Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare  
H1 N1 (Swine Flu) Information

Idaho H1N1 Information

Swine Flu Info U.S. InfoThings You Can DoPlan & PrepareInternational

One confirmed case of H1N1 infection has been reported in Idaho, along with another probable report. State and local public health officials are aggressively working with medical provider and Public Health District to identify any reports of influenza-like illnesses that may be related to H1N1. There is not a vaccine available for H1N1, but people can help stay healthy by following the prevention tips outlined below.


Idaho H1N1 Reports
A Madison County man in his 30s received a probable test result for H1N1 infection on Friday, May 8, with a lab sample sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for confirmation. The man was not hospitalized and is recovering.  Idaho now has three probable reports of H1N1 infection, and one confirmed case. On Sunday, May 4,  the CDC confirmed a probable H1N1 infection in a woman from Kootenai County in her 60s who recently traveled to Texas. 
As of Friday, May 8, a total of 266 other Idaho samples tested negative. Case report data will  be posted every afternoon, Monday-Friday. For the current case report please click here.  











H1N1 Flu Symptoms | Staying Healthy | Getting Prepared | Information for Schools | Information for Providers

H1N1 Flu Symptoms

Symptoms are similar to seasonal flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue, with some reports of diarrhea and vomiting.


People cannot contract the infection from eating properly cooked pork.


Staying Healthy

Follow these flu prevention tips:


     1. Wash your hands after being out in the public,

         or after coughing or sneezing.

     2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth;

     3. Cover your cough or sneeze, or cough into your elbow;

     4. If you are sick, stay home from work or school.
         Protect your co-workers and friends.
         Please don’t travel when you are sick; and

     5. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.



Investigation of the H1N1 outbreak is in the early stages, with health officials still learning about the severity of illness it may cause and its capacity to spread from person-to-person. As a precautionary measure, the CDC will soon begin shipping large quantities of medications and supplies to states in case the outbreak becomes more serious.


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Getting Prepared

If the virus does become easily transmissible between people and cause serious illness, you may be asked to stay home to reduce the spread of infection. Prepare now for any potential emergency by storing a two-week supply of food and water, along with other emergency supplies.


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Information for Schools

The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare has also created an email address where school personnel can submit questions to be placed on an Idaho Frequently Asked Questions for Schools document that will be posted on the State Department of Education's web site. Submit questions to: Please use the words "School Questions" in the subject line.

Local public health districts are also monitoring and responding to swine flu in Idaho. If you are concerned or have questions about swine flu in your area, contact your local health department. Click here for a listing of the seven local health districts in Idaho.

The State Department of Education will update schools with any new information as it becomes available. Please also be sure to check back at for continuous updates. If you have any questions about school closures, please contact your local health district.

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Information for Providers
Guidance for providers is rapidly changing. For the most current guidance from CDC please go to the CDC H1N1 influenza page. For the current guidance from the Idaho Dept of Health & Welfare consult either the Idaho Health Alert Network website or click on the links below.

Testing and Treatment Guidelines
Surveillance and Infection Control Guidelines and Reporting Requirements

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