-S