[Federal Register: September 9, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 174)] [Notices] [Page 48994-48995] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr09se99-30] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers Intent To Prepare Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), Centralia-Chehalis Flood Damage Reduction Study, Lewis County Washington AGENCY: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD. ACTION: Notice of intent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is proposing to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Centralia- Chehalis Flood Damage Reduction Study. The government of Lewis County (Washington) requested this study because of significant flooding on the Chehalis River and its tributaries. An EIS is being prepared because of the potential for impacts on environmental resources, including the human environment. Potential impacts include those to wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat, cultural and historical resources, downstream flooding, and water quality. There is also intense public interest in addressing the flooding problems. DATES: Persons or organizations wishing to submit scoping comments should do so by September 30, 1999. Public comment may also be made at the scoping meetings (dates and locations to be determined later). Notification of scoping meetings times and locations will be sent to all agencies, organizations and individuals on the project mailing list. ADDRESSES: Requests for documents and all comments should be sent to: Kathleen Kunz, NEPA Coordinator, Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box 3755 Seattle, Washington 98124-2255. ATTN: CENWS- PM-PL-ER, telephone (206) 764-3708. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions concerning the proposed action and the Draft EIS can be directed to: Kathleen Kunz, NEPA Coorinator or Forest Brooks, Project Manager, Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box 3755, Seattle, Washington 98124-2255, ATTN: CENWS-PM-PL-ER, telephone (206) 764-3708. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background The Chehalis River basin is located in west central Washington, south of Olympia. The focus of the flood damage reduction study encompasses the cities of Centralia and Chehalis and the urbanizing areas immediately adjacent to the cities. The cities of Centralia and Chehalis have been subject to repeated flooding for many years. This flooding has caused extensive damage to private and public property and periodic closure of critical transportation routes resulting in significant economic losses. Flood closures of the transportation routes have also significantly disrupted emergency response actions by local governments. Stream habitat functions of the Chehalis River and its tributaries have been affected from long-term development throughout the Chehalis Basin. This has resulted in the diminishment of the remaining habitat resources to adequately support sustainable fish and wildlife resources. The losses of wetlands, riparian areas, and back channels have also contributed to increased flooding in the area. The purpose of the Centralia-Chehalis Flood Damage Reduction study is to reduce flood hazards in the project area, the cities of Centralia and Chehalis and the urbanizing area immediately adjacent, and to incorporate appropriate fish and wildlife habitat improvements. Flood hazards are defined as significant damage to existing structures, high risk to life, and extended closures of transportation corridors. Authority for this study is contained in Section 401(a) of the 1986 Flood Control Act (PL-99-662). This section provided authorization for the construction of ``works of improvement'' substantially in accordance with the Report of the Chief of Engineers dated 20 June 1984. Alternatives The Corps has currently identified 6 alternative courses of action for analysis. This is a preliminary assessment of alternatives. We believe the scoping process and the study process will also identify additional alternatives: 1. No Action. Allow current conditions and programs to remain as currently planned. 2. Authorized Project. The project identified in the 1984 Chief of Engineers Report only included modifications at Skookumchuck Dam to provide flood storage. These included a 12-foot diameter, 1,200-foot- long low-level discharge tunnel and a steel gate on top of the spillway. 3. Lewis County Alternative. Lewis County has developed a plan that consists of three major elements: modifications at Skookumchuck Dam to provide flood storage (sluices through the spillway and a rubber weir- type gate on top of the spillway), overbank excavation near Centralia, and flood bypass measures near Chehalis. 4. Check Dam Alternative. This alternative that would consist of a series of flow restriction structures, strategically located on the mainstream and/or tributaries of the Chehalis River. These would temporarily store flood water on selected areas of the existing rural/ agricultural floodplain and reduce flood peaks downstream. This alternative would not interfere with fish [[Page 48995]] passage during non-flood flows. Some possible sites include Chehalis River near Mellen Street, Salzer Creek, Chehalis River downstream of the South Fork, the lower South Fork, and Chehalis River upstream of the South Fork. 5. Levee Alternative. This alternative consists of a levee system to protect Bucoda, Centralia, Chehalis, and the immediate urbanized area. 6. Non-Structural Alternative Measures. This alternative would include such measures as such as flood warning system improvements, structure relocation, structure floodproofing, structure raising, bridge/road/railroad modifications, etc. Scoping Public involvement will be sought during scoping and preparation of the EIS in accordance with NEPA procedures. A public scoping process has been started to clarify issues of major concern, identify any information sources that might be available to analyze and evaluate impacts, and obtain public input on the range and acceptability of alternatives. This Notice of Intent formally commences the scoping process under NEPA. As part of the scoping process, all affected Federal, State and local agencies, Native American Nations, and other interested private organizations, including environmental groups, are invited to comment on the scope of the EIS. Comments are requested concerning project alternatives, probable significant environmental impacts, and permits or other approvals that may be required. The Corps has identified the following key areas so far to be analyzed in depth in the draft EIS: (1) Flooding Characteristics (2) Impacts to Fish and Wildlife Habitat (3) Impacts to Wetlands (4) Impacts to Riparian Areas (5) Impacts to Cultural and Historical Resources (6) Social and Economic Concerns (7) Transportation (8) Hazardous Materials Scoping Meeting Opportunity to comment will also be available at the project scoping meeting that has yet to be scheduled. Details of the meeting time and location will be announced in the local media. Notices will be sent to all agencies, organizations and individuals on the EIS mailing list. Availability of the Draft EIS The Corps expects to complete preparation of the draft EIS and have review copies of it available by December 2000. James M. Rigsby, Colonel, Corps of Engineers, District Engineer. [FR Doc. 99-23354 Filed 9-8-99; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3701-ER-M