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Thirteenth GSA Achievement Award for Real Property Innovation


Entry Form

All submissions must be received between April 1 and July 1, 2009.

NOTE: For ease in completing the online entry form, it is recommended that you draft your entry for the Summary and Narrative Sections in MicroSoft Word and use cut and paste features to transfer the information. The online entry form does not have Save or Forward features. You will be able to print a copy of your submittal after you select the Submit option (the copy will be in free form text).

Asset Management

3. Contact Information: The person listed below has active responsibility for the development and/or implementation of this nomination. All correspondence related to this entry will be directed to this individual.

4. Authorizing Official's Certification and Signature: Agency official sponsoring the nomination (at a minimum, must be one level higher than team members - see submission requirements).

5. Team Members: If this is a team submission, in addition to the person identified in item 3 above, please list the other team members responsible for the project.  These individuals will share in the monetary award.  If additional space is required, please forward that information to





If the form does not work, please send a normal email message with your comments to or contact Patrice Walker at (202) 208-7639.

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