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 Water Efficiency Market Enhancement Program


By fostering public/private partnerships, this program promotes the use of more water-efficient products and practices in businesses and homes across the country. This has the potential to save billions of dollars in infrastructure costs, save consumers billions of dollars in water and energy costs, and help protect aquatic ecosystems. EPA is examining options for program design, including information dissemination and a product certification and labeling program. Extensive stakeholder input has been solicited and a preliminary assessment of 41 products has been completed. A more detailed analysis of 14 products is underway.

Stages on R&D Continuum: Verification, Diffusion and Utilization

EPA Goal: Water

Type of Support Provided: None identified

Funding: Programs with $1 million to $10 million per year

Responsible EPA Office: Office of Water

See Also

Water-Efficient Products Market Enhancement Program


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