[Federal Register: September 21, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 183)]
[Page 55178-55180]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Sunshine Act Meeting; Notice

September 14, 2006.
    The following notice of meeting is published pursuant to section 
3(a) of the government in the Sunshine Act (Pub. L. No. 94-409), 5 
U.S.C 552b:

Agency Holding Meeting: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Date and Time: September 21, 2006, 10 a.m.

Place: Room 2C, 888 First Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.

Status: Open.

Matters to be Considered: Agenda.

    Note: Items listed on the agenda may be deleted without further 

Contact person for more Information: Magalie R. Salas, Secretary; 
Telephone (202) 502-8400. For a recorded listing item stricken from or 
added to the meeting, call (202) 502-8627.
    This is a list of matters to be considered by the Commission. It 
does not include a listing of all papers relevant to the items on the 
agenda; however, all public documents may be examined in the Public 
Reference Room.

                           908th Meeting--Regular Meeting; September 21, 2006--10 a.m.
         Item No.                     Docket No.                                   Company
                                              Administrative Agenda
A-1......................  AD02-1-000......................  Agency Administrative Matters.
A-2......................  AD02-7-000......................  Customer Matters, Reliability, Security and Market
A-3......................  AD06-3-000......................  Energy Market Update.
E-1......................  ER06-615-000, ER02-1656-027,      California Independent System Operator,
                            ER02-1656-029, ER02-1656-030,     Corporation.

[[Page 55179]]

E-2......................  EC06-129-000....................  Capital Research and Management Company, AMCAP
                                                              Fund, Inc., American Balanced Fund, Inc., American
                                                              High-Income Trust, American Mutual Fund, Inc.,
                                                              Capital Income Builder, Inc., Capital World Bond
                                                              Fund, Inc., Capital World Growth and Income Fund,
                                                              Inc., EuroPacific Growth Fund, Fundamental
                                                              Investors, Inc., New Perspective Fund, Inc., New
                                                              World Fund, Inc., SMALLCAP World Fund, Inc., The
                                                              Bond Fund of America, Inc., The Growth Fund of
                                                              America, Inc., The Income Fund of America, Inc.,
                                                              The Investment Company of America, The New Economy
                                                              Fund, Washington Mutual Investors Fund, Inc.,
                                                              American Funds Insurance Series Endowments,
                                                              Capital International Global Discovery, Capital
                                                              International Global Equity, Capital International
                                                              Funds--European Equity Investors, Capital
                                                              International Funds--U.S. Equity Investors.
E-3......................  EC06-123-000....................  ITC Holdings Corp., International Transmission
                                                              Company, Michigan Transco Holdings, Limited
                                                              Partnership, Michigan Electric Transmission
                                                              Company, LLC., Trans-Elect NTD Path 15, LLC.
E-4......................  ER06-18-000, ER08-18-001, ER06-   Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator,
                            18-002, ER06-18-003.              Inc.
E-5......................  ER03-765-001....................  Calpine Oneta Power, L.P.
E-6......................  ER04-961-006, ER04-961-007......  Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator,
E-7......................  ER06-451-001....................  Southwest Power Pool, Inc.
E-8......................  ER91-569-032, ER91-569-033, ER91- Entergy Services, Inc.
                            569-034, ER91-569-035, ER01-666-
                            007, ER01-666-008, ER01-1675-
                            005, ER01-1675-006, ER01-1804-
                            006, ER01-1804-007, ER02-862-
                            007, ER02-862-008, EL04-123-
                            000, EL04-123-006, EL05-105-
                            000, EL05-105-004.
E-9......................  Omitted.........................
E-10.....................  ER05-1065-001...................  Entergy Services, Inc.
E-11.....................  TX06-1-000......................  Louisiana Energy and Power Authority.
E-12.....................  ER03-583-000, ER03-583-001, ER03- Entergy Services, Inc. and EWO Marketing, L.P.
                            583-002, ER03-583-004.
                           ER03-681-000, ER03-681-001, ER03- Entergy Services, Inc. and Entergy Power, Inc.
                           ER03-682-000, ER03-682-001, ER03- Entergy Services, Inc. and Entergy Power, Inc.
                            682-002, ER03-682-004.
                           ER03-744-000, ER03-744-001, ER03- Entergy Services, Inc. and Entergy Louisiana, Inc.
E-13.....................  EC06-140-000, EL06-86-000.......  Edison Electric Institute on Behalf of the
                                                              Jurisdictional Signatories to the Spare
                                                              Transformer Sharing Agreement.
E-14.....................  ER06-1112-000...................  Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator,
E-15.....................  ER04-157-004....................  Bangor Hydro-Electric Company, Central Maine Power
                                                              Company, NSTAR Electric & Gas Corporation, New
                                                              England Power Company, Northeast Utilities Service
                                                              Company, The United Illuminating Company and
                                                              Vermont Electric Power Company.
                           ER04-714-001....................  Florida Power & Light Company--New England
E-16.....................  EF06-2011-000...................  United States Department of Energy--Bonneville
                                                              Power Administration.
E-17.....................  EC06-133-000....................  Calpine Fox LLC,Fox Energy Company LLC.
E-18.....................  ER06-1094-005...................  Baconton Power LLC.
                           ER06-1094-006...................  SOWEGA Power LLC.
E-19.....................  ER06-1094-008...................  Unitil Companies.
E-20.....................  ER05-6-044, ER05-6-054, ER05-6-   Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator,
                            055.                              Inc.
                           EL04-135-046, EL04-135-056, EL04- Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator,
                            135-057.                          Inc. and PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
                           EL02-111-064 , EL02-111-074 ,     Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator,
                            EL02-111-075.                     Inc. and PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.
                           EL03-212-060 , EL03-212-070,      Ameren Services Company.
E-21.....................  ER02-1656-024...................  California Independent System Operator Corporation.
E-22.....................  ER02-136-007 , ER02-136-008.....  Allegheny Power.
E-23.....................  ER01-2214-007...................  Entergy Services, Inc.
E-24.....................  PH06-48-000.....................  Legg Mason, Inc.
E-25.....................  Omitted.........................
E-26.....................  Omitted.........................
E-27.....................  OA06-5-000......................  Alcoa Power Generating, Inc. (Long Sault Division).
E-28.....................  EL05-50-002.....................  Jersey Central Power & Light Company v. Atlantic
                                                              City Electric Company, Delmarva Power & Light
                                                              Company, PECO Energy Company and Public Service
                                                              Electric and Gas Company.
E-29.....................  RM05-5-002......................  Standards for Business Practices and Communication
                                                              Protocols for Public Utilities.
E-30.....................  EL05-52-001.....................  Entergy Services, Inc.
E-31.....................  Omitted.........................
E-32.....................  Omitted.........................

[[Page 55180]]

E-33.....................  ER05-1065-002...................  Entergy Services, Inc.
M-1......................  RM06-23-000.....................  Critical Energy Infrastructure Information.
M-2......................  RM06-24-000.....................  Critical Energy Infrastructure Information.
G-1......................  RP01-503-004 ,RP01-503-002,RP01-  Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America.
G-2......................  RP06-391-000....................  USGen New England, Inc.
G-3......................  Omitted.........................
H-1......................  PL06-5-000......................  Settlements in Hydroelectric Licensing Proceedings
                                                              under Part I of the Federal Power Act.
C-1......................  CP06-64-000 ,CP06-64-001........  Central New York Oil & Gas Company, LLC.
C-2......................  CP06-354-000....................  Rockies Express Pipeline LLC.
C-3......................  Omitted.........................
C-4......................  CP05-361-000....................  Freeport LNG Development, L.P.

Magalie R. Salas,
    A free Webcast of this event is available through http://www.ferc.gov.
 Anyone with Internet access who desires to view this 

event can do so by navigating to http://www.ferc.gov's Calendar of Events 

and locating this event in the Calendar. The event will contain a 
link to its Webcast. The Capitol Connection provides technical 
support for the free Webcasts. It also offers access to this event 
via television in the DC area and via phone bridge for a fee. If you 
have any questions, visit http://www.CapitolConnection.org or 

contact Danelle Perkowski or David Reininger at 703-993-3100.
    Immediately following the conclusion of the Commission Meeting, 
a press briefing will be held in the Commission Meeting Room. 
Members of the public may view this briefing in the designated 
overflow room. This statement is intended to notify the public that 
the press briefings that follow Commission meetings may now be 
viewed remotely at Commission headquarters, but will not be telecast 
through the Capitol Connection service.

[FR Doc. 06-8061 Filed 9-19-06; 12:20 pm]