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Programs & Initiatives

From INCIID the Heart --- the first National IVF Scholarship program

In this section:

Success Stories from the Heart

IVF Scholarships from INCIID
The first national IVF scholarship program treating those with financial and medical need but who do not have insurance to cover the procedure.

Professional Membership Information and TOS
Find ways to support INCIID with corporate, professional and consumers memberships.

Memorial Gardens: Introduction
A place to find peace and create a memorial to those who have been taken from us too soon and/or moved on before us

Heart Scholarship Fund Raising Requirement
An outline of the fund raising requirement for finalists selected for free IVF.

Update From INCIID the Heart - The first and only national IVF scholarship program.
October 31, INCIID celebrates the one year anniversary birthday of the first Heart baby's entry into the world.

Ways to Support INCIID
Ways you can support the INCIID mission

From INCIID the Heart: Video of the first baby born through our IVF scholarship program
On Monday October 31, 2005, the first "From INCIID the Heart" baby was born to the first couple to get pregnant from this scholarship. This video clip is dedicated to all who struggle with infertility and pregnancy loss. Warning: this is both video and audio. You'll Windows Media Player and a box of tissues to view it.

Apply for the Heart Program
More information on application to From INCIID the Heart --- an IVF scholarship program.

Cheryl and Brandon: Stories from the Heart
Heartbreak is not stranger for Brandon and Cheryl. "We had always dreamed of IVF but knew it was completely out of our reach." Today Cheryl and Brandon are expecting a "Heart Baby".

First National IVF Scholarship Program -
INCIID has launched the first national program for IVF scholarships. It has collected more than $1.3 million in donated services for those with both medical and financial need but without insurance to cover the procedure.

Guidelines and Terms of Service for Use
Terms of service and guidelines for use of the INCIID website, services, programs etc.

Heather Bruce Thiermann Online Angel Award

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