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Demjanjuk ordered to surrender for deportation

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John Demjanjuk, whom German authorities suspect of being a Nazi war criminal, has been ordered to surrender to U.S. Immigration agents so he can be deported to Germany, his son says.

The 89-year-old retired autoworker was served notice today at his home in Seven Hills, Ohio, a Cleveland suburb. The order came a day after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to block his deportation.

His son did not say how his father would respond, according to The Associated Press, which doesn't say when Demjanjuk must surrender in Cleveland. The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported earlier that his lawyer said he would no longer fight deportation.

German authorities have issued an arrest warrant charging him with 29,000 counts of accessory to murder at a death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II. Demjanjuk's lawyers are challenging the warrant and appealing a German court ruling that deferred to the U.S. legal system.

On April 14 federal agents carried Demjanjuk, who was in a wheelchair, from his home. But an appeals courts blocked the deportation order later that day and Demjanjuk returned home to appeal further.

(Vera Demjanjuk opens the door for immigration agents serving a surrender order for her husband. Photo by Tony Dejak, AP.)

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